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 Politics: Hanoi welcomes Geneva City Mayor 

Deputy PM Nguyen Tan Dzung (R) welcomes Geneva Mayor, Christian Ferrazino

The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement in Switzerland next April will be a good opportunity for Vietnam to consolidate its friendship and cooperation with Switzerland and other countries worldwide.

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dzung said at a meeting on Wednesday with Geneva Mayor, Christian Ferrazino, who is on a working visit to Vietnam.

The Vietnamese leader highly valued the mayor's visit, saying that a week-long festival on Hanoi's economy and culture scheduled in Geneva this May will be a practical activity to enhance the friendship and cooperation between Hanoi and Geneva in particular and between Vietnam and Switzerland in general.

For his part, Mr. Ferrazino believed that the festival will also an opportunity for the Swiss people to better understand Vietnam and for Swiss businesses to penetrate Vietnam's investment market. 

Politics: Hanoi, Geneva strengthen urban development co-operation

Geneva and Hanoi can learn from each other and share their experiences, said Christian Ferrazino, Mayor of Geneva, during his visit to Hanoi from Feb. 16 to 21.

Talking to Hanoi Moi (New Hanoi) daily, he said the two cities would intensify co-operation in the areas of urban management, urban transport, infrastructure development and environmental protection - the major issues of concern to Hanoi.

He said a Week of Hanoi's Economy and Culture to be held in Geneva in May this year would be a chance for Vietnam's capital city to introduce its cultural values and economic potential to the Swiss people.

The week will also be an opportunity to deepen the Swiss people's feeling towards and understanding of Vietnam and Hanoi. Geneva plans to fund 50,000 Swiss francs for the event and is proposing that the Swiss Government add 20,000 francs to it. Ferrazino said, returning from Hanoi, he and his colleagues will promote the event in Geneva.

During his talks with Hanoi leaders, the mayor highlighted the 50th anniversary of the Geneva Accords (1954-2004) to be marked in Geneva in April this year. He said among the guests, there would be leaders from Hanoi.

The meeting between leaders of the two cities will strengthen bilateral understanding and bring closer the peoples and administrations of the two cities, which will be marked as a good start to the long-term co-operative ties between them, he said. It will present an opportunity to recall the heroic history of Vietnam and hope for the bright outlook of the country.

Christian Ferrazino extolled Hanoi as a city with a rich cultural and artistic tradition, and a tourist attraction with its own characteristics and charm. He said he would encourage Geneva citizens to visit Hanoi. 

Foreign consortium wins bids for gas-fuelled power plant  

A contract for building a 450 MW gas-fuelled plant in southern Ba Ria-Vung Tau province was inked in Hanoi on Friday.

Signatories were the Electricity of Vietnam, and an international consortium including Alstom Corp. of Switzerland, the Marubeni Corp. of Japan, and the Vietnam Construction and Machinery Installation Corporation (LILAMA).

Construction of Phu My Thermo-power Plant 4, designed to have three 150-MW turbine groups, will start this month in order to transmit power to the national grid in 2004.

The plant will help generate electricity for industrial zones in Ba Ria-Vung Tau and Dong Nai provinces and Ho Chi Minh City.

50 years of DIEN BIEN PHU Victory 
Int’l historians and scholars recall Geneva agreement 

Historians and scholars from France, Vietnam, China and Switzerland and representatives from international organisations gathered at an international conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva agreement.

Participants discussed the significance of the Geneva agreement to ending Vietnam’s war with the French and restoring peace in Indochina. They also discussed cooperation between northern and southern countries, particularly bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Switzerland.

Addressing the conference, Vietnam’s Minister of Culture and Information, Pham Quang Nghi highlighted the significance of the Dien Bien Phu victory and the Geneva agreement in ending colonialism in Indochina and the world. Nghi thanked foreign countries and friends for their assistance to Vietnam in the country’s past struggles for national independence, freedom and unification. 

VOVNews info: VOVNews hosts an online exchange with Geneva Accords witnesses 

To mark the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Accords (July 20), VOVNews held an online exchange with two historic witnesses, Ha Van Lau and Le Danh, in Hanoi on Thursday.

Mr Lau was Deputy Head of the Tactical Department of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army Command, and Mr Danh a military expert in enemy agitation.

During the online exchange, Internet readers came to know the historical developments 50 years ago that occurred at the negotiating table. Moments of happiness and unforgettable memories could be seen through the eyes of the two historic witnesses.

Of special note was the fact that most of questions raised prior, during and after the exchange hailed from the youths across the nation, demonstrating their great interest in the country’s historic events.

Answering the question from reader Hoang Cong Tuong in Washington DC, on their feelings when participating in the exchange, the two witnesses said they were glad to join the exchange and share their memories with readers. As witnesses of the historic event 50 years ago, they said the Geneva Conference was a landmark victory for Vietnam, bringing peace to the country after nine years of struggle. The agreement internationally recognized France’s failure, and put an end to its domination of Vietnam as well as Indochina.

The two witnesses also said that taking part in the online exchange about the Geneva Accords with VOVNews readers helped them relive historic moments that brought peace to Vietnam.

 Culture: Ao dai Vietnam leaves for Switzerland 

Fashion designer Ngan An will leave for Switzerland to take part in the festival “Vietnamese days in Switzerland” from May 21-29.

During the 9-day event, she will showcase 7 collections of ao dai (traditional dress of Vietnamese women) and costumes of different ethnic minority groups living in Vietnam.

Her collections include “traditional ao dai”, “Hanoi ao dai”, Hanoi autumn moon”, “From time memorial”, and “With Hue”.  

Economics: Vietnam makes impression at Muba int’l trade fair 

As one of a few honoured guests at the Muba International Fair, the most well-known trade exhibition in Switzerland, Vietnam has been granted free land lease on 3,000 sq.m of ground to build 48 pavillions.

Of the 1,024 participating businesses, 35 are from Vietnam, including some now operating in Switzerland.

Vietnamese pavilions highlight fine art articles, garments and textile products, porcelain, tourist services, and especially calligraphy, which has attracted attention from Finance Minister Hans-Rudolf Merz, who is also member of the Federal Council.

In his opening speech, Merz valued Vietnam's economic growth as well as relation between the two countries. Meanwhile, Christop Eymann Governor of Basel State called on people to follow Vietnam's example in overcoming difficulties. The Chairman of the fair, wearing a Vietnamese conical hat, expressed his thanks to Vietnam for arranging a tour of the country through the pavillions. He also called on people to travel to Vietnam to see a beautiful country and hospitable people.

 Economics: Switzerland helps Vietnam develop forestry sector   

Switzerland will grant US$1.3 million through the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)'s Trust Fund for Forests (TFF) to help Vietnam develop the forestry sector

A document to this effect was signed in Hanoi on Wednesday between the MARD and the Swiss Agency for Development Co-operation.

Established in June 2004 by the MARD and 22 international partners, the TFF aims to fund major activities and prioritised projects of the country's forestry sector.

Switzerland, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden have pledged to contribute around US$28 million to the fund in the 2004-07 period. Accordingly, the fund has already received 4 million euros from the Netherlands and will receive US$3.8 million from Sweden in late December 2004.

Moreover, the German Government has provided the MARD with technical assistance through a project on the Reform of the Forestry Administration System (REFAS) to help manage the fund.

Culture:  Hanoi to jive to European Jazz Festival 

The European Commission delegation to Vietnam and French Cultural Centre L’Escape held a press conference in Ho Chi Minh City on Monday to announce the 4th European Jazz Festival, which will be held in Hanoi from November 26 to December 4.

This is the most important jazz event in 2004 in Southeast Asia. It will draw leading jazz artists from six the European Union countries - Austria, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden - and two guests; Vietnam and Switzerland.

Among the Vietnamese artists, there will be music composer Tran Manh Tuan, a band from Ho Chi Minh City, singer Tung Duong and two other jazz artists from Hanoi.

During the festival, jazz bands will have exchanges with students from the Hanoi Conservatoire and Vietnamese jazz artists. 

 Politics: UNDP helps Vietnam’s electoral reform prior to the polls 

The UN Development Programme (UNDP), in coordination with the Governments of Switzerland and Canada, is helping Vietnam to implement new electoral rules in the run up to this weekend’s local elections.

The elections, which are Vietnam’s first ever to be held since its new Law on Election of Deputies to People’s Councils was passed last year aim to give people a greater voice and make local decision-making more accountable.

Observers say the coming elections are the most open in Vietnam’s recent history with a large coverage in local media of self-nomination and nomination of candidates even at the communal level, public dissemination of electoral rules and procedures and declaration of candidates’ assets.

UNDP Resident Representative Jordan Ryan notes that these positive changes are part of a process that ensures openness and transparency, vital ingredients for the strengthening of democracy in Vietnam.

One vivid sign of openness is the new website at, launched with support from the UNDP, Switzerland and Canada, to provide the public with full information about the elections.

According to the Office of the National Assembly (ONA), the provinces have 6,052 candidates, of which 32.4 percent are women, 21 percent aged under 35 while non-Party members account for 24 percent and ethnic minorities 20.1 percent. 

 Culture: Vietnamese film wins Grand Prize at Amien Film Festival 

"Mua Len Trau", a film about a Vietnamese boy keeping buffaloes out of floods directed by Nguyen Vo Nghiem Minh, has won the Grand Prize at the 2004 Amien Film Festival in France.

Based on Huong Rung Ca Mau (Forest Fragrance in Ca Mau) by renowned Vietnamese author Son Nam, the film was produced by the Ho Chi Minh City-based film company Giai Phong (Liberation) in collaboration with France's 3B Productions and Belgium's NOVAK to portray the lives of farmers who lived in the southernmost province of Ca Mau during the 1930-1940 period and picturesque scenery of rivers, forests, boats and buffaloes.

The film also won a special prize in the Locarno film festival in Switzerland in August, and the excellent new director's prize in the Chicago international film festival in the US two months later. It was also screened at international film festivals in the RoK, Belgium, the Netherlands and Thailand.

Society: Switzerland to offer courses on tourism in Vietnam 

EuroCHRIE is considering the opening of pre-university courses on tourism and hotels of Switzerland in Vietnam, said EuroCHRIE President Herver Fournier during his recent visit to Vietnam.

Under the courses, students are able to complete a one-year program in the country to get certificates from Cesar Ritz University.

Two colleges will be selected to implement the courses HCM City’s Private Foreign Language-Informatics College and Khoi Viet Tourism Training College.

Mr. Fournier hoped to admit new Vietnamese members to the Asia-Pacific Council of Euro CHRIE to get further international support in the fields of restaurants, and hotels.

 Economics: More businesses to export aquatic products 

More seafood processors will be allowed to export in the near future, according to the Vietnam National Fisheries Assurance and Veterinary Association (NAFIQUAVED).

The Association said 30 businesses will export products to the EU market, 50 others to the Republic of Korea (RoK), and other businesses to China, Canada and Switzerland.

Addressing a conference in Hanoi on Wednesday, Vu Van Trieu, Director of the Department for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Fisheries, called on businesses to promote their exports to new markets including the RoK and Switzerland.

Trieu said that the US market made up 33-38 percent of Vietnam's seafood export value in 2003, while the EU market accounted for only seven percent. The fisheries sector should seek ways to increase exports to the EU market in the context that the number of exporters qualified for exporting products to this market is to increase from 100 to 153 this year.

Vietnam currently has 223 enterprises qualified to export to the RoK, 288 to export to China, while 39 more businesses will be allowed to export seafood to Switzerland.

According to the NAFAQUAVED, all 137 large-scaled aquaculture areas in 35 provinces and cities have met requirements on the rate of residue of toxic chemicals in their products and ensured hygiene in mollusc gathering areas

 Lifestyle: A German cook with great passion 

Berhard Butz, chef at the five-star Caravelle Hotel, has worked in many countries, as he wants to have a better life and improve his skills. The 42-year-old German chef, who left China for Vietnam in late March to work for the Caravelle Hotel in HCM City, explains why he wears the hotel’s chef’s cap: "Vietnam is an interesting country, and I come here to learn something more for my career. I selected the Caravelle as people here are open-minded and flexible".

He smiles affectionately and says, "I have a feeling like a fever to move to a new country to work. In a new working environment, I’ll learn new things from my colleagues and teach them how to cook Western dishes."

Butz began his career as a teenager. "My grandfather was a baker, and I started my cooking career as an apprentice in pastry in 1977 at the age of 15 in my hometown, but did not know then that my occupation would lead me around the world".

Butz has worked in or visited France, Switzerland, China, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar since 1987, 10 years after he first entered the culinary field. His pastry apprenticeship wrapped up in 1980, and he worked as a patissier in Germany from 1980 to 1984.

"Then I applied to work without salary for Patisserie Kettemann in Mannheim in Germany to improve my skills, and the bakery’s chef gave me a demi pastry chef position as my ability and self-motivation impressed him". Butz worked for the bakery until 1986 and praised his examinations for the Master Craftsman’s Diploma that year.

With the diploma and accumulated experience, he moved to Paris in 1987, becoming a demi pastry chef at Patisserie Le Stubli. "Then, I took over a pastry chef’s cap at Hotel Zur Pfalz in Schwegenheim, Germany, in 1988. Four years passed then a big change came for me as I was recruited to work on cruise liners Queen Elizabeth II and Vistafjord".

"This was a big upward step for me. Each liner has about 300 cooks in the kitchen, and this was a very good environment to work in. I worked as a pastry chef on cruise ships for two years, travelling around the world, with many stops in New York, Miami, Mexico and other interesting places".

Butz disembarked in 1995, becoming the pastry chef of a hotel in Switzerland, and then the pastry chef of Hotel Inter-Continental Berlin in early 1996.

Working in Berlin, he drew more attention from his friends. "Hilton Hotel in Beijing offered me a working vacation, and I went there in March 1997 with no idea of the Chinese language or Chinese food". After working for the hotel in Beijing until April 1998, he moved to Hotel Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit in Bangkok, and stayed there till May 2000. Leaving Bangkok for the Republic of Korea, Butz worked as the executive pastry chef for the JW Marriott Hotel in Seoul until early 2003. "Another Marriott unit called me, and I returned to Beijing, holding the executive chef position for Marriott Hotel West, where I set up new standards for a la carte menus. In July 2003, I moved to Shanghai and worked as the executive chef of Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel and the opening chef for the new flagship of the hotel chain. And now, I’ve brought all my passion for cooking and all my experience to the Caravelle in HCM City.

Butz says he goes to markets in the city with his staff to check out local food and ingredients. "As a chef, I spend almost the whole day preparing food for my diners. I am happy to see smiles on their faces while they are enjoying my dishes, and this feeling motivates me to create new dishes".

Saigon Times

 Culture: Vietnamese films to be screened in Europe 

Vietnamese directors will attend in the 57th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland in August.

Nine directors will present 11 feature films and one documentary. They include Le Hoang (Golden Key and Bar Girls); Dang Nhat Minh (Guava Season: Hanoi’s Winter of 1946 and Nostalgia of the Countryside); Do Minh Tuan (King of Debris); Thanh Van (Sand life); Nhue Giang (Deserted Valley); Viet Linh (Dormitory); Luu Trong Ninh (Widow Wharf); Bui Dinh Hac (Hanoi: 12 Days and Nights) and Le Manh Thich (Return to Ngu Thuy).

 Economics: Switzerland helps ethnic people develop agro-forestry techniques 

A non-governmental organisation from Switzerland, Helvetas, has coordinated with the agriculture and rural development sector of the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak in implementing a project to improve techniques used for agriculture and forestry by ethnic minority people in eight communes in the 2003-06 period.

The project was launched in Dak Tich and Quang Tan communes in Dak R'Lap district with an investment capital of more than VND1.8 billion per year.

Beneficiaries have been provided with new techniques for agro-forestry encouragement, agricultural services and guidance about using investment capital sources to breed animals and grow crops while protecting forests. Local authorities' role in forest management and development has been further enhanced.

Under he project, ethnic minority people's awareness of forest protection for natural sustainable development has been raised and their material and spiritual life has also been improved.

 Economics: Intellectual property rights development 
necessary for integration: Deputy PM 

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan has called on relevant sectors to make further contributions to the implementation of intellectual property (IP) regulations to pave the way for integration into the international economy.

"We have offered IP protection for many years, but it is necessary to review what we have done and what we should change in the future", Mr Khoan said. "Comprehensive IP rights are essential for Vietnam to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO)."

The Deputy PM made his statement at the national conference on IP enforcement in Hanoi on Wednesday.

Some of the foreign ambassadors and 500 domestic and foreign business representatives who attended the conference offered ideas on the country’s IP protection and suggested that the State enforce strict penalties on IP violations. While IP regulations have been in place in Vietnam since the early 1980s, protection has developed more quickly since 1995, after the promulgation of the Civil Law and Vietnam’s preparations for WTO accession.

The country also joined the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and signed trade agreements with the US and Switzerland, which include IP protection and co-operation measures.

Vietnam plans to ratify the Berne Convention on Copyright in the near future. The country has also told the WTO that it would immediately adopt the agreement on trade related aspects of intellectual property right once it becomes an official member.

Mr Khoan said the Government asked the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Culture and Information to draft a law on IP, which should be approved by the National Assembly next year and put into effect by 2006. He requested that relevant ministries and agencies contribute to the draft law and offer criticisms of any shortcomings.

Mr Khoan also asked the two ministries to seek assistance from foreign countries to iron out the legal system. Presently, all intellectual assets, including copyright, patents, industrial designs, trademarks, geographical indications, undisclosed information and plant varieties are under the State’s IP protection.

According to Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Tran Chien Thang, Vietnam has gained some achievements in IP protection in recent years. However, those gains were still small compared with the country’s goal to protect and boost creative investment, thus generating a healthy competitive environment and integration into the international economy.

"Vietnam has not conducted any general investigations on IP violations", Mr Thang said. "However, it is easy to assess the overall situation by looking at market development and listening to foreign observers. Many countries, including the European Union (EU), the United States (US), Switzerland, Australia and Japan, have noted Vietnam’s progress, but we still need to work on IP protection and enforcement."

He said that the Vietnamese public is largely unaware of IP protection, which is hindering progress. Even most enterprises, including State-owned businesses, are not fully aware of the importance of IP. To control IP violations, it is essential to continue to perfect IP laws, especially IP enforcement, strengthen the capacity of relevant agencies, and develop services and information about IP to improve awareness.

Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Neelakantan Ravi, who attended the meeting, said his country’s objectives are to modernise and integrate its IP infrastructure, and to extend co-operation to other developing countries.

Deputy PM Vu Khoan noted that Vietnam is struggling to industrialise an agricultural country, so IP protection is just one of many obstacles the country faces.

"If we want to develop as strongly as other countries, we need to enforce IP protection to help increase creativity and attract more investment" Mr Khoan noted. "We also need to protect our reputation so the country can enter the WTO. We should start by raising awareness and presenting IP information in schools and universities."

 Society: Overseas Vietnamese scientists pledge to contribute to national development

"We wish to further contribute to the development of Vietnam in general and its physics in particular," said overseas Vietnamese (OV) scientists, who are participating in the on-going seminar on global progress in elementary particle physics and astrophysics – the fifth "Recontres du Vietnam" – in Hanoi.

Prof. Tran Minh Tam, who teaches particle physics at the Swiss Polytechnic University, applauded Vietnam’s policy to facilitate the return of Vietnamese to teach, research, and transfer the world’s advanced technology and techniques. Mr Tam said he will promote multilateral cooperation between French-speaking colleges in Switzerland, the Swiss Polytechnic University and the Hanoi-based Natural Science University, where he is participating in teaching, to bring scholarships for Vietnamese students to study in Switzerland.

Two young professors in the US, Nguyen Trong Hien and Dam Thanh Son, who work for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and teach at the Washington University, expressed their wish to work with domestic scientists.

Prof. Pham Quang Hung, also from the US, said he plans to ask the Virginia University to sign cooperative programmes with Vietnam to exchange scientists and provide training for Vietnamese students majoring in physics.

"Vietnam’s physics is developing fast while its students are quite intelligent and hard-working," he said. 

 Economics: Vietnam expects to conclude negotiations for WTO accession in 2004 

Vietnam expects to conclude bilateral negotiation with its major partners in 2004 in a bid to join the World Trade Organization (WTO), according to Vietnamese Ambassador to Switzerland, Ngo Quang Xuan.
Mr. Xuan said to join the WTO in 2005, it is not necessary for Vietnam to go through all three rounds of negotiation this year. Most important is that the country should conclude negotiations with its major partners.
Meanwhile, Vietnam’s offer to the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland, for the eighth round of negotiations on WTO accession has been sent to the working party for consideration.
A Vietnamese delegation is prepared to go to Geneva for the 8th round of talks on WTO accession in mid-June or by the end of June at the latest.

 Economics: Switzerland assists Vietnam in market access 

The Swiss Government will contribute US$985,000 to Vietnam's project on "Market Access Support through the Strengthening of Capacities Related to Metrology, Testing and Conformity".

An agreement to this effect was signed in Hanoi on Wednesday by Swiss Ambassador to Vietnam Thomas Feller, Vietnam's Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Bui Manh Hai and Resident Representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), Phillipe Scholtes.

The project aims to upgrade the metrology and testing laboratories, particularly textile/garment and fish/food testing) in the country and strengthen capacity of a pool of management system auditors and trainers for ISO 9000, ISO 14,000, HACCP, SA 800 and OHASS 18000. The project will be carried out within the next two years.


Culture: Vietnam becomes special guest of honour at 
2004 Geneva Festival 

Vietnam is the special guest of honour at the 2004 Geneva Festival, which is being held in Switzerland from July 30-Aug. 8. This is an opportunity for Vietnam to introduce itself to the people of Geneva and around two million visitors to the festival.

The Vietnamese delegation led by General Director of the Vietnam Administration of Tourism (VAT) Vo Thi Thang and representatives of the Vietnamese community in Geneva led a six-hour parade of nearly 200,000 people at the festival.

At the inauguration of the Vietnam Village at the festival and a meeting with the Mayor and the Director of the Tourism Agency of Geneva, General Director Thang hoped that Vietnam's participation in the festival would open a new prospect for closer cooperation in tourism between Vietnam and its Swiss partners in the future.

The Geneva authorities and the organiser of the festival praised Vietnam's exciting activities at the festival. Vietnamese art troupes and the Vietnam Wrestling Association in Switzerland and other Vietnamese participants gave impressive performances and introduced special dishes of Vietnamese food to visitors and the local people.

 Politics: The founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam 

After the First World War, the strong development of the people’s patriotic movement called for the leadership of a genuine party of the Vietnamese working class. In face of this situation, after his short stay in the Soviet Union to study the Soviet society and its experience in building the Party, in 1924 Ho Chi Minh moved to Canton (China) to make preparations for founding a Communist Party.

There Ho Chi Minh selected a number of young patriots and opened a Political Cadres Training School with a view to training them into revolutionary cadres and subsequently sending them back home to work in the Vietnamese working class and people.

Early in 1925 Ho Chi Minh prepared a series of lessons to be used as a teaching document at the Political Cadres’ Training School. Early in 1927 that series was published by the Propaganda Board of the Association of the Oppressed Nations in Asia under the title of The Revolutionary Path.

Ho Chi Minh made clear that the direct, immediate task of the Vietnamese revolution was national liberation; at the same time, he also pointed out the future prospects and the long-term objective of the revolution, i.e., socialism.

Ho Chi Minh also pointed out that the Vietnamese revolution was part and parcel of the world revolution, followed the line of the Communist International, and had close relationship with the French revolution and the national liberation movement in other colonial countries.

To lay the groundwork for the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh set up in Canton in June 1925 the Vietnam Thanh Nien Cach Mang Dong Chi Hoi (Vietnam Association of Young Revolutionary Comrades), a predecessor organization of the Party.

From late 1924 to early 1930, Ho Chi Minh was busy with training cadres for the Vietnamese revolution, speeding up the preparation for the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

In April 1927, after the meeting staged by Chiang Kai-shek troops in Canton, Ho Chi Minh left Hong Kong then Shanghai, and after a while he left China for the Soviet Union. After working in Moscow for a short time, he went to Brussel (Belgium) to attend the Anti-Imperialist War Conference, then to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and secretly returned to France. In Autumn 1928, he arrived in Siam (Thailand) by ship. There he bore the name of Chin and called respectedly Thau Chin (Uncle Chin) by the overseas Vietnamese.

In the years 1928-29, the revolutionary movement in Vietnam was in full swing. In implementing the "proletarianization", the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth Association sent a number of its members to factories, mines, and plantations to live and work with local workers to spread Marxism-Leninism and the revolutionary line and to build workers’ associations.

In late Autumn 1929, while in Thailand he was reported about the contradictions among the various communist organisations in Vietnam. In the name of Communist International, he returned to Hong Kong to convene a conference of the founding of the Vietnamese Communist Party.

Under Ho Chi Minh’s Chairmanship, the Conference was held from Feb. 3-7 1930 in the narrow room of a worker in Kowloon, near Hong Kong Island. After five days of urgent work in secret, it decided to unify the Communist organisations, and to found a single genuine Communist Party in Vietnam bearing the name of the Communist Party of Vietnam as proposed by Ho Chi Minh.

The birth of the Party was a historical inevitability urged by the international and domestic situations. It was also a brilliant result of the whole process of ebullient activities of Ho Chi Minh, who had been tenaciously struggled in the movement of international workers and in the movement for national liberation, and the fruits of perseverant studies, research and training for years. It was also the result of nearly 10 years of his careful preparation in all respects: politics, ideology and organisation.

 Culture: European Jazz Festival opens in HCM City 

The 4th European Jazz Festival opened in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday evening with the participation of outstanding artists from Vietnam, Switzerland and six EU-member countries including Denmark, Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Sweden.

This is the fourth time the European Jazz Festival has taken place in Vietnam. The festival is a good chance for Vietnamese Jazz artists to share views and exchange experiences with their European colleagues.
The artists will perform in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi until December 4.

Politics: Vietnam supports Palestine
just struggle for independent state 

Vietnam has reiterated full support to the Palestinian people for their principal national rights, including the right to self-determination and the right to set up an independent state in their own land.

Ambassador Ngo Quang Xuan, head of the Vietnamese Mission to the UN, spoke at an international conference held in Geneva, Switzerland by the United Nations, on the impact of an Israel-built security fence in the Palestinian territory.

He said Vietnam warmly welcomes and strongly supports all initiatives raised by the international community as well as efforts by relevant parties to overcome obstacles and resume peace negotiations in an effort to sustain a just solution to the current Palestine - Israel conflict. He said a solution should be based on UN Security Council relevant resolutions and agreements reached by relevant parties in the interests of the two nations and for peace and stability in the region and the world as a whole.

The Vietnamese diplomat expressed the hope that the UN would continue to play an active role in speeding up the peace process in the Middle-East until the Palestinian people's basic rights are exercised.

 Economics: Seminar prepares for Vietnam’s WTO accession 

A workshop aimed at advising Vietnamese services and enterprises on interpretation of the WTO's Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, one of the prerequisites for WTO accession, opened in Hanoi on Thursday.

Attended by 50 delegates, the workshop was co-sponsored by the Vietnam Directorate for Standards and Quality, the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), NORAD of Norway and SECO of Switzerland.

According to an official at the directorate, Vietnam will increase the proportion of its standards harmonized with international stipulations to 30 percent by the end of next year. The rate currently stands at 23 percent of its total 5,600 standards.

UNIDO representative in Vietnam, Philippe Scholtes, said Norway, Switzerland and UNIDO are involved in their respective projects to help Vietnam's small and medium-sized enterprises improve their quality standards.

Society: Int'l career and education exhibition opens in HCM City 

An international exhibition on career and education, ICE 2004, was opened in HCM City on Saturday by the Vietnam Trade Fair and Advertisement Company and the Vietnam Exhibition Service Company.
The annual exhibition, which is the second of its kind, aims to create opportunities for domestic and foreign educational, training and vocational training institutions to boost exchanges and co-operation.
During the exhibition, representatives of more than 200 universities and colleges from 13 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, India, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Vietnam, will introduce their programs, policies and services for foreign study tours.
In particular, the exhibition will create opportunities for young people who want to seek jobs or change their working environment.

 Sports: Vietnamese martial arts, Vovinam, shines in Germany 

The first International Vovinam Youth Championships was held in Frankfurt, Germany, in October 2001, with the participation of around 90 athletes and coaches from many countries, including Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Russia and Rumania. After the success of those championship, the Vovinam Association is organizing the International Vovinam Tournament in Frankfurt in April 2004. The tour is expected to attract as many as 200 athletes from many countries across from the world, including Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Russia, Romania, Switzerland, Italy, Poland and Vietnam. The list of athletes and coaches, as well as information relating to the tour will be posted at: Head of the organizing board, Master Tran Dai Chieu told reporters online about the movement and development of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao (the philosophy of Vietnamese martial arts) in Germany.

Master Tran Dai Chieu: I was born in 1952, graduated from Heidelberg University in Baden, Wuertemberg in Germany, and was a lecturer at Berlin University. I then moved to Frankfurt City as a permanent resident with my family. I have two sons, 15 and 12 years old. I often took my sons to a Vietnamese language training center in Frankfurt every Saturday. After that I took them to the Neil Sports and Physical Training center to practice Vovinam. The center attracted many Vovinam disciples from Vietnam, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey.

Reporter: Currently, how many Vovinam training centers and disciples are there in Germany?
Master Tran Dai Chieu:
I can not give the exact number of training centers and disciples of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in Germany. But there are at least 10-15 centers training Vovinam regularly.

Reporter: When did you start teaching Vovinam in Germany?
Master Tran Dai Chieu:
I went to Germany in 1970 for an overseas training course. Then I opened the first Vovinam training center at Stuttgart University. The center initially aimed to help the Vietnamese student community in Germany keep their bodies healthy, as my English language at that time was limited. After 1975, many Vietnamese people went to Germany through different ways. I did not like the "noisy life", so I decided to change my training activities. Since then my center was only for my close friends and relatives. My first German students are now around 40 years old. Their children have also followed their fathers’ steps to learn Vovinam.

Reporter: From your point of view, what is the purpose of teaching Vovinam in foreign countries?
Master Tran Dai Chieu:
I don’t think teaching Vietnamese martial arts in a foreign country is a good way of earning one’s living. As we know, material life in Western countries is rather good, and the investment capital for a Vovinam training center is high. It requires many conditions for teaching and practicing, such as equipment, sports tools, safeguards and insurance services. They are very expensive. Therefore, I think most people consider teaching Vovinam more as way of promoting better understanding about Vietnamese culture and traditional customs among people abroad. Many people have spent a great amount of energy and a lot of money to develop the Vovinam movement in foreign countries. They have done it, not for benefit, but for their love of the martial arts, and also because of the demands of their disciples who are interested in the sect. Teaching Vovinam is a great passion, not only a career.

Reporter: Vovinam, as with other martial arts from Eastern countries, carries an ideological system reflecting the sect’s features. Is this an obstacle or an attraction to disciples from Western countries?
Master Tran Dai Chieu:
When I asked a similar question of my student who is a French disciple living in HCM City, he was "angry". He said, "Do you think only Vietnamese people can understand Vietnamese martial arts? In Japan, all the sects agreed that French and Spanish people have the best understanding of Japanese martial arts". This showed that many foreigners love and understand Vovinam, even better than many Vietnamese people.
Many foreigners have paid attention to Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, as the martial arts has splendid and vivid performances. When they learnt Vovinam and further understood about the sect, they became interested in studying its origin and principles, which illustrate ideological system of the philosophy of Vietnamese martial arts. The "Hard-Soft Co-development" technique is a typical feature of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao. It is not only applied in building a solid body but also in building a rational mind and invincible will, so that disciples can live in a self-disciplined and forgiving way, and become model citizens to serve oneself, one’s family, one’s state and mankind.

Reporter: Through international tournaments attended by many disciples across from the world, do you think that Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao in attracting increased attention abroad?
Master Tran Dai Chieu:
The development of Vovinam in recent times has resulted from the nation’s special historical situation. In fact, all Vovinam disciples are brothers. We love each other, and are ready to share our feelings, and experiences as well as helping each other to find a better life. We defined that Vovinam is not a political or religious group. Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao is an extended family, in which disciples love and respect one another. The respect and love will be the discipline of Vovinam-Viet Vo Dao, which will help the disciples unite and honor the uprightness of the martial arts, integrating into world community and serving mankind.

Repoter: Thank you very much. Wish Vovinam further develop in the future.

 Economics: Vietnamese handicrafts lure European customers

Vietnamese products have made good impressions on visitors and customers to the Food and Consumer Goods Fair which was held in Brussels, Belgium, from October 9-24. Visitors were curious about Vietnamese traditional handicrafts such as silk products, lacquer wares, ceramics, bamboo and rattan products which were made by skilled artisans. They also had their taste buds teased by food stalls full of jasmine and lotus tea bags, Buon Me Thuot coffee and green bean cakes of various colours.

Minh Nguyet, general director of the Vietnam international trade exhibition and fair company (VINEXPO) said the fair’s organising board highly valued the quality of Vietnamese products and their display. The participation of 16 Vietnamese businesses in the fair was part of a national programme to penetrate the lucrative European market. Some of the businesses signed co-operative contracts with foreign partners at the fair.

Ms Nguyet said Vietnam has created its own image at recent international exhibitions and trade fairs in Switzerland, France, the United States, Spain, Germany and Japan.   

 Economics: Int’l industrial machinery exhibition IIME 2004 opeiins 

Foreign exhibitors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, India, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan attended the 12th International industrial machinery exhibition IIME 2004 which opened in HCM City on Tuesday.

New products and technologies will be introduced at the four-day exhibition such as equipment for use in the plastic, mechanical engineering, printing and food packaging industries.


*** Thuong Mai (Commerce) newspaper ran an article on the Hien Luong bridge which spans Ben Hai River-parallel 17 in the central province of Quang Tri- which served as a demarcation between the north and the south during the American War. The article marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Accord in Switzerland on July 21st, 1954. Hien Luong Bridge has become a symbol for both the past division of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people’s strong will to reunify the country. The bridge was restored last year and has become a tourist attraction.

 Economics: Vietnam prepares for 8th round of WTO talks 

Vietnamese law-makers met with international experts on Monday for the first time to discuss Vietnam’s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

The discussions aimed to facilitate a National Assembly plan to amend and approve laws in accordance with WTO rules. The participants also joined in a live hook-up discussion with Swiss and Vietnamese representatives to the WTO on opportunities and challenges facing Vietnam should it become an official WTO member.

It was reported at the discussion that Vietnam has experienced seven rounds of talks to date and is now considering necessary conditions for accession. Alongside efforts made by businesses, foreign experts suggested that the State management agencies and law making bodies devise action plans, amend and supplement, and build a consistent legal system to speed up economic reforms, to meet WTO requirements.

From Switzerland, Vietnamese Ambassador to the WTO, Ngo Quang Xuan, sent his message to Vietnamese law-makers, "I would like ministers to be questioned at NA sessions on issues relating to their roadmaps for WTO accession."

Xuan said the upcoming eighth round of talks would be very important because Vietnam must enter detailed bilateral and multilateral negotiations. At previous rounds, Vietnam answered nearly 2,000 questions requested by the WTO.

Xuan said information about Vietnam’s legal system should be updated regularly until the Vietnamese delegation leaves for Geneva. He called on Vietnamese law-makers to quicken and raise the efficacy of the law making process.

According to Xuan, the Doha round of talks would not end by the middle of 2006 as expected, as all concerned parties have not yet reached consensus with the European Union and the United States. In addition, the US election and EU enlargement this year will also affect the talks. As a result, Vietnam will gain some time to make thorough preparations for the strict conditions on agriculture to be tabled at the Doha round.

However, the Ambassador warned that Vietnam should not consider 2005 to be the deadline for joining the WTO at any price.

The eighth round of talks for Vietnam will be held in May this year. According to experts, Vietnam will have to complete three rounds of talks this year if it wants to meet the 2005 deadline.

 Culture: Vietnamese films join int’l film festivals 

The "Gai Nhay" (Bar Girls) film directed by Le Hoang will take part in an International Film Festival in Singapore on April 15. The film production group is also expected to join the famous Locarno film festival in Switzerland in August.

Other Vietnamese films to be sent to Locarno festival include Golden Key directed by Le Hoang; Guava Season, Hanoi's Winter of 1946 and Nostalgia of the Countryside by Dang Nhat Minh; King of Debris by Do Minh Tuan; Sand Life by Thanh Van; Deserted Valley by Nhue Giang; Dormitory by Viet Linh; Widow Wharf by Luu Trong Ninh; Hanoi: 12 Days and Nights by Bui Dinh Hac and Return to Ngu Thuy directed by Le Manh Thich.

Press contributions to nation encouraged 

President Tran Duc Luong says the revolutionary cause of the Party and people requires Vietnam to build a contingent of media workers equipped with a firm political stance, professional skill and sound ethics, to serve national construction and development;

Economics: Switzerland, Sweden aid trade and export,%20Sweden%20aid%20trade%20and%20export 

A US$3.2 million project on trade promotion and export development was signed in Hanoi on Thursday by representatives of the Swiss, Swedish and Vietnamese governments.

Of the total sum, US$2.5 million hails from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), with the remainder from the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA).

Project advisor Alain Chevalier said Vietnamese enterprises must strive to develop in four key areas: diversifying products according to international demand, designing and implementing export plans specific to each enterprise, increasing competitiveness with advanced technologies and marketing, and establishing trade promotion agencies.

The project will run in close co-ordination with two similar trade promotion projects in Cambodia and Laos, and other projects to be launched for environmental-friendly production and sustainable management of forests.

The project will also draw funding from other SECO aid projects, with focus on Vietnam's intellectual property rights, WTO accession, and development of small- and medium-sized enterprises.

The aid project will be an important contribution to accelerating economic development to benefit the poor. It is also an addition to other SIDA programmes to develop small enterprises, support research projects and enhance capacity. 

 Society: Hanoi dressed up for festival season 

The festive atmosphere of Christmas is buzzing on all the streets of Hanoi. Large shops have prepared a great deal of colourful Xmas products while toy and confectioneries businesses are also offering new products with different patterns and designs.

This year, the price of housing decorations such as pine trees, colourful painted round bulbs and statutes of Santa Clause is lower than in Xmas 2003 due to pricing competition among manufacturers. Most of the Xmas shops are discounting Santa Clause uniforms and pine trees. The price of such a uniform for adults this year has dropped to VND80,000 from VND200,000-300,000 last year and for children to VND40,000-50,000. The price of pine trees ranged between VND180,000 - VND1,500,000, depending on the type and height. Other decorations, such as laurels and lighting systems, merely cost from VND25,000 to VND80,000.

Large shop owners in Luong Van Can Street said that most Xmas decorations are imported from China and consumers prefer them for their different patterns and reasonable prices. Luxurious imports are used for hotels only. Many shops offer pine trees home delivery services and decorate them at a cost of VND35,000-50,000 per tree. It is expected that the product will be in high demand before Christmas Eve.

Confectioners seized the festive opportunity to launch new products with different patterns to cater for different consumer tastes. Haiha – Kotobuki enterprise continued to offer Santa Clause-shaped chocolate bars while Bao Ngoc enterprise launched baskets of gifts, which are in the shape of Father Christmas’ shoes. The price of sponge cakes also varies, ranging from VND30,000 to VND50,000 depending on the type and shape. Consumers can also order a special sponge cake for the whole family at certain shops.

New greetings cards were also launched on to the market. In addition to traditional cards, some shops in Hanoi are selling musical cards powered by batteries. Whenever you open the cards, a gentle piece of Christmas music is played. Such a card costs between VND10,000 to VND20,000.

Like Valentines’ Day, many people consider Christmas an opportunity to show their love to partners. Therefore, major supermarkets such as Fivimart, Intimex, Metro, Cat Linh and the ASEAN Trade Centre displayed new patterns of chocolate imported from Switzerland, Belgium and Poland. In additions, these supermarkets also offered interior decorations for Christmas Eve.

Supermarkets said they have sufficient goods to fulfil Xmas demand in Hanoi.

 Economics: 13 new trade offices to be set up abroad 

13 new trade offices will be established abroad in 2004-2005 such as in Hong Kong, New Zealand, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Belarus, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Pakistan, Morocco, Nigeria, and Lebanon.

The proposal was recently made by Minister of Trade Truong Dinh Tuyen who described these countries as potential markets with an estimated export turnover of over US$50 million in the next 3-4 years.

 Culture: Vietnamese film to be screened in many countries 

"Mua Len Trau", a film about a Vietnamese boy keeping buffaloes out of floods, will be screened in the US and France early next year.

The film will be launched by the US's Global Films Initiative and France's Tandart, said film director Nguyen Vo Nghiem Minh, who completed his cinematography studies at the University of California in Los Angeles in 1998.

Mr Minh, a Vietnamese American, said that Mua Len Trau is being shown at art museums and universities in 15 US cities before it is officially screened at cinemas.

Australian television station SBS has bought permission to screen the film in Australia while other film distributors of the Republic of Korea (RoK) and the Netherlands are also working to follow suit.

Based on Huong Rung Ca Mau (Forest Fragrance in Ca Mau) by renowned Vietnamese writer Son Nam, the film portrays the lives of farmers living in the southernmost province of Ca Mau during the 1930-1940 period with picturesque scenes of rivers, forests, boats and buffaloes.

The film is produced by the Ho Chi Minh City-based film company Giai Phong (Liberation) in collaboration with France's 3B Productions and Belgium's NOVAK. It won a special prize in the Locarno film festival in Switzerland in August, and the excellent new director's prize in the Chicago international film festival in the US two months later. It was screened during the international film festivals in the RoK, Belgium, the Netherlands and Thailand.

 Society: Report on Vietnam’s Protected Areas and Development introduced 

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) on Monday introduced Vietnam's report on Protected Areas and Development (PAD) Review.
The report is one of the four national PAD reports endorsed by the governments of Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.

It analyses current approaches to protected area management and received technical support from the IUNC, the International Centre for Environmental Management, the World Wide Fund for Nature, Birdlife International and the Australian NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. It also examines the economic importance of protected areas to different sectors such as tourism, fisheries, water resource management, agriculture, energy and forestry.

In Vietnam, more than eight percent of the country's natural system is protected. This protected area system is expected to expand further by 2005, approaching 22 percent of the region's territory.

The PAD Review was conducted by MARD with funding from the governments of Denmark, Australia, Switzerland and the Netherlands as well as the Asian Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and the Mekong River Commission.

 Society: Swiss NGO helps poor children 

JMI, a non-governmental organisation of Switzerland has decided to grant about US$60,000 (VND940 million) to the Fund for Poor Children in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang.

This was announced by the Swiss organisation at a working session with the provincial Committee for Population, Family and Children.

The fund will be used to implement projects on healthcare for poor children in the province.

Between now and 2006, tens of thousands of children will benefit from free medical check-ups and treatment under the projects.

JMI has also handed over 30 hearing aids and 60 Braille boards to the local school for disabled children.

 Economics: Mekong Capital Fund invests US$1 million in Vietnamese company 

The Mekong Capital Fund (MCF) announced on Wednesday that it will invest US$1 million in the Minh Phuc Trade and Production Joint-Stock Company, which specialises in packaging.
This is the sixth domestic company to receive MCF investment.

With the participation of investors such as the Asia Development Bank (ADB), the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO), MCF has US$18.5 million in capital and mainly focuses on investing in private enterprises from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

 Economics: Vietnam starts WTO negotiations with Japan 

Vietnam’s negotiations with Japan on its accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) began in Hanoi on Monday, according to the Ministry of Trade.

The two-day round of negotiations will focus on issues relating to tariffs on goods and services.

Meanwhile, Chairperson of the WTO Working Party Seung Ho will arrive in Hanoi this week to hold talks with Vietnamese officials about the content of the 9th round of negotiations, scheduled for Geneva, Switzerland, on December 15. During talks, Vietnam and WTO members will directly discuss the working party’s report on the country’s admission to the Geneva-based global trade watchdog.

Currently, Vietnam is actively preparing for the final multilateral round of negotiations on its bid to join the world’s largest economic body.


*** Thanh Nien (Youth) newspaper reported on the increasing number of foreign artists coming to Vietnam after Philippine singer Carlo Orosa performed with singer My Linh in the liveshow Music and Friends. The newspaper said the Vietnam’s music market is experiencing a new vitality with the appearance of foreign artists as it greatly encourages Vietnamese singers to further improve their performance skills. According to plan, artists from Poland, Hungary, France, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Thailand and Singapore will come to Vietnam for the 2004 International Pop Music Festival in November. 
*** Thuong Mai (Commerce) newspaper on Tuesday reported that Vietnam will establish another 13 trade offices abroad during 2004 and the following years, bringing the total number of Vietnamese trade offices abroad to 55. The new offices will be opened in Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Morocco, New Zealand, Belarus, Chile and Hong Kong this year, while next year offices will be opened in Nigeria, Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan and Lebanon.

Economics: Vinaconex seals contract for biggest cement factory 

The Vietnam Construction Import-Export Corporation (Vinaconex) has signed a contract with five foreign entrepreneurs to supply equipment and technical services for the Cam Pha Cement Factory, which is being built in northern Quang Ninh province.

Worth more than 78.54 million euros, the bid package is part of a US$150 million credit loan with a grace period of three years reached between Vinaconex and two French banks, Societe General and BNP Paribas.

The five entrepreneurs are Fam, Loe sche, Haver & Boecker (Germany), Kawasaki (Japan), and ABB (Switzerland).

The factory is expected to cost US$302 million and be completed in 2007. It will be the largest cement factory in the country with a designed capacity of 2.3 million tonnes of cement per year.


Economics: NAFIQUAVED’s seafood testing project approved 

A US$1.56 million project to improve seafood testing capacity for the Vietnam National Fisheries Assurance and Veterinary Association (NAFIQUAVED) has been given the nod by the Ministry of Fisheries.

The project will help upgrade facilities to test for toxic chemicals in seafood at NAFIQUAVED branches: the port city of Hai Phong in the north, Khanh Hoa and Da Nang city in the central region, and Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho and Ca Mau in the south.

NAFIQUAVED has so far this year tested 163,700 tonnes of seafood, accounting for 70 percent of the country's exported seafood, a year-on-year increase of 25 percent.

Currently, 223 enterprises are qualified to export their seafood to the RoK, 288 to China, and 39 to Switzerland.

According to NAFAQUAVED, all 137 large-scaled aquaculture areas in 35 provinces and cities have met the requirements on the rate of toxic chemicals residue in their products and ensured hygiene in mollusc gathering areas.

Economics: Saigontourist registers name, logo in Japan 

Saigontourist Holdings Company has registered the name Saigontourist together with its apricot-shaped logo in Japan for the next ten years. The registration covered hotels, restaurants, package tours, passenger transportation, hotel and tour reservations and tour guides.

It cost Saigontourist nearly US$3,000 to have the name registered in Japan from now to 2014. Any application for renewal must be done within six months of the expiration date.

Besides Japan, the name is protected in Austria, China, the DPK of Korea, France, Germany, Italy, Monaco, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the Ukraine, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Preparations are underway to register "Saigontourist" in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.

The company has around 30 subsidiary units, and is involved in 23 joint ventures with Vietnamese parties and 10 with foreign companies. It has four restaurants and three representative offices abroad, and business links with nearly 400 travel companies in some 30 countries and territories.

 Culture:Music show promotes ASEM cultural exchange 

A cultural exchange entitled "ASEM Music Friendship Bridge" was held at the headquarter of Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) in Hanoi on Sunday evening in the framework of the 5th Asian European Summit (ASEM 5), which will be held for the first time in Vietnam in October.

The event aims to promote cultural exchange, provide a better understanding and narrow the gap between Asia and Europe.

Present at the ceremony were Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem, VOV General Director Vu Van Hien, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Van Bang and representatives from embassies in Vietnam as well as officers and artists from VOV, the Institute of Musicology and the Hanoi Conservatoire.

Addressing the event, VOV General Director Vu Van Hien said that ASEM 5, scheduled for Hanoi this October, is of great significance. It will provide a chance for nations of both continents to get closer to each other and promote multi-lateral co-operation in the future. It will also create an opportunity for Vietnam to introduce its beautiful people, land and cultural identities, thus promoting the country’s position in the regional and international arena.

Being aware of the importance and meaning of ASEM 5, VOV has held many activities focusing on relations and co-operation between the two continents during recent times. VOV successfully organised the ASEM Music Friendship Bridge to provide a better understanding about the music and culture of countries in Asia and Europe.

During the event, Vietnamese artists performed many pieces of music, illustrating Vietnamese cultural identities and wet rice civilisation, such as Hue Royal Court Music, Quan Ho Folksong, Ca Tru (Ceremonial singing), Hat Then (Then singing of the Tay and Nung ethnic groups) and Cong Chieng (gongsbeating) from the Central Highlands. Artists from Asian and European countries also displayed their traditional music, such as performances by musicians from Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem praised VOV’s efforts for successfully organising the event.

"The cultural exchange is a significant step towards ASEM 5", he said. "It is considered a bridge linking Asian and European culture, thus narrowing the gap between the two continents. On behalf of the Vietnamese Government, I appreciate VOV’s efforts in organising the ASEM Music Friendship Bridge. The success of the event paves the way for the success of the upcoming ASEM 5."

The cultural exchange was concluded in a cheerful atmosphere, warmed by performances by an art troupe from the Hanoi Conservatoire with a piece of music Huong toi niem vui (Looking toward pleasure) composed by renowned musician Beethoven and a Vietnamese traditional folksong Trống cơm (Cylindrical drum). The event left deep impressions on participants and helped them learn more about the differences and similarities in the music of the two continents.


The music show in the eye of artists and diplomats

*** Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Bang said: "Asia and Europe are two cradles of civilisation for human beings. ASEM 5 is a political event of international importance for Vietnam. The ASEM Music Friendship Bridge is meaningful, as it will be one of major themes of ASEM 5. Hosting ASEM 5 is a proud moment for Vietnam and will help the country promote its position in the international arena. It is expected that Vietnam will express its cultural identities and learn more from regional and international friends."

*** Thai Ambassador to Vietnam Krit Kraichitti said: "I must say that VOV plays an important role in promoting Asian-European cultural exchange through its domestic service as well as its overseas services, particularly in Thai language programmes, VOV has helped people in both countries further promote friendship and bilateral co-operation. Cultural exchange is a necessity and creates an impetus for economic development and co-operation among countries around the world. On this occasion, I would like to send my congratulations to Vietnam as the country was selected to host the upcoming ASEM 5. I believe that the event will be organised successfully in Vietnam this time."

***  First Secretary of the Philippines Embassy in Vietnam Baisa Erlinda, said: "It is great honour for me to attend the ASEM Music Friendship Bridge. This is a valuable opportunity to introduce the music of ASEM-member countries. Philippines music is romantic. It is a combination between Eastern and European culture. Cultural exchange develops in many fields and through many ways. Many Philippines singers and musicians toured ASEAN nations for performances, especially in Vietnam where they were welcomed by the Vietnamese people. It is obvious that cultural exchange can create a diversified culture, with modern elements combined with traditional style."

*** General Secretary of the Vietnam Musicians’ Association Trong Bang said: "Vietnam has a rich culture and is a good combination between traditional and modern styles like other countries around the world. In fact, cultural exchange is an application of external elements in developing traditional culture. This is needed to enrich our culture and help it develop more creatively and quickly."

 Culture: Week of Hanoi culture and economics opens in Geneva 

A week of Hanoi culture and economics opened in Geneva, Switzerland from May 24-29.

During the week, Hanoi will present shows of water puppetry, traditional dresses (ao dai), and photo exhibitions on Hanoi. Martial arts shows will be performed by overseas Vietnamese from EU countries.

Businesses from Hanoi took part in an investment fair for EU countries, introducing economic-trade-tourism products and calling for investment.

Senior officials from Hanoi and Geneva will meet to discuss details of the next co-operation plan.


US$3.1 million project launched for trade promotion and exports 

A US$3.1 million project on trade promotion and export development was launched in Hanoi on Wednesday.

The project focuses on some major activities, including designing export development plans for the country in general and several sectors in particular and developing a commerce network to link government, trade organisations and export enterprises.

The project, which will be carried out over three years, is sponsored by Switzerland, Sweden and the International Trade Centre, and implemented by the Trade Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Trade.

Culture: Tay Nguyen takes Gong music to international friends 

International friends praise Gong music, a style that reflects the Tay Nguyen (Central Highlands)’ identity.

Last year, a Ko Sier Gong delegation from Buon Ma Thuot City, Dak Lak toured Switzerland at the invitation of the Swiss Chamber Orchestra. Artists Y Tuych Nie, Y Mip Ayun, Y Due and Nie performed in eight cities, to the warm welcome of Swiss music lovers.

In late 1990, the Ko Sier artists participated in the eight Asia-Pacific Music Festival in Ho Chi Minh City. They brought to the festival six pieces of music, from which the International music board selected three pieces for its profile and noted them as world cultural heritage pieces.

Politics: Geneva Agreement paves the way for south-north co-operation 

An international seminar entitled "Geneva - a city for peace" was held in Geneva, Switzerland on Thursday to mark 50 years since the signing of the Geneva Agreement on Indochina.

Participants included senior officials, Swiss and French researchers, representatives from the United Nations. Vietnamese Minister of Culture and Information, Pham Quang Nghi, also attended the seminar.

During the seminar, scientists highlighted the historic significance of the agreement, which ended the colonialism period and paved the way for South-North cooperation.

Delegates also spoke highly of Dien Bien Phu victory, which greatly influenced the Geneva conference on Indochina, and particularly the role of President of Ho Chi Minh.


Society: First highland girl bags national Universal Postal Union prize 

Pham Que Oanh, a seventh grade schoolgirl from Lao Cai province became the first northern highlander to win the 2004 national Universal Postal Union competition, beating around 3.2 million entries.

The 13-year-old girl's letter was picked from the largest number of entrants in the past 15 years, describing how her family and ethnic Dao people had escaped poverty with assistance from friends through the application of advanced technology.

Her letter was translated into French and sent to Switzerland as an entry in the 33rd international UPU competition.

Vietnam has won prizes in four of the 15 UPU competitions so far.

VOV Mailbag: Hi, welcome to VOVNews mailbag this week. Download 

Over the past week, VOVNews has received a lot of mail and New Year’s greetings from readers and listeners near and far. Thank you very much for your greetings and we will try our utmost to improve our quality and layout to better serve your needs.

On this occasion, we would like to convey our best wishes to you and hope you will keep regular contact with us.

From the USA, Hoang Bui wrote, "On the occasion of the New Year, we wish all VOV staff good health, happiness and success in your work. By the way, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Radio the Voice of Vietnam and Vietnam Television, channel 4, for providing informative news about the homeland."

In another mail, Trinh Ngoc Huy wrote that he could not hold back his tears when listening to VOV programs from overseas. However, he said it was a little difficult for him to download VOV programs on to his computer in the Real format, which offered him only 14 days of service. He wondered whether VOVNews could post audio files in MP3 or Windows Media formats.

Another listener Nguyen Hong Hiep shared this view, saying he loves songs broadcast on VOVNews. He downloaded many songs onto his computer, but later he found that he could not play the files. Hiep proposed that VOVNews broadcast these songs in MP3 format for convenience.

Dear listeners,

VOVNews has been testing audio files in the MP3 and Windows Media formats, in addition to the existing Real format. Via mail, many VOVNews listeners said audio files broadcast in MP3 and Windows Media formats produced better sound quality than the existing Real format. In addition, they were easier to access and listen to.

VOVNews will continue to post more audio files on the net in the two new formats to cater to your needs. However, for your convenience, we also post information on ways to convert audio files from Real to MP3 format, as follows:

Step 1: You must first convert files from Real format into WAV format. To do this, you should have the Wisecroft Ripper program, which is available at for US$25, or a similar utility.

Step 2: Please visit to download a free program that encodes files in to the MP3 format. The program will help you convert files from WAV format to MP3 format easily. Unfortunately, the sound quality will diminish post conversion.

We hope you will spend time relaxing and listening to VOVNews songs on the net.

From Switzerland, Nguyen Than wrote that he is a regular VOVNews listener. He often listens to News and Current Affairs and Overseas Vietnamese programs on the net. He complained that recently he found it difficult to listen to such programs on the VOVNews website because of the bad sound quality.

From San Francisco, the USA, Jason Gibbs wrote that he had been unable to listen to complete VOV programs since Jan. 18 because of interference and distortion. Gibbs hoped VOVNews would soon overcome technical issues to better serve listeners.

Sharing this view, an overseas Vietnamese, Khanh Linh, complained that over the past few days, the sound quality of VOV’s streamed programs on the Internet was too bad to listen to, while other audio programs such as music, poem reciting and telling stories at night were normal.

"I hope to be able to hear familiar voices on VOV very soon. Thank you," Linh said.

Dear listeners,

A technical failure in the encoding process badly affected the sound quality of VOV programs on the net. It barred listeners around the world from listening to quality playback. VOVNews technicians have checked and resolved the problem. Currently, VOV streaming programs broadcast on VOVNews returned to normal.

Thank you very much for your timely response. We hope to receive your comments on VOVNews programs.

From the USA, Pham Thai Hung asked VOVNews about the name of a song played in the Showdown series, which has enthralled generations of Vietnamese film lovers. Hung also asked VOVNews to post this song on the net soon.

We will look for the name, and the author of the song and post it on the Web as soon as we can.

During the week, we also received mail from Seichi Kuriki from Japan, Nguyen Huu Tai, Nguyen Thai Long, Tran Thiet, and Vu Hoang, and articles and photos from Duy Duong from Bangkok (Thailand), Quang Son from Moscow (Russia), and Xuan Hai from Paris (France).

If you have any queries about VOV and VOVNews programs, please write to us at VOVNews, 45 Ba Trieu Stret, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 04.9344230

Fax 04. 9344231

Or you can send your mail to

Well, time is up now. Once again, thank you very much for your mail and New Year’s greetings. Goodbye and see you again in mailbag next week

Economics: Talks on Vietnam’s WTO accession due in Geneva next week 

The ninth round of negotiations on Vietnam’s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will begin in Geneva, Switzerland, next month. WTO members will discuss the first draft report on Vietnam’s commitments when joining the WTO, which was drafted by the Working Party on Vietnam’s WTO accession.

An official from the Ministry of Trade said to discuss the draft report shows that Vietnam is entering the final round.

Vietnam has completed bilateral WTO negotiations with the European Union, Cuba, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Singapore as the latest. To join the world’s largest trade body, Vietnam will have to complete bilateral negotiations with several important partners including the US, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Tran Trong Toan, head of the Multilateral Economic Co-operation Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the Working Party and WTO members praised Vietnam’s thorough preparations for negotiations.

Vietnam aims to end negotiations and be admitted to the trade body at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong late next year.

Economics: 8th round of WTO talks set for mid-June 

The eighth round of negotiations on Vietnam’s WTO accession will be held in mid-June, according to the Ministry of Trade

Vietnam’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, Ngo Quang Xuan, said multilateral negotiations between Vietnam and representatives from 20 countries would be held on June 15. Bilateral negotiations would also be organised either before or after that date.

Mr Xuan said negotiations would focus on transparency in banking, insurance and telecommunications, as well as a roadmap for cutting tariffs.

To prepare for the negotiations, Vietnam has sent to the WTO Secretariat an offer for the eighth round of talks in late April.

8th round WTO accession talks opens 

A Vietnamese working group led by Deputy Minister of Trade, Luong Van Tu, has left for Geneva, Switzerland, to attend the eighth round of talks for Vietnam’s accession bid to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

The first bilateral negotiations between Vietnam and Uruguay will be held on Wednesday afternoon and followed by further bilateral negotiations with other countries, including China, Japan, the EU and the US, until June 19. Multilateral negotiations with representatives of over 20 countries will take place on June 15.

This round of negotiations will focus on transparency in banking, insurance and telecommunications, as well as a roadmap for cutting tariffs.

Vietnam expects to wrap up negotiations with major partners by the end of the year. This mostly depends on the results of this round of talks, said Vietnamese trade official.


Society: VEF Directors Board welcomes
Vietnamese American professors 

US President George W. Bush has appointed Dr. Charles C. Nguyen and Prof. Vo Van Toi to the Board of Directors of the Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF).

Dr. Charles Nguyen is Dean of the School of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Catholic University of America. He has been honoured with the Research Initiation Award from the Engineering Foundation, the NASA/ASEE Fellowship Awards, and the Life-Time Achievement Award from the World Automation Congress in 2004.

Meanwhile, Prof. Vo Van Toi works at the School of Medicine and the Department of Electrical Engineering Technologies and Science at Tuffs University. He helped create, and was vice director of the Eye Research Institute at Sion in Switzerland, and co-founded the Vietnamese North American University Professor Network.

The VEF has just announced 71 scholarships for Vietnamese students to study at renowned universities in the US.

Economics: Vietnam expected to earn US$25 bln
 from this year's exports 

Making woodwork products for export 
in Ha Tay province

Vietnam is expected to earn US$2.2 billion from exports in October, a 0.5 percent increase over September and a 32.7 percent increase over a year ago, according to the Trade Ministry’s report on Friday.

The Ministry said the foreign-invested sector contributed US$1.268 billion to the total export value, a year-on-year increase of 50.1 percent, while the domestic-invested sector notched up US$932 million, up 14.6 percent. Except for rice which saw reduction in both volume and value, other major key exports obtained comparatively high growths, including fruit and vegetables (up 50 percent), crude oil (79 percent), woodwork (63.9 percent) plastics (92.3 percent) and electronics and computer components (69.2 percent).

The Trade Ministry also announced that 10 key export items have surpassed their annual targets. They are rice, coffee, pepper, cashew nuts, tea, crude oil, anthracite, electronics and computer components, woodwork, bicycles and spare parts. In the last 10 months, nearly 3.5 million tonnes of rice were shipped abroad for US$817 million, or US$117 million more than the yearly target. Meanwhile, woodwork exports earned US$835 million, or up US$165 million and coffee exports US$533 million, up US$58 million more than last year’s figures.

Vietnam’s major importers include ASEAN member countries, South Africa, Switzerland, China, Great Britain, and the United Arab Emirates.

October figures brought the ten-month total value to US$21.33 billion, an increase of 28.1 percent over the same period last year - the highest growth rate since 1996. In terms of export value, the foreign-invested sector rose by 40.9 percent to US$11.727 billion and the domestic-invested sector, by 15.3 percent to US$9.604 billion.

Economists said that the achievements were attributed to the recovery of the world economy, high global demands and the soaring prices of crude oil, anthracite, rice, rubber and cashew. In addition, the country's stable economic growth and export promotion helped boost exports. They estimated Vietnam’s export value this year at more than US$25 billion, up 24 percent against 2003.

 UN working mission and diplomatic corps visit Central Highlands 

*** A United Nation (UN) working mission began a four-day working visit to the Central Highlands provinces of Kon Tum, Gia Lai and Dak Lak on Wednesday.
The delegation includes the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organisation, (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The mission will call at some schools and medical centres and meet with People’s Councils in some communes. After the visit, the mission will issue a UN joint press release.

*** Earlier, a delegation of the diplomat corps, including the ambassadors of New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada and Norway to Vietnam, has paid a working visit to the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak.
At a working session on Monday, chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Nguyen Van Lang briefed them about Dak Lak's socio-economic situation, especially agricultural and forestry achievements in the past 20 years. He also mentioned the social unrest on April 10 and confirmed that it had been incited by bad elements.
Mr M.Mc Goun, New Zealand ambassador and head of the diplomatic mission praised the province’s rapid socio-economic growth that has led to remarkable improvement in the life of local people. He also expressed his sympathy with the province, which is inhabited by many ethnic minority groups.
After asking about the result of the recent People’s Council elections as well as plans for economic development, poverty reduction and especially education and training, culture and health care in the province, the ambassadors called at the provincial department of Education and Training, the Tay Nguyen University, the Dak Lak youth vocational training school, and the
leprosy treatment center in Ea Na commune, Krong Ana district. On Wednesday the ambassadors met with the representative office of the Dak Lak Protestant Church and the Buon Ma Thuot Bishop’s office.

Economics: Foreign donors pledge further financial support to Mekong region 

Foreign donors pledged further financial support to the Mekong region’s projects, according to a report released at the 19th meeting of the aligned committee for organisation and management under Mekong Committee in HCM City on Wednesday.

Last year, the donors granted more than US$7 million in financial aid to the region’s projects. They will give another US$21 million in the coming fiscal year.

The three main donors, Denmark, Sweden, and Switzerland, said the Mekong Committee’s projects have been implemented as planned.


Culture: Water puppeteers to participate int’l festivals 

Vietnamese water puppeteers will join with more than 2,000 colleagues from 20 countries at the first global culture forum scheduled to be held in Barcelona and Bilbao, Spain, from May 2-July 21.

The 18-member troupe led by Le Van Ngo, Director of the Thang Long Puppetry Theatre perform at the festival, which expects to welcome 5 million visitors.

Another water puppetry troupe, from the Thang Long Puppetry Theatre, will take part in the "Hanoi culture week" held in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 21-29. Then, the troupe will tour Frankfurt, Germany, in June.

 Culture: Local artists on overseas performance tours  

Tran Quang Duy, Nguyen Hong Anh and Ngo Toan Thang will join other Asian peers in a performance tour of China, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Japan from July 17 to August 31 at the invitation of the Asian Youth Orchestra.

Ms Tran Thi Hong, a lecturer at the HCM City Conservatoire of Music, will attend an Asian music festival in Japan from Nov. 19-25.

A delegation of the Vietnam Cinematography Agency will attend the Locarno film festival 2004 in Switzerland from August 4-14.

Meanwhile, Director of the Vietnam Animated Film Company, Dang Minh Thao on Tuesday concluded a two-day international workshop on production and distribution of animated films on television in the Philippines. 

 Culture: Vietnam takes part in music night in Hong Kong 

Vietnam joined a music night at the French Culture Club in Hong Kong on Saturday, marking the International Francophone Day (Mar. 20). Music troupes from France, Canada, Switzerland, Laos and Togo also performed at the event.

Vietnam was represented by the Traditional Music Troupe of the Culture and Sports Centre in Hoi An town, central Quang Nam province. Their performance of Vietnamese dances and songs, French folk music and Chinese songs won the applause of the audience.

 Economics: FDI flow signals good start 

Last month Vietnam attracted US$385 million worth of foreign direct investment (FDI), a year-on-year increase of 196.6 percent. According to experts, this was a positive sign for the recovery of foreign investment flow into Vietnam this year.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment said to expand production, FDI enterprises increased their investment capital by hundreds of millions of US dollars in January. Saigonmax Limited Company and Sun Steel Limited Company poured an additional US$232.5 million into the southern province of Dong Nai. Late last year, Dong Nai took the lead in foreign investment attraction, after the Formosa Group increased its capital by another US$225 million in Nhon Trach Industrial Park.

Despite the bird flu outbreaks in late January and early February, businesses from the Republic of Korea, Japan and Europe visited Vietnam to sound out investment opportunities. Two weeks ago, the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial park licensed seven new projects totalling US$50 million. This positive trend showed that FDI flow into Vietnam is likely to continue despite adverse impacts of the epidemic.

In January, southern Binh Duong province attracted US$119 million, topping the list, while HCM City remained a magnet for foreign investors, who poured more than US$160 million.

Investment promotion agencies also produced optimistic forecasts for Vietnam. They said that while China is facing dumping lawsuits and other regional countries lack human resources, Vietnam, with its transparent policies, has emerged as a promising investment destination for foreign investors. According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, if Vietnam maintains its current high FDI flow, 2004 will be a focal year for the country in attracting foreign investment.

Vo Ta Luong, head of HCM City’s Trade Promotion Agency branch said in 2004, the agency will eye five key markets: the United States, Russia, the European Union, Japan and ASEAN, focusing on 17 commodities. In the first quarter of this year, it will establish three trade centres in the US, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia, to promote the image of Vietnam and the trademarks of Vietnamese products. These centres will help Vietnamese enterprises seek partners and expand product outlets. In addition, the agency will organise Vietnam Weeks in China, Switzerland, Japan, Cambodia and Laos.

Vu Kim Anh, Acting Director of HCM City’s Investment and Trade Promotion Centre said her centre would also inaugurate representative offices in Cambodia, Laos and China this year. In the first quarter, the centre will finalise procedures to establish representative offices in Singapore, the EU and the US, in coordination with Saigontourist.

HCM City has found success in luring big foreign investors, including Environment Power Inc. for a waste treatment project and Thermal Building Systems for a panel production project. It has also signed business contracts with leading American supermarket chains and business groups such as Levi Strauss, Disney, Costco and Gap.

According to Luong Van Ly, Deputy Director of the Municipal Planning and Investment Department, the most important thing is that HCM City has created a dynamic and friendly image in investors’ eyes. In addition to overseas markets, the city will continue to improve local investment environment. The city is implementing its ‘Five Ready’ program to lure local investors. It is ready to allocate land for investors, ready to provide necessary information, ready to supply human resources, ready to provide the best telecom services, and ready to assist investors timely through dialogues with local administration. It is also applying a ‘single-price’ for power, water supply and advertising services. This year, the city will reward successful foreign invested enterprises, as well as agencies, organisations and individuals, who make contributions to foreign investment attraction in the city.

The Government has approved a national trademark development scheme to 2010. The promotion program aims to build and promote Vietnamese trademarks bearing national symbol: Vietnam Value Inside. In the first quarter of this year, about 100 enterprises will be selected for the pilot program.

 Society: Vietnam attends 92nd ILO congress 

Vietnam highly values ILO contributions and support for the country, the Vietnam trade union in particular, particularly in training trade union staff.

Chairwoman of the Vietnam’s General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), Cu Thi Hau expressed Vietnam’s gratitude at the 92nd Congress of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland last weekend.

In her speech, Ms Cu Thi Hau talked about the VGCL’s achievements and its plans for the future, targeting another one million new trade union members in all socio-economic sectors.

During the congress, Chairwoman Hau met with leaders of trade unions from China, Japan, Singapore, Iran, Syria, Indonesia and Belarus.

Economics:  Domestic company wins big contract for woodwork exports 

The My Tai Company from central Binh Dinh province signed a contract worth US$3.5 million to export outdoor-wood furniture to the UK, France, Australia, the US and Switzerland at the Woodwork and Handicraft Export Fair 2004.

After many years of making products according to foreign designs, in 2001 the company developed a design department with 50 staff. As a result, currently, 90 percent of its products are designed by the new department and loved by foreign clients.

The company is building a factory in the Phu Tai Industry Zone in Binh Dinh worth US$3 million to produce furniture.

 Economics: Vietnam proposes its offer for 8th round of WTO talks 

Vietnam has sent its offer to the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland, for the eighth round of negotiations on WTO accession, according to the Ministry of Trade.

The offer referred to reduction in some tariff lines for several products, and open policy for some service sectors such as financing, banking, insurance, and post and telecommunication sectors.

Under WTO regulations, after receiving and considering Vietnam’s offer, the Secretariat will decide on the time frame for organizing the round of negotiations.
Vietnam is expected to host the 8th round of negotiations on WTO accession by the end of this May.

 Seminar prepares for Vietnam’s WTO accession  

A workshop aimed at advising Vietnamese services and enterprises on interpretation of the WTO's Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, one of the prerequisites for WTO accession, opened in Hanoi on Thursday.

According to an official at the Vietnam Directorate for Standards and Quality, Vietnam will increase the proportion of its standards harmonized with international stipulations to 30 percent by the end of next year. The rate currently stands at 23 percent of its total 5,600 standards.

UNIDO representative in Vietnam, Philippe Scholtes, said Norway, Switzerland and UNIDO are involved in their respective projects to help Vietnam's small and medium-sized enterprises improve their quality standards.


Economics: SIPPO supports Vietnamese SMEs to penetrate European market 

The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) this year plans to fund eight programmes helping small and medium-sized Vietnamese enterprises export products to Switzerland.

The programmes will provide information and technical assistance for Vietnamese businesses specialising in fruit and vegetables, herbal medicines, aquatic products, textiles, garments and footwear.

According to SIPPO's Executive Director Makus Stern, two further assistance programmes are in the making for Vietnamese software and organic honey. He said that SIPPO is negotiating with some international financial organisations over a bee-keeping project to produce organic honey for export.

Stern said that Vietnamese goods have improved significantly in competitive strength as enterprises are keen on increasing added value by improving quality and design.

He said he is impressed by the fact that an increasing number of Vietnamese exporters label their products with the "Made in Vietnam" trademark, adding that export possibilities are much wider than what they were.

Stern drew Vietnamese fruit and vegetable exporters in an effective form of marketing - exports on the spot. That means selling fruit and vegetables inside hotels and restaurants frequented by foreigners, aboard airplanes and to groups of foreign travellers.

SIPPO estimates that last year EU's imports of organic fruit and vegetables increased 10-20 percent to US$9 billion, and the EU is said to have large potential in importing fruit and vegetables from Vietnam


Society: Swiss organisation donates 150 bicycles to poor pupils 

Jeunes Du Mekong & Integration - Suisse (JMI), a humanitarian organisation from Switzerland, has presented 150 bicycles to poor pupils of the Cham and Khmer ethnic groups in the Mekong delta province of An Giang.

The bicycles, each worth VND400,000 (US$26), were for students from primary school to junior secondary levels in four districts of Tri Ton, Tinh Bien, An Phu and Thoai Son, where the rate of poverty remains high, between 8.71 -14.29 percent of total households.

The JMI has been operating in An Giang since 1997, focusing on programmes to help poor and disadvantaged children. Every year, the JMI grants 250 scholarships to poor students.

It has also provided more than VND2 billion for projects on consultation for children, free medical checks-up and scholarships. These projects will last until 2006

Economics: Additional trade offices to set up abroad 

New trade offices will be established in Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Belarus, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Pakistan, Morocco, Nigeria, Liban, Hong Kong and New Zealand from now to 2005, according to the scheme of expanding Vietnamese trade offices abroad.

Offices will open in Nigeria, Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan and Liban this year.

More trade offices to be established abroad 

An additional 13 overseas trade offices will be set up in a bid to meet the requirements of the country's international economic integration.

Under Decision No.100 issued by the Prime Minister on Wednesday, eight trade offices will be established this year in Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Morocco, New Zealand, Chile, Hong Kong and Belarus. The remainder will be set up in Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria and Lebanon next year. The existing overseas trade offices will also be restructured.

Economics: Hanoi further accelerates trade promotion 

The capital city of Hanoi plans to boost trade promotion activities from now until 2010 with a focus on building trademarks, enhancing competition and investing in modern technology to develop key commodities.

The capital city will expand trade co-operation with central and southern provinces while tightening relations with northern provinces.

The Hanoi Trade Department will organise travel missions at home and abroad, expand markets and apply international standards to help enterprises sharpen their competitive edge.

Recently, the department has organised a training workshop on trademarks for enterprises, organised a visit to the south-west markets of China and participated in the Hai Phong International Integration Fair, the Kunming Fair in China and a cultural and economic exchange programme in Switzerland.

Economics: Domestic stationery products head for the Philippines 

The Ho Chi Minh City-based Thien Long Ballpoint Pen Company (Thien Long) plans to export a batch of 25,000 stationery products, including ballpoint pens, boards and brushes, to the Philippines market.

According Ngo Van Tri, a representative of the company, Thien Long products have been penetrating foreign markets, including difficult markets in Europe such as Switzerland, Denmark and Norway. In the first nine months of this year, Thien Long earned an export turnover of around US$80,000.

Economics: Vietnam, an attractive destination for Swiss investors 

"Swissinfo", Switzerland’s news and information platform, has run an article on Vietnam’s development, saying that the country has gained high economic growth. Several large Swiss companies, including Nestle and Vovatis, have invested in Vietnam, however, there are still just a few small and medium sized enterprises operating in the country.

Recently a Hanoi business delegation toured Geneva to call for more Swiss investment in 100 projects, seeking combined capital of US$30 billion.

Swiss economists judged both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City as attractive destinations for business. They added that Vietnam like China has made a breakthrough in economic development.

Economics: Mountainous province makes first direct coffee shipments to EU 

The Coffee and Fruit Company of northern mountainous Son La province has exported 548 tonnes of Arabica coffee to Sweden, Poland, Germany and Holland in its first direct contracts with EU partners.

In January alone, the company exported 900 tonnes of coffee to the US and 115 tonnes to Sweden, Poland and Switzerland. It also won deals for export of between 650 and 700 tonnes of coffee to several other countries.

The province now has an estimated 4,000 ha under coffee plantation, including 3,000 yielding ha.

Social Affairs - [ Traduire cette page ]
... Swiss aid benefits disabled children. The Swiss company, Cotecna Inspection SA, has donated US$50,000 to assist children with disabilities in Vietnam. ...  - 14k - Résultat complémentaire - En cache - Pages similaires

Social Affairs - [ Traduire cette page ]
... organisations and agencies such as the Vietnam Northern Food Corporation, the Bank for Investment and Development, Enfagrow company, Swiss Cotecna company and ...  - 28k - Résultat complémentaire - En cache - Pages similaires  
Swiss aid benefits disabled children

The Swiss company, Cotecna Inspection S.A, has donated US$50,000 to assist children with disabilities in Vietnam. The money, to be channelled through the National Fund for Vietnamese Children, will be used to help rehabilitate disabled children in the northern province of Ha Tay, and the central province of Quang Ngai.

More than 2,000 disabled children receive support

Around 2,037 children with disabilities in 20 provinces nationwide have been rehabilitated under the "Support for children with disabilities, especially Agent Orange victims" project, which was launched by the Vietnam Child Support Fund in 2001.

The project established 26 centres for rehabilitation in 103 communes in 20 provinces and allocated VND50 million to each province to buy equipment.

Besides the government allocations, the project has received donations from many organisations and agencies such as the Vietnam Northern Food Corporation, the Bank for Investment and Development, Enfagrow company, Swiss Cotecna company and the Republic of Korea Child Support Fund.

The Fund calls for more support from domestic and foreign individuals and organisations for children with disabilities, especially Agent Orange victims.

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