Ban khong doc duoc DAU tieng viet ? You can not read vietnamese characters?
xin doc CAT NGHIA va HUONG DAN sau day: / The followings informations should be usefull to you

I. Cac trang web dang (format) HTML [khi viet dung/ using: MsFrontPage, MsVisualStudio, v.v] 

1) Dynamic Fonts  Bitstreams Webfonts.
Chu Viet Nam trong Website nay 
xu dung  dynamic font ( fonts di dong ) cua con ty Bitstream.

May VI TINH  khong can gai fonts chu viet,  Ban van DOC duoc CHU VIET..
Cac fonts viet, de san trong website ( fonts tcvn ), vidu:
vn_arial.pfr, vn_arialh.pfr, vn_avant.pfr, vn_time.pfr, vn_timeh.pfr
co the tim thay cung voi trang tieng viet trong ngan ( directory) 
C:\windows\Temporary Internet Files
khi dung Microsoft Internet Explorer de doc

Dynamic Bitstreams Webfonts were installed here, in this website. you can read vietnamese HTML pages without vietnamese fonts installed in your pc. 

2) XIN LUU Y::
Lan dau tien, khi ban vao website  
phan tieng viet,
mot man hinh Bistream WebFont se hien ra
hoi ban: co dong y  gai   Bistream Webfont ?
luc do, ban phai tra loi la YES,  nghia la CO.

Thi, mot chuong trinh se tu Bitstream website chay xuong 
va nam luon trong may VI TINH cua ban, 
giup may VI TINH cua ban HIEU duoc fonts dynamic.

For the first time, when entering into this website, a Bitstram Webfonts screen will appear to ask you if you wish to install Bitstreams Webfonts, you must answer by YES if you like to read vietnamese HTML pages.

3) - Neu dung NETSCAPE. net chu tieng viet se RAT DEP,
       dep hon fonts thuong./ Vietnamese characters should be prettier when reading by Netscape.
    - nguoc lai, Neu dung Microsoft Internet explorer
       thi net chu tieng viet se XAU hon fotns tieng viet binh thuong./ Vietnamese characters should be
       less pretty when reading with Ms Internet Explorer.


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II. Cac trang dang (format) .DOC  [khi viet dung / writing with: MsWord, Word perfect, v.v ] 

Ban can cai dat 3 loai fonts tcvn,  theo chi dan nhu sau day: / To read vietnames DOC format, the following vietnames fonts should be installed in your pc.

1) Kich chuot vao ten cac fonts,  .VnArial  .VnTime  va  .VnAvan de download cac fonts. Khi thay xuat hien cua so Save luu font len dia cung, thi ban kich vao chu Save de luu tru trong 1 ngan, vi du ngan ' My Documents './ Click on the font names to dowload into a directory, for exaple 'my documents'

2) Sau cung, ban chuyen cac fonts tren vao ngan/ Then move them into the directory C:\windows\fonts 



Neu van chua doc duoc dau tieng viet, 
thi xin vui long bao tin de chung toi huong dan them, qua:
Le us know if you still can not read vietnamese characters by:

Tel:       0041-76-3780385
Fax:      0041-22-7940439

Trung Nguyen 
Geneva, 17.7.2002

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