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ASEM 5 leaders discuss international developments and global challenges

Heads of 39 delegations to the on-going fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in Hanoi focused their discussion on the topic of 'International Developments and New Global Challenges' in their first closed session on Friday morning.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, who chaired the session, underlined that the session would further consolidate the commonality of views among ASEM members about major issues in the world and would lay down guidelines for the enhancement of ASEM co-operation, thereby contributing to the consolidation of the world peace and security and enhancing the role of multilateral institutions.

The leaders exchanged views on such major issues as peace, security and stability, multilateralism, the role of the United Nations, international terrorism, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and non-traditional threats.

They shared concern over complicated political and security developments in the world since ASEM 4. In this connection, a number of leaders raised the issues of Iraq, the Korean Peninsular and Taiwan. They held that these developments have presented both opportunities and challenges to peace and development of all countries and agreed that peace and co-operation remained a prevailing trend in the world.

Asian and European leaders highlighted international terrorism as a serious threat to peace, security and sustainable development. They therefore agreed to further intensify ASEM co-operation in the fight against terrorism.

The leaders emphasised the need for close co-ordination to deal with new global challenges, such as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, organised crimes, drug trafficking, money laundering, infectious diseases, including HlV/AIDS, SARS, environmental degradation, illegal immigration.

They were of the view that to cope with these new global challenges, it is necessary to have a common approach through extensive and intensive dialogues, culturally as well, and close co-operation based on international laws, mutual understanding, equality and mutual benefit. The leaders agreed that the United Nations should play the leading role in preserving international peace and security as well as in addressing the pressing issues as noted in the Millennium Declaration. They emphasised that the UN, including the Security Council, should be reformed so that its noble tasks be effectively carried out.

The leaders also agreed on the need to further strengthen co-operation between Asia and Europe, thus contributing to creating a favourable peaceful and stable environment for development in the two continents and the world over.


(Month 10 date 09 year 2004)

Grand opening ceremony for fifth Asia-Europe Meeting

An opening ceremony for the fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 5) was organised in Ha Noi on Friday morning in the presence of President Tran Duc Luong of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and head delegates from all 39 ASEM member countries

In his opening speech, President Tran Duc Luong stressed ASEM 5 is mandated to develop suitable measures and steps to reach the goals reflected in its over-arching and consistent theme 'Further Revitalising and Substantiating Asia-Europe Partnership'.


He went on to say that the Ha Noi Summit should convey a strong message of the Leaders' clear determination, long-term vision and commitment to concrete actions so as to bring the ASEM process to a new development stage toward a comprehensive Asia-Europe partnership.


"We expect the Ha Noi Summit to express even stronger ASEM commitment t broader multilateral cooperation, especially to the central role of the United Nations in overcoming those challenges. In this connection, ASEM should make substantial contributions to the common efforts of the international community," the president said.


He affirmed that the first-ever enlargement of ASEM at this Summit constitutes an important step forward in the development of the process. This enlargement will help tap the full potential of Asia-Europe partnership, and heighten ASEM's important role and position in the world arena.


Heads of delegations of ASEM coordination member countries, including the Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Japan Koizumi Junichiro, President of the European Commission Romano Prodi, and acting Prime Minister of Denmark Per Stig Moller, delivered speeches at the the opening ceremony.


They said they valued Viet Nam's preparations for ASEM 5, stressed the significance of ASEM enlargement at the Ha Noi summit and called for promotion of Asia-Europe dialogues, covering politics, economics and culture.


Heads of 39 ASEM member delegations began closed sessions to discuss topics of the summit.


(Month 10 date 08 year 2004)

Ninth Asia-Europe Business Forum kicks off

The ninth Asia-Europe Business Forum, which gathers representatives of more than 300 businesses from 38 Asian and European countries, kicked off in Ha Noi on Thursday morning.

In his welcoming speech, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan of Viet Nam said that entrepreneurs' presence at this forum demonstrates the strong support for the Asia-Europe cooperation process, particularly for the Fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 5).

He said he believes that ASEM is not just a co-operation process between Governments, but also aims to increase people to people exchanges. In this regard, businesses and the AEBF in particular will serve as a driving force for economic co-operation.

The Vietnamese leader highlighted the significance of the forum, saying that the AEBF IX organised in conjunction with the ASEM 5 will provide a good opportunity for the Asia-Europe business circle to meet and interact with ASEM leaders to express their views and make recommendations to the Member Governments for consideration and implementation.

He expressed his hope that as part of ASEM 5, the ninth AEBF will help strengthen trade and investment co-operation between ASEM members, and contribute to the success of ASEM 5.

He pointed to the fact that the scope of Asia-Europe cooperation matches neither the potentials of the two continents nor the needs of the current situation. The EU is enlarging while ASEAN, consisting of ten members, is moving towards the establishment of ASEAN Economic, Security and Socio-Cultural Communities. East Asian Cooperation is increasing through the ASEAN- plus-three mechanism which includes China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. Various free trade areas and closer economic partnerships are in the process of taking shape.

"We strongly believe that the Ha Noi ASEM, characterised by the enlargement and by the substantive issues on its agenda, will mark a historic milestone and an important step forwards in the ASEM process, and benefit us all," Deputy PM Khoan said.

He briefed the participants on recent developments in Viet Nam and its future plans.

Viet Nam embarked on the renovation process about 20 years ago and has recorded many proud achievements. High economic growth has been sustained, social stability maintained, and people’s lives improved substantially. Thanks to the policy of openness and international economic integration, Viet Nam’s international cooperation has been expanded and exports and investment have increased rapidly, of which 80 percent comes from the ASEM partners, Khoan said.

He also took this occasion to call on ASEM investors to do business in Viet Nam, where they can enjoy all favourable conditions.-Enditem


(Month 10 date 08 year 2004)

ASEM enlargement by 13 members

Thirteen new members of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) took the oath at an enlargement ceremony in Ha Noi on Thursday in the presence of leaders and representatives from the 26 older member countries.

The new members are Cambodia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Myanmar, Poland, Slovakiaand Slovenia, bringing the ASEM membership to 39.

Addressing the ceremony, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai of Viet Namsaid " It is our expectation and conviction that the new members will make active and concrete contributions to our common endeavour of deepening and expanding the process, of revitalising and substantiating the Asia-Europe partnership as well as heightening ASEM's role and position in the world arena."

He also said " We also express our resolve to assist the new members to rapidly integrate into the process of ASEM dialogue and cooperation. Together, we will forge a comprehensive Asia-Europe partnership in the 21st century on the basis of mutual understanding, respect, equality and mutual benefit."

He added that ASEM enlargement proves the success and attractiveness of the ASEM process. An enlarged ASEM with 39 members accounting for nearly 40 percent of the world population and 50 percent of the GDP of the world, is becoming a political-economic entity playing a very important role for peace, security and development in the world.

After the new members' national flags were hoisted, the Prime Ministers of Cambodiaand Estoniatook the floor.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said that they were convinced that ASEM enlargement will usher in a new skyline for long-term relations between the two continents. He said the new member countries were able to add new values to the ASEM process to help narrow the geographic gap between Asiaand Europe, thus boosting regional integration and inter-regional cooperation.

For his part, Estonian Prime Minister Juhan Parts said the new member countries would work hard to fulfil the common goal for closer economic ties in Asiaand boost economic reform in the European Union.--Enditem


(Month 10 date 08 year 2004)

Seminar on Asia-Europe cultural exchange held in Ha Noi

A seminar entitled " Cultural Exchange between Asia and Europe: Past Experiences and New Approaches" was jointly held in Ha Noi on Thursday by the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Danish Embassy in Hanoi, the Asia-Europe Foundation and the Danish Center for Cultural and Development.

The seminar aims to seek solutions and forms of activities for Asia-Europe cultural exchanges.

Since ASEM-4, culture-related issues have drawn much interest and numerous cultural activities have been held.

Delegates to the seminar focused their discussions on experiences of Asia-Europe cultural exchanges during the term of ASEM. The organisation has a website "" to introduce well-known artists and create forums for cultural exchanges.

At the seminar, Viet Namaffirmed that ASEM-5 is an opportunity to introduce its culture to local people and foreign friends. Of which, in addition to multilateral activities, the Ministry of Culture and Information will conduct bilateral activities with each country, including the organisation of art performance nights.

The way of approaching the cultures of Asiaand Europehas been encouraged by the participants helping to accelerate the exchange through organising seminars, photo exhibitions, fashion shows and art programmes.-Enditem

(Month 10 date 08 year 2004)

ASEM senior officials' meeting held

A meeting of senior officials in preparation for the fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 5) took place in Daewoo Hotel, Hanoi, on Wednesday, after the Asian senior officials' meeting and the Co-ordinators' Meeting (CM).

The ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting (ASEM SOM) was chaired by Nguyen Trung Thanh, Assistant to the Foreign Minister and Head of the Vietnamese delegation to ASEM SOM.

ASEM SOM chief delegates of the 26 ASEM founding member countries, 13 Asian and European countries that will become ASEM members at ASEM 5, attended the meeting.

At this final meeting ahead of ASEM 5, the participants reviewed and completed all preparations for ASEM 5 agreed upon an agenda, the working programme and drafts of documents to be passed by ASEM 5.

Addressing the meeting, Vietnamese head delegate Thanh praised the efforts of ASEM members in co-operation with the host country, Vietnam, and co-ordinators to complete the documents for ASEM 5.

Participants praised the excellent preparations made by Vietnam for ASEM 5 and expressed their belief in its success.

Following the meeting, ASEM SOM head delegates of Vietnam, Nguyen Trung Thanh, of Japan, Hitoshi Tanaka, of Holland, Rober Mlders, of EU Fokion Fotiadis, and Executive Director of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Ambassador Delfin Colome, launched the ASEM information board (ASEM Infoboard) implementing the resolution of the 6th meeting of ASEM foreign ministers in April. The information board will be used to store, receive and disseminate information about ASEM.

Mr Thanh thanked the Executive Board and member of the Asia-Europe Foundation. He said the ASEM Infoboard will be a facility broadcasting and disseminating ASEM to the world.


(Month 10 date 07 year 2004)

Prime minister inspects preparations for ASEM-5

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai on Tuesday inspected the preparatory work for the fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM-5) Summit at the International Conference Hall, the International Media Centre, and Daewoo hotel, where a ceremony to admit new members to ASEM will take place.

(Month 10 date 06 year 2004)

ASEM5 People’s Forum closes in Hanoi

Over 400 delegates evaluated democratisation of Asian and European countries in the last session of the ASEM5 People’s Forum on September 9.

ASEM5 People’s Forum closes in Hanoi

Over 400 delegates evaluated democratisation of Asian and European countries in the last session of the ASEM5 People’s Forum on September 9.



At this session, which focused on the theme Democratisation and People’s Rights, delegates emphasised the need for increased public participation in the democratisation process.

Some workshops related to this theme also took place on the same days, including those entitled “Democratisation, good management, local-level management and the participation of people”, “Democratisation and regional integration”, “The media and democracy”, “Human rights: a comprehensive way of approach”.

The closing ceremony of the ASEM5 People’s Forum was held that evening at the Melia Hanoi Hotel. There the final declaration was delivered bearing the title “People’s action for human security in Asia and Europe”.

The final declaration calls for basic changes in relations between Asia and Europe, while setting measures that organisations in Asian and Europe commit to realise. It calls for Asian and European governments undertake specific actions to encourage peace and security, social and economic security, democratisation, and safeguard human rights. The declaration also calls for Asian and European people’s organisations to strengthen cooperative ties for a better ASEM, for human security and Asia and Europe, for peace, equal and sustainable development, democracy, and equality among nations and social progress in the both continents and the world as a whole.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Chairman of the Union of Vietnam Friendship Organisations Vu Xuan Hong said, “This forum has inherited the tradition of the previous ones and is an opportunity for international friends to know more about the history, the land, the people, the will, the aspirations, and the dreams of Vietnamese people”.

Viet Lam

(Source - VietNamNet)

(Month 09 date 10 year 2004)

President promises all efforts to make ASEM-5 a success

Vietnam will do its utmost to hold a successful and secure fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM-5), despite its still-limited infrastructure, said President Tran Duc Luong.

Soạn: AM 145552 gửi đến 996 để nhận ảnh này qua MMS
President Tran Duc Luong receives Malaysia's ex-PM Mahathir Mohamad in Hanoi.

The President made his comments yesterday while receiving former Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

"We strongly believe that with great responsibility, co-operation and support from the whole community and the experience of organising big events such as the ASEAN-6 summit and 7th Francophony summit, that ASEM-5 will be successfully organised," said President Luong.

He briefed Dr Mahathir about the country's situation and its preparation for the meeting and pointed out that Vietnam acknowledged the responsibility that goes with organising the upcoming ASEM-5.

To prepare for the meeting, Vietnamese leaders held talks with many leaders from Europe and Asia to plan the agenda and reach agreement on the dialogue process.

The President affirmed the position of Vietnam and ASEAN countries that there is no discrimination against expanding ASEM to new member countries.

In speaking with Dr Mahathir, President Luong expressed his satisfaction at the expansion of bilateral ties between Vietnam and Malaysia and their contributions to the ASEAN community.

He said he was impressed with the successful administration in Malaysia, believing that the position and strength of Malaysia will be further reinforced allowing it to continue to make important contributions to the region and the world.

Dr Mahathir said his visit aimed to seek investment opportunities and a relationship with the Vietnamese Government as well as to further study Vietnamese preparations for the upcoming ASEM-5.

Dr Mahathir said with responsibility and support from the whole community, Vietnam will certainly hold a successful ASEM-5.

Later yesterday, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai received Dr Mahathir and his delegation, welcoming the visit and underscoring the important contributions made by the former PM to his country's economic development and relations, both regionally and globally.

Dr Mahathir expressed hope that Malaysia and Vietnam would continue to co-operate, especially in investment, trade and information exchange.

(Source: Viet Nam News)

(Month 09 date 21 year 2004)

Foreign Minister: ASEM-5, evidence of Viet Nam's commitment to ASEM process

Ha Noi, Sept. 18 (VNA) - On the eve of the 5th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) next month in Ha Noi, Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, also vice chairman of the 5th ASEM National Organising Committee, spoke to Vietnam News Agency in an exclusive interview about the significance of the event.

Q: Co-operation in the ASEM has developed rapidly in the past eight years, based on three pillars: political dialogue, economic-financial co-operation and co-operation in other fields. Why, then, does the 5th ASEM summit have the theme, "Further Revitalising and Substantiating the Asia - Europe Partnership? Is this because past co-operation has not been as satisfactory as expected?

Looking back on the establishment and development of ASEM over the past eight years, we can say that the new partnership, based on mutual respect, benefit and equality between the two continents, has progressed alongside the establishment of the ASEM process, even though exchanges between Asia and Europe had been occurring for centuries.

After overcoming many initial difficulties, ASEM co-operation has developed dynamically and has attained many important achievements in terms of politics, economics, culture, and other fields, meeting the aspirations of people from both continents.

However, international and regional affairs have been changing rapidly, becoming ever more complicated. In the meantime, ASEM has faced many challenges, while co-operation, especially in terms of trade, remains modest and far below the rich potential of the two continents.

ASEM co-operation mainly takes the form of dialogue, and it has not yet attained the level of action and concrete pledges.

The admission of 13 new members will not only increase opportunities for co-operation, but will also give rise to demands for ASEM's renovation to develop further.

In this context, all ASEM members acknowledge that it now is time to make the Asia — Europe partnership more lively, and bring co-operation into a new stage of more in-depth, practical and effective development.

By doing that, the two continents will be able to fully tap their potentials and cope with emerging global challenges. In that spirit, ASEM members agreed with Viet Nam's proposed title for the meeting, "Further Revitalising and Substantialising the Asia - Europe Partnership."

To meet these expectations, member countries in the upcoming summit are expected to approve the Ha Noi Declaration on closer economic partnership between Asia and Europe, and the ASEM Statement on the dialogue of cultures and civilisations, in which the issue of making ASEM's economic co-operation more practical will be emphasised.

State leaders at the summit will meet directly with representatives from the ASEM Economic Specialising Team and the Asia-Europe Businesses Forum in order to field their suggestions to strengthen the ASEM economic link.

The Ha Noi summit is also aimed at outlining development strategies for the ASEM process, along with other issues, including renovating ASEM's operation mechanism in the wake of membership expansion, so as to enhance the vitality, attractiveness and contributions of ASEM for peace, stability and co-operation on the two continents and in the world.

With these facets, I do believe that the summit will have a significant contribution to the further development of the Asia-Europe Co-operation Forum.

Q: As a co-ordinator and host of the summit, what are Viet Nam's contributions to the meeting, and how will the country benefit?

Acknowledging that the 5th ASEM summit plays a very significant role in the Asia — Europe partnership, and also that it is the nation's most important event this year, Viet Nam began preparing for it at a very early stage.

We have worked closely with other ASEM members, as well making practical contributions in order to ensure that the meeting is a great landmark in the two continents' partnership development.
The first thing Viet Nam contributed to the meeting was the theme, which accurately reflects the expectations of members and the people.

Viet Nam proposed the approval of the Ha Noi Declaration on closer economic partnership as well as the ASEM Statement on the dialogue of cultures and civilisations.

We, in collaboration with other countries, have created a concise agenda, so that Asian and European leaders can work out specific measures to improve co-operation in all areas.

We have also suggested and co-authored many other initiatives.

The nation's other significant contribution was the expansion of ASEM membership. As a co-ordinator and host of the 5th ASEM summit, we have worked with other ASEM co-ordinators to persuade concerned parties to seek proper solutions to the problem of admitting new members.

With this success, the 5th ASEM summit will be the first expanded summit in nearly a decade, with the participation of 26 existing and 13 new members.

The meeting will be an important milestone in the co-operation between the two continents, and it will definitely strengthen the power and voice of ASEM in the international community.

Last but not least, it is worth mentioning our thorough preparatory work in terms of reception, logistics and security.

The work began a year and a half ago, when the Prime Minister set up a national committee for organising the event, with more than 14 related ministries and sectors participating.

We have completed this huge project on time, and ASEM members have spoken highly of our preparation efforts.

Preparing and organising one of the most important political events in the last 10 years has been a great challenge to Viet Nam. However, the success of the summit will create for us many opportunities, both tangible and intangible, which we should make use of to serve the country's development needs.

First and foremost, the 5th ASEM summit is evidence of the country's strong commitment to the ASEM process. It is an important step in Viet Nam's foreign policy, showing that we are ready to be a friend and reliable partner of other countries and to struggle for peace, independence and development.
The event will transform Viet Nam's image into that of a country of renewal, stability and involvement in international and regional integration.

The meeting will also be a good opportunity for the country to promote bilateral ties with ASEM members, especially big countries with important roles on both continents.

The State leaders of France, the Republic of Korea, China, Germany and Belgium will pay bilateral visit to the country. Thousands of representatives from every social stratum in Asia and Europe have been arriving and will arrive in Viet Nam to participate in a series of economic, political, cultural and social activities.

The 5th ASEM summit will be a good opportunity for the country to implement international economic integration, serving its targets of industrialisation and modernisation. The Asia-Europe market is a large one, accounting for 50 per cent of the global gross domestic product and 44 per cent of world trade. As a result, the event will be crucial to Viet Nam's economic development.

Sideline meetings between business and government leaders will be useful and necessary, helping to raise understanding and create incentives for Vietnamese businesses to penetrate into and seek a firm foothold in this market.

The summit will also be an opportunity for Viet Nam to further its foreign policy initiatives. It is a great event that will attract special attention from the world public, with about 2,000 domestic and foreign reporters expected to attend. It will be a good chance to introduce to friends over the world Viet Nam's renewal, stability and active international integration — a cultured, reliable partner and an attractive destination for business, investment and tourism.

The vast amounts of manpower and financial resources we have devoted to successfully organising the summit meeting will bolster international friends' and partners' confidence in Viet Nam's renewal and rapid economic development.--Enditem

(Month 09 date 18 year 2004)

ASEM 5, an opportunity for Viet Nam to boost cooperation with EU

Ha Noi, Sept. 17 (VNA) - The 5th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 5), scheduled in Ha Noi next month, will be a major opportunity for Viet Nam to introduce itself to the world, and for Vietnamese businesses to promote economic ties with foreign partners, particularly those from the EU.

As ASEM 5 is expected to welcome 2,000 delegates including hundreds of representatives of major firms in the world and reporters from 38 nations, Viet Nam will take this opportunity to improve relations with foreign partners.

Vietnamese products are still less competitive in the world market because almost all Vietnamese businesses lack experiences in advertising and marketing. Another reason is their out-of-date technology accompanying and low management capacity.

The EU is the biggest market of Viet Nam's footwear, accounting for 80 percent the country's footwear export value. Viet Nam earned 400 million USD from footwear exports to EU in the first quarter of this year, increasing 15 percent over the same period last year. However, the figures still fail to reflect the potential of both sides in this trade.

Viet Nam's textiles and garments account for only 0.95 percent of the EU's market share.

A major challenge to Viet Nam in attracting foreign visitors and businessmen are weaknesses in advertising the country to foreigners.

According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, by the end of March this year, 505 EU direct investment projects had been licensed in Viet Nam with a total investment capital of 8.35 billion USD, a modest figure as EU makes up 40 percent of the global trade and 50 percent of world Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

The Vietnamese Government will not fail to seize this opportunity. The government has assigned the Trade Ministry to work out proper policies to attract new EU members, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan has said. Viet Nam will create better investment conditions than other regional markets in order to lure more EU investors. Viet Nam will improve the legal system, reform administrative procedures and boost investment promotion in the near future, Khoan said.

The Deputy PM stressed that after EU's expansion, Viet Nam has opportunity to access the world biggest market with a 500-million population, representing 30 percent of the trade value, and 46 percent of the foreign direct investment in the world.-Enditem

(Source: VNA)

(Month 09 date 17 year 2004)

Preparations for ASEM-5 almost completed
Ha Noi, Sept. 14 (VNA) - Viet Nam has nearly completed facilities for the fifth Asia-Europe Summit Meeting (ASEM-5), the National Committee for ASEM-5 announced.

The official logo of this summit has also been approved and is being used in ASEM-related activities.

The logo has 26 intertwined vertical lines, including 16 upward blue strokes symbolising European member countries and 10 downward yellow strokes depicting the rice civilisation of Asian countries. Beneath these strokes are the words: ASEM 5, Ha Noi 2004 painted in red to symbolise the strong vitality of the Asia-Europe cooperation.

The logo, created by Vu Long Giang from Ho Chi Minh City, expresses the idea of close ties and prospects for further cooperation between the countries in the two continents for peace and sustainable development.

The National Committee for ASEM-5 said the summit, which is scheduled for Ha Noi from Oct. 8-10, is expected to endorse three documents, i.e a statement by the ASEM President, a joint statement on economic partnership, and a joint statement on dialogue between cultures and civilisations.

The host country will organise a series of political, economic and cultural events on the sidelines of the summit, the committee said, adding around 2,000 foreign and local reporters are expected to come to cover the summit.
(Month 09 date 14 year 2004)

Fifth Asia-Europe People's Forum underway in capital

The fifth Asia-Europe People's Forum opened in Hanoi yesterday, in the lead up to ASEM5 on October 8-9.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan said the event will offer chances for international people's organisations to meet Vietnamese counterparts and discover more about Vietnamese history, culture, achievements, as well as challenges still facing its people.

"I am convinced the activities at the forum will facilitate open dialogues, exchanges of experiences and information, agreement on a common action plan and the, strengthening of co-operation in the interests of the peoples within ASEM," said the deputy PM.

This forum - with the theme of security for people in Asia and Europe - has attracted 500 participants representing 350 organisations from ASEM members.

Organised by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and sponsored by ASEM members, the three-day event will conduct seminars on peace and security; economic and social security, and building democracy and human rights.

The forum aims to enhance mutual understanding, solidarity and joint-action through dialogues and discussions, and is expected to issue a final statement at Thursday's closing ceremony.

This fifth people's forum follows the first held in Bangkok in 1996, London in 1998, Seoul in 2000 and Copenhagen in 2002.

It has become an important activity for people's organisations from ASEM members to enhance solidarity and co-operation among people's organisations for peace, national independence, equitable and sustainable development, democracy and social progress.

Current ASEM members are the fifteen EU Member States and with ten Asian countries (Brunei, China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

(Source: Viet Nam News)

(Month 09 date 08 year 2004)

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