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50 years of DIEN BIEN PHU Victory 
Int’l historians and scholars recall Geneva agreement 

Historians and scholars from France, Vietnam, China and Switzerland and representatives from international organisations gathered at an international conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Geneva agreement.

Participants discussed the significance of the Geneva agreement to ending Vietnam’s war with the French and restoring peace in Indochina. They also discussed cooperation between northern and southern countries, particularly bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Switzerland.

Addressing the conference, Vietnam’s Minister of Culture and Information, Pham Quang Nghi highlighted the significance of the Dien Bien Phu victory and the Geneva agreement in ending colonialism in Indochina and the world. Nghi thanked foreign countries and friends for their assistance to Vietnam in the country’s past struggles for national independence, freedom and unification. 

50 years of DIEN BIEN PHU Victory 

Cuban historians: Dien Bien Phu victory led total collapse of world colonialism

The Dien Bien Phu victory and the Geneva conference outcome dealt a severe blow to the world colonialism and led to its total collapse. The conclusion was made at a workshop in Havana, Cuba, on April 27-28.

Reports from the High-level Party School, the Cuban Institute of Friendship with other Nations, the Institute for Asian and Pacific Research and the Cuba News Agency Prensalatina were termed as intensive and comprehensive studies on the Dien Bien Phu battle and its influence on Vietnam, Cuba and other countries.

"One of the experiences which is still valid today is that a nation, no matter how small it is, can win over foreign aggressors, no matter how powerful they are, if its people are united and bravely fight against aggressors," the reports concluded.

Vietnamese ambassador to Cuba Pham Tien Tu and Lao ambassador Poangkeo Langsi highlighted the historical significance and impact of the Dien Bien Phu victory on the three Indochinese countries. They expressed thanks to the international community, including Cubans and French, for their support and assistance to the past national defence and current economic development in Vietnam and Laos.

A number of Cuban experts took this opportunity to recall their experience in Vietnam during the war against US aggressors.


Overseas Vietnamese wins "Journey to Dien Bien Phu" contest

Overseas Vietnamese Dinh Van Mai and Ho Chi Minh City Post Office worker Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen shared the first prize in the "Journey to Dien Bien Phu" contest.
The news was announced by Nguoi Lao Dong (Labourer) newspaper, in Hanoi on Wednesday.
The winners were awarded VND5 million and a set of memoirs written by General Vo Nguyen Giap.
Launched in March 2004, the contest drew 15,500 entries, from foreigners and overseas Vietnamese, who had to answer 15 questions about the Dien Bien Phu battle.


VOV hosts meeting with journalists involved in Bien Dien Phu campaign

The Vietnam Journalists’ Association and Radio the Voice of Vietnam on Thursday held a meeting in Hanoi with journalists involved in the Dien Bien Phu campaign 50 years ago.

Present at the meeting were Mr Hong Vinh, Party Central Committee member and Deputy Head of the Central Commission for Culture and Ideology, Mr Vu Van Hien, Party Central Committee member and VOV General Director, together with many veteran journalists.

Speaking on this occasion, Mr Hong Vinh said the Dien Bien Phu victory symbolised the great strength of the Vietnamese people in their struggle for independence and freedom. Therefore, meeting and talking to the veteran journalists would help young journalists understand fully the great service and contributions of the predecessors at that critical time of history.

Hundreds of their articles, editorials, pictures, films and poems on the Dien Bien Phu battle have been preserved as national treasures, Vinh said.


Foreign historians highlight Dien Bien Phu victory

The Dien Bien Phu victory was attributed first of all to the Vietnamese people's bravery in combat, wise direction on the political and military battlefields and support by progressive forces worldwide, agreed participants at an international symposium on the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, which concluded in Hanoi on Wednesday.

Many researchers believe that the lessons learned at Dien Bien Phu remain the same although half a century elapsed. Opening a speech entitled "Dien Bien Phu seen from France: Went from frantically optimistic to traumatized by failure", Dr Alain Ruscio, President of the French Centre for Information and Data on Modern Vietnam, admitted that in 1953, the French had very mixed feelings. Most of the time, they were ignorant but became frustrated and angry when in crisis.

A researcher of Vietnam, Prof. Dr. Charles Fourniau, analysed France's Vietnam policy at the time of colonisation, saying the French failure seemed to be a result of its ill-considered military, cultural and political policies. He cited Vietnam's thousands of years of existence as a culture, a nation and a state, and the clear-sighted leadership of a communist party which was successful in combining national and social requirements, as the reasons for the Dien Bien Phu victory.

Historian Benjamin Stora at INALCO-Paris said the Dien Bien Phu event became a catalyst relationship between a colonised society and the outside world.

In a paper sent to the conference, an Italian researcher of President Ho Chi Minh, Pino Tabliazucchi, wrote: Recently, some university students asked me to explain the two wars in Vietnam, especially the Dien Bien Phu victory. Why did the Vietnamese people win while Dien Bien Phu was a "Western style battle"? A more accurate and complete answer could be: the Vietnamese nation won because it was a people's war. He stressed: something, which has nothing to do with classic military science but illustrates the whole nation's determination and will.

Based on the book about the Dien Bien Phu campaign by General Vo Nguyen Giap and another entitled "Decisive factors to 20 major campaigns in the world" by English historian William Simo, Doctor Li Zhenwu of China's Guangdong Social Sciences Institute identified three basic elements: concise strategy and tactics, professional and brave soldiery and successful logistics. He stressed that the Dien Bien Phu campaign not only had political meaning but also a classic battle in the world's military history.

Participants from Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and the Republic of Korea emphasized the role of the Communist Party of Vietnam and its great leaders including President Ho Chi Minh, General Vo Nguyen Giap and others in the Dien Bien Phu victory. They highlighted the Vietnamese people's spirited determination to win, national unity, the close coordination from the Lao and Cambodian peoples, and the assistance of nations in the world, of fraternal countries and of peace-loving people.

Foreign scholars expressed their admiration for Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap when he delivered a speech to close the conference, stressing the important role of the Vietnamese people and traditional culture. He said the Vietnamese people were determined to regain mastership of their country and are ready to sacrifice their lives for national salvation.

With the expanding solidarity among peoples worldwide, the 21st century and the third millennium would certainly be a time of peace, national independence, democracy and progress, Gen. Giap concluded at the symposium.


Dien Bien Phu victory celebrations to be held in major cities

Grand ceremonies to mark the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory (May 7) will be held in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Dien Bien city, announced the Steering Board for Celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory.
The board met in Hanoi on Wednesday to prepare for celebrations.

Grand celebrations will also be organised in Hai Phong city, Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang provinces in the north; Da Nang city, Thua Thien-Hue and Thanh Hoa provinces in the central region; Dac Lac in the Central Highlands, and Can Tho province in the south.

A mass meeting, a parade and a festive night of flower unfoldment will be organised in Dien Bien on May 7.

On the occasion, the Dien Bien Phu Victory Monument, an international trade fair, a cycling race to Dien Bien Phu, a week of films, and an exhibition of books on Dien Bien Phu have been held.


Int’l symposium highlights Dien Bien Phu victory

The Dien Bien Phu victory created a turning point in the Vietnamese revolution, leading to the signing of the Geneva Accord in 1954, restoring peace in Indochina, ending French colonialists' occupation and liberating the North. It also ushered in a new period of national construction and development in the North creating a firm base for successful liberation of the South and national unification.

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem said at an international symposium on the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory held in Hanoi on Tuesday.

The symposium was attended by General Vo Nguyen Giap and about 500 Vietnamese and international researchers, sociologists, army officers, representatives from foreign diplomatic corps and international organizations.

Deputy PM Khiem said internationally, the Dien Bien Phu victory contributed to the oppressed people's common struggle against the colonialists' enslavement in Asia and Africa. He affirmed that Vietnam's anti-French resistance war, ended with the Dien Bien Phu victory under the wise, scientific and practical leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which was founded and led by President Ho Chi Minh, and thanks to the great sacrifices made by soldiers, young volunteers and people and the assistance given by socialist countries, especially the Soviet Union and China.

Addressing the event, General Vo Nguyen Giap said: "The symposium takes place at a time when a number of international conferences on Dien Bien Phu have been held in Paris, Hanoi and Beijing, promoting mutual understanding and friendship among nations." He said he hoped that the participants, historians and researchers, would together with other war veterans in the Dien Bien Phu campaign clarify the truth of the historic victory, paving the way for further strengthening of friendship among nations, peace and social progress.

During the two-day symposium, historians plan to focus on the national and international situation before the strategic battle in Dien Bien Phu, the increasing pressure from the anti-war movements in France and other countries, the historic and international significance of the Dien Bien Phu victory - a symbol of the strength of the Vietnamese people in the 20th century.

*** An exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, the 29th anniversary of the liberation of the South and the 114th birth anniversary of the late President Ho Chi Minh will be held on Wednesday by the Vietnam Revolutionary Museum and the Artillery Museum. About 300 exhibits including documents and pictures on the Dien Bien Phu battlefield will be displayed until mid July.

*** The Vietnamese Embassy in coordination with the Vietnamese Students and Youth Associations in France held a meeting on Monday to mark the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory. More than 200 young students and overseas Vietnamese gathered to review the country’s history of struggle against the French colonialist during 1946-1954.


Int’l scientific seminar on Dien Bien Phu victory opens

Vietnam’s Institute for Science and Society will hold an international scientific seminar on April 27-28 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory.

The two-day seminar will draw nearly 30 scientists, politicians and social activists from Russia, China, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, and France, as well as Vietnamese historians, and war veterans involved in the military campaign.

The seminar aims to highlight the significance of the Dien Bien Phu victory to the Vietnamese in particular and regional and international communities in general.  


General Giap meets war veterans in Dien Bien

General Giap offers joss stick at the Hill A1 martyrs monument

General Vo Nguyen Giap, the former commander-in-chief of the Dien Bien Phu military campaign, on Tuesday met with more than 300 war veterans, who were among soldiers and officers making the legendary Dien Bien Phu victory 50 years ago.

Gen. Giap, recalled the great significance of the victory and expressed his desire that the veterans carry on the spirit of the Dien Bien Phu victory to build a rich and beautiful country and to take part in the restoration of the Dien Bien Phu historic sites.

During his Dien Bien visit, the former commander-in-chief called at historic places, paid floral tributes at war cemeteries, and met with local residents. He also returned to his old command headquarters.


Beijing int’l workshop values Dien Bien Phu victory

About 30 Vietnamese, Chinese and French scholars attended an international workshop on the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and the Geneva Conference held in Beijing, China on April 19-20.

Participants spoke of the significance of the historical Dien Bien Phu victory, which, they said, was not only the victory of the Vietnamese people, but also of the peace loving people around the world. It helped consolidate the movement for national liberation in colonial countries over the world.

They agreed that the victory resulted from the Vietnamese people’s patriotism and strong will to gain back national independence under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, as well as the material and spiritual assistance of many countries and peace-loving forces in the world.

The participants also highlighted the significance of the Geneva Conference which led to the restoration of peace in Indochina.

The Vice Chairman of the Southeast Asia Studies Centre of the Beijing University Yang Bao Jun, said the conference helped promote the friendship and mutual understanding between China, Vietnam, and France. He quoted General Vo Nguyen Giap as saying historical study aims to contribute to building a better future.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Prof. Pham Xuan Hang, rector of the Hanoi National University’s Social Sciences and Humanities College, reconfirmed on behalf of Chinese and French scholars that the Dien Bien Phu victory was the victory of the Vietnamese people, and that Vietnam knew how to combine the strength of the nation with that of the era, particularly valuable assistance from international friends.


Dien Bien Phu victory leads to the collapse of colonialism

The Vietnamese people’s Dien Bien Phu victory dealt a heavy blow to colonialism, which was again defeated seven years later in Algeria.

Brahim Taouchichet, director of an Algerian bi-monthly review, who in 1985 interviewed General Vo Nguyen Giap, who masterminded the battle against French occupying forces, wrote in an article about Vietnam and Algeria, "two fortresses", against colonialism to regain national independence and that Dien Bien Phu was a resounding victory.

Recalling facts about President Ho Chi Minh and Messali Hadj, the founder of the Algerian People’s Party and the Algerian People’s Movement, he said both of them had plan for national independence, and in France, had worked together in an anti-colonialist newspaper in the 1920s and took part in international forums advocating their nations’ causes.


Argentina television hails Vietnam’s Dien Bien Phu victory

Argentina’s TN channel last weekend televised a short documentary on the Dien Bien Phu victory, highlighting the great significance and experience lessons of Vietnamese resistance war against the French colonialists.

The film commented that 50 years ago, under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, a poor country on the other hemisphere, defeated the invader, which was much stronger than Vietnam in terms of military and economic power.

With this victory, Vietnamese people wrote a new chapter in the history of fighting foreign invaders.

The film quoted General Vo Nguyen Giap as saying that the resounding victory over the French colonialists was derived from the patriotism, bravery, and intelligence of Vietnamese army and people in the struggle for national construction and defence.


Russian scholar highlights Dien Bien Phu victory

Anatoli Socolov, an expert in Vietnamese studies at the Oriental Institute of the Russian Scientific Academy, described the Dien Bien Phu victory as an internationally historical significance.

The scholar said the victory demonstrated the staunch will and desire for freedom and independence of the Vietnamese people. It also indicated the unavoidable collapse of the colonialism. The Dien Bien Phu victory set a bright example for other oppressed nations, he said.


HCM City war veterans en route to Dien Bien

About 70 war veterans, journalists and travelers began their "March to Dien Bien" tour from HCM City on Saturday to mark the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory.

During the fortnight tour, they will visit historical monuments, relics and landscapes stretching from Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hanoi, Son La, Sa Pa to Dien Bien. In Dien Bien, they will visit the headquarters of the Dien Bien Phu campaign, the underground offices of Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap and Gen. De Castries, and several former battle fields including Hill A1 and Hill D1.

They will also take part in art programs Hue, Hanoi and Sa Pa, and meet with former soldiers of the Dien Bien Phu campaign.


Dien Bien Phu - victory of Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia alliance

The Dien Bien Phu victory was one of the solidarity and alliance between the armies and peoples of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in their common fight against imperialism.

Major General Somvang Vongkhamsao, Director of the Lao Institute for Military History, wrote in the Parason newspaper that the Dien Bien Phu victory shattered the French colonialists' plan to expand their aggressive war in Indochina and consolidated the Indochinese countries' determination to complete their national revolutions.


Dien Bien Phu victory contributes to Latin American revolutionaries

The Dien Bien Phu victory has given a major source of encouragement to the Latin American people and revolutionaries in their fight against imperialism and tyrannical regimes, said an Argentine Communist Party official.

Horacio Lopez, a member of the Argentine Communist Party's Central Committee, wrote to the Vietnamese Embassy in Argentina that the historic Dien Bien Phu victory has been a testimony to the fact that imperialism can be defeated by a nation that has a common will and is led by a just vanguard force.

He said the victory has proved that the fate of a war is not decided by the fame of an army or the military capacity of the warring parties but by patriotism, desire for independence, and faith in the revolution. Only perceiving this can one understand the heroism and perseverance of thousands of Vietnamese men and women who surmounted untold difficulties to move heavy artillery uphill around the battlefields and dug over 100km of trenches under the enemy's constant bombardment.

Lopez said his Vietnam visit in 1992, a tough time after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist system in Eastern Europe, left him with a deep impression of the Vietnamese people's national pride, revolutionary firmness and internationalism. The visit also gave him an insight into the strength of the Vietnamese people who went through thousands of years of fighting to defend their territory, national identity and culture.


Ho Chi Minh Thought a lodestar for Dien Bien Phu Campaign

President HCM and Politburo members discuss tactics for Dien Bien Phu Campaign

Half a century has elapsed since victory was found on the Dien Bien Phu battlefield, but researchers continue to praise HCM Thought, which is seen as a decisive factor in the victory.

According to General Vo Nguyen Giap, commander-in-chief of the Vietnamese forces in 1953-1954, a conference of the Party politburo was held prior to the campaign to discuss the situation in the fight against French colonialists in Tin Keo, in the northern province of Viet Bac. At the meeting President Ho Chi Minh presented his strategy to foil the plan of General Navarre, the French commander. The President declared that the Dien Bien Phu campaign was of great military and international significance, therefore, he said Vietnam must win.

General Giap recalled his farewell minutes with President Ho, before leaving for Dien Bien in December 1953, as preparations the campaign were already underway:

"I remember President Ho told me, "you have the right to decide the campaign, fight if you are sure you can win, if not don’t fight." Thanks to his saying, I decided to withdraw the troops when the battle was about to start and change the tactic."

The correct and creative leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh had enhanced the courage and determination of the soldiers in the front and people in the rear, thus contributing greatly to the Dien Bien Phu victory.

Major General Nguyen Quang Bich, the former commander of the anti-aircraft forces at the Dien Bien battlefield said, "The instructions of President Ho and General Giap lived up to the aspirations and thinking of the whole army. What President Ho said was always correct. The victory of the 1953-1954 winter-spring campaign is a prime example."

Along with his bright leadership, President Ho also sent messages of encouragement and compliments to soldiers at the Dien Bien battlefield. Veteran Nguyen Coi, who participated in the Dien Bien Phu campaign, said, "Thanks to Uncle Ho’s encouragement and sentiments, we felt more valiant and vowed to sacrifice ourselves and to fight to the end."

Later, President Ho instructed the Vietnamese army and people to prepare for the fight against the American aggressors. This again shows his wide and strategic vision in national defense because as he said "Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom".

n experts took this opportunity to recall their experience in Vietnam during the war against US aggressors.

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