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US tour: PM’s first day stateside
15:29' 20/06/2005 (GMT+7)
VietNamNet – After a 16 hour flight, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai landed in the US, visited an overseas Vietnamese family, the Boeing Company and meet with international reporters.


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 PM Khai (right), Deputy Foreign Minister Le Van Bang (middle) and Doan Manh Giao, Minister and Chairman of the Vietnamese Government Office.


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PM Khai waving goodbye before leaving Vietnam.
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PM Khai (right), Deputy Foreign Minister Le Van Bang (middle) and Doan Manh Giao, Minister and Chairman of the Vietnamese Government Office.
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PM Khai chatting with an overseas Vietnamese family in Issaquah, Washington on June 19.
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Talking with Mark Jenkins, former manager of supply and procurement for Boeing Raymond Conner in Renton.
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On the way to Boeing.
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The PM visited the overseas Vietnamese family.

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At press conference.
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Farewell to Boeing officials

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PM touches down in DC
15:37' 21/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – At 8.20pm local time June 20th (7.20am June 21st Vietnam time), the plane that carried PM Phan Van Khai landed at Washington DC after a pleasant four-hour flight.


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Landing at the airport in Washington DC

After more than two days of continuous working and little sleep, the flight provided a valuable rest for the whole delegation.


In the evening, PM will talk with Vietnamese reporters.


The following day will be full of important events.





PM’s agenda includes

-          Meet with President Bush at the White House

-          Press conference with President Bush at the Oval Office

-          Visit the US Department of Commerce

-          US Government reception party

-          Attend the opening ceremony of the Vietnam – US business Forum

-          Meet with the US Secretary of Defense

-          Attend Inaugural ceremony of the US-Vietnam Superior Council of Vietnam competitiveness

-          Receive leaders of major corporations and NGOs

-          US businesspersons community welcoming party


Nguyen Anh Tuan (from Washington DC)

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CNN interviews Deputy PM
15:08' 20/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – At 6.35am Vietnam time today, CNN ran a live interview with Deputy PM Vu Khoan, who is accompanying PM Phan Van Khai on the groundbreaking visit to the US.


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Deputy PM Vu Khoan being interviewed live on CNN

Deputy PM said he felt very glad to be visiting the US this time and he is optimistic that the visit will yield outstanding results. This marks the first time a Vietnamese PM has visited the US and proves that relations between the countries are healthy.


Mr Khoan said the war ended 30 years ago and circumstances have totally changed in relations between the US and Vietnam. What is important now is to look towards the future and further improve relations between the two countries.


The Deputy PM expected that the meeting between US President George Bush and PM Phan Van Khai tomorrow would involve straightforward and friendly talks about the general relations between the two countries. He hopes the talks will establish stable and cooperative relations that benefit not only Vietnam and the US, but also the Asia Pacific region.


Mr Khoan also stressed the importance of joining the WTO for Vietnam’s economic development, in which international relations are key.


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CNN reporter interviewing Deputy PM

He said that bilateral talks with 10 countries, including the EU and Japan, had been completed. Bilateral negotiations with the US a week ago had also achieved substantial progress. The door to the WTO is now wide open to Vietnam, said Mr Khoan.


Talking about his visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C, the Deputy PM reaffirmed Vietnam’s policy to put the past behind and look towards the future of cooperation between the two countries.


“The future of Vietnam-US relations will be negotiated here in Washington. We will make every effort to enhance them,” the Deputy PM concluded.



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US visit 'a step towards a better future,' says Viet kieu academic
10:07' 23/06/2005 (GMT+7)

Vietnam-US relations will definitely improve as a result of Prime Minister Phan Van Khai's visit to the US, said Dr Ngo Thanh Nhan, a professor at New York University.

VN-US relations will definitely improve as a result of PM Phan Van Khai's visit to the US.

Dr Nhan was one of 19 overseas Vietnamese honoured for the work they've done for Vietnam in 2004, and is a member of the steering committee that is seeking justice for Vietnamese Agent Orange victims.

He granted an interview to a Vietnam News Agency correspondent in New York on the occasion of PM Khai's first visit to the US.

"As a Vietnamese-American who would like to see increased normalisation between the United States and Vietnam on all levels, particularly between the people of both countries, I think the visit is important and most welcome.

It signals an improvement in many aspects of the relationship between the two governments, and is a significant step towards a better future."

"The visit will help to identify common interests between the two nations. The strategy of identifying problems and initiating 'road maps' to solutions is, I think, a success in, itself. It should be noted that problems between Vietnam and anti-Communist Vietnamese Americans did not draw public attention as some had expected."

"Since diplomatic normalisation in 1995, there have been many positive developments in the two countries' relations in trade, tourism, and investment.

The visit of the Prime Minister at this point in time seems to highlight these positive developments, and will hopefully identify solvable differences in the near future," he said in response to a question about how the PM's trip will change relations between the two countries.

"The relations between the two countries in the near future will definitely improve," he stressed.

(Source: Viet Nam News)

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US-Vietnam leaders in press conference
10:35' 22/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – On his third day in US, Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai met with US President George W Bush at the White House for a press conference.


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PM Khai’s US visit front page in international media
10:30' 22/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – The international mass media has followed closely Vietnamese PM Phan Van Khai’s visit to the US, focusing on talks with American leaders and broadcasting the event to the world.


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International newspapers and news agencies have offered non-stop coverage of the Vietnamese Prime Minister’s visit to the US , focusing on talks with US Head of State George Bush in Washington , DC yesterday.


The UK ’s Reuters news agency went so far as to write, “Bush Supports Vietnam in WTO.”


Vietnam has set a goal of joining the WTO at the trade organization's next ministerial meeting in December in Hong Kong . The US Congress would have to vote on any deal to allow Vietnam to join the WTO, as it did with China in 2000,” the story reads.


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Titled “ Vietnam 's Khai Makes Historic White House Visit”, an AFP story said PM Khai became the first leader of his country to visit the White House since the bloody Vietnam War.


The US’ Associated Press reported on the outcome of talks, where the two leaders discussed religious freedom, security and forging stronger economic ties, describing how President Bush praised Vietnam's economic progress, steps toward religious freedom and continued efforts to find the remains of American servicemen who died in the war.


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"I want to thank the prime minister for his government's willingness to continue to work on finding the remains of those who lost their lives in Vietnam ," the agency quoted Mr Bush as saying.


"It's very comforting to many families here in America to understand that the government is providing information to help close a sad chapter in their lives."



The BBC noted that the two sides had open and direct talks.


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Immediately after the talks ended in Washington, the US ’ CNN reported positive results, emphasizing that Bush accepted PM Khai's invitation to visit Vietnam next year.


The Chinese News Agency, Business Week, New York Times, Washington Post, and Japanese Kyodo all reported on the historic event as well, saying that with the Vietnamese PM’s visit to the US, relations between the two countries have entered a new era of development.


Once enemies, the US and Vietnam have now become political and economic partners.



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PM’s stirring speech lauds growth of VN – US relations
11:21' 21/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – At a dinner closing his first day in the US, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai addressed US officials and industry leaders.


“Dear Vice Governor of Washington State, dear senators of the State, dear American Ambassador to Hanoi , ladies and gentlemen,


I am very encouraged to start this official visit to the United States of America by our arrival in Washington and I sincerely thank you for your hospitality and the solemn and sincere reception you’ve offered to me and the Vietnamese Government delegation.


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Important activities in the first day of arrival

In Vietnam , we know of Washington State as a highly developed state, a leading state in the USA , where the world-leading corporations in high technology like Boeing, Microsoft are based. We also consider Washington State as a fulcrum of the increasing relationship between the USA and Vietnam because Washington is the first state in USA that established a relationship with Vietnam . It has a high percentage of export turnover to Vietnam and it has the cooperation and friendship of our Hai Phong City .


The Vietnamese government delegation appreciates the efforts of state authorities to facilitate the relationship with Vietnam . By now we are having great opportunities to create the new impetus for the Vietnam - USA relationship in general and between Vietnam and Washington State in particular.


This year is the 10th year of diplomatic relations between the two countries. During that time, relations between Vietnam and the USA have been expanded, with rapid increase in trade, showing a 20-fold increase in trade turnover within the 10 years. This time, we visit the USA to discuss with President Bush long-term, sustainable cooperation. I think that the benefits of the two countries, and the wide and deep changes in Asia and the Pacific, require us to strive for that cooperation, in which Washington State could play an important role.


Situated by the edge of the Pacific, we have advantageous conditions for trade partners. With a population of over 80 million, and pursuing a road of renewal, Vietnam is developing strongly with the objective of becoming an industrial country for international economic integration. Vietnam is a potential partner and Vietnam considers the USA in general and Washington State in particular as very important with great potential in economy, culture, science, technology and especially high technology. With such knowledge, I believe that the cooperation between Vietnam and the USA will increase and bring benefits to both countries.


Let me tell you something about Vietnam . Twenty years ago, it was a poor, backward country. After the war, the country was badly destroyed, trapped in social and economic crisis. Our people tried to identify a way, a mechanism for economic renovation. The decisive key turning point is the change from the centralized planning mechanism to the socialism-oriented market economy.


In the context of Vietnam , many of you here may also know that it was an extremely important political decision, but it also grew out of a very complicated situation in our history at the time. We changed into a market economy by mainly relying on the strengths of the people, the nation. However, the market economy requires a system of laws, mechanisms, and policies with a synchronized direction to promote the development of the market economy. We are asking ourselves tough questions in hopes that we can make the government a good midwife of Vietnamese market economy.


While the Vietnamese people may still be very poor, they are responsible. We use the term ‘midwife’ to indicate the government. The government must be the hand that delivered the change into market economy in our State. We are happy to inform you here today that we have made great achievements during nearly 20 years of renovation, changing from the old to the new mechanism. The economic growth rate is 5%, even reaching 8 - 10% for other years, and has grown an average of 7.5% continuously for the last 10 years. Exports have increased an average of 16% for the last 10 years.


Vietnam has tuned itself from a completely backward country, in the past depending on the external supplies, into a country with export value accounting for 50% of GDP. The process of changes in guidelines, mechanisms and economy has proceeded with stability. The people are uniting and are in consensus with the guidelines for economic renovation put forward by the Party and the State. The economy develops, the lives of the people are improving and our people believe in the revolutionary perspective and future of the Vietnamese people.


I also want to say that Vietnam is a safe country. That is the comment most often heard from tourists and from overseas research organizations, Vietnam is safe and peaceful.


We also want to say some additional things on the guidelines of Vietnam ’s foreign relations and very important achievements in this field over the last 20 years. As you know, in the past Vietnam has followed socialist philosophy. But as the socialist bloc is no longer in existence, we’ve had to re-think internal affairs. We identified a guideline for external affairs of independence, autonomy, diversification, and multiple parties. Vietnam is friend to all countries and Vietnam is reliable partner to all countries.


We had to undergo a process of struggle to identify the objectives in order to achieve guidelines for foreign relations. Now we can see that the correct guidelines for internal and external relations have produced great results, a socialist country in ASEAN. We participate in most of the international organizations and strive for WTO entry. We have diplomatic relations with 170 countries, trade and investment with 60 countries. There are 5,000 foreign investment projects in Vietnam worth a total of US$40 billion. We have been to sponsors’ conferences in Paris since 1993. To date the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank, sponsor governments and international organizations have committed about US$23 billion in funding to Vietnam .


With all of that plus solid guidelines and internal force mobilization of the Vietnamese people, we believe that Vietnam will take off in 2006.


After this USA visit both sides may enter a new stage of relations, a new time supported by all enterprises. After the visit, with the possible investment of US enterprises, Vietnam ’s position is certain.


We believe Vietnamese - US relations will develop vigorously in the time to come, to the benefit of both sides. Good development of Vietnamese – US relations will contribute to the peace, stability and development in Southeast Asia , Asia , and Pacific Asia. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen”.


Note: The translation is for reference only



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Viet Kieu Ministry may form
16:22' 20/06/2005 (GMT+7)

“In the coming time, we are slated to establish Ministry of Overseas Vietnamese if necessary” stated Tran Quang Hoan, Deputy Head of the Committee of Overseas Vietnamese.


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Deputy Head of the Committee of Overseas Vietnamese Tran Quang Hoan

According to the Central Committee of Overseas Vietnamese, the number of overseas Vietnamese entrepreneurs returning to Vietnam for business has been increasing rapidly in recent years.


To date, HCM City has two organizations of overseas Vietnamese, the Association of Overseas Vietnamese Enterprises and the Club of Overseas Vietnamese Entrepreneurs, which were established to support overseas Vietnamese to explore investment opportunities in Vietnam.


Talking with Tien Phong reporters, Mr Tran Quan Hoan said that the Club of Overseas Vietnamese Entrepreneurs took a trip across Vietnam last year to help abroad businessmen to seek cooperation opportunities in different areas in Vietnam. The trip resulted in the establishment of 15 companies with 60% of the investment sourced from overseas Vietnamese investors, 30% by local government, and the remaining 10% by other financial sources.


Regarding the rights of buying, selling and transferring real estate applied for overseas Vietnamese, Mr Hoan expressed his strong belief in Vietnamese Government’s open policies toward the issues although they have not been tabled for discussion. However, there has been an improvement in the procedure of identifying Vietnamese bloodlines, and the Government has empowered city and provincial authorities to recognize bloodlines for overseas Vietnamese.


There are currently three million overseas Vietnamese. The Committee of Overseas Vietnamese under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken on more staff and had its funding increased to successfully carry out resolution No. 36/ by the Politburo.


According to Mr Hoan, Ministry of Overseas Vietnamese may be established depending on the situation.


(Source: Tien Phong)  

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Vietnam - small dragon growing up
16:52' 24/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – Press worldwide is commenting on US hospitality towards PM Khai and his ringing of the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange as a symbol of Vietnam’s economic achievements.


The Washington Post depicted Prime Minister in the US as “a guest of honour” and reported that the US Congress will vote for Vietnam’s admittance to WTO, as it did for China in 2000.


The Los Angeles Times had a report titled “Vietnam’s Premier gets VIP treatment” that described how President Bush “stepped gingerly around the divisive issues” in his talks with Prime Minister Khai and commented “Bush's conciliatory tone was striking”.


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PM Phan Van Khai tours the NYSE

The report referred to analysts’ suggestion that “the softer approach reflected, in part, the US administration's desire to forge security and economic ties with Hanoi amid increasing concern about China's growing power”.


United Press International (UPI) offered another view that the ongoing search for US servicemen missing in action in Vietnam explained why the President opened the White House to PM Khai. It also pointed to trade and investment opportunities in Vietnam, a country of more than 80 million people, most of them under 25, as a leading reason why the visit was so welcome.


La Libre Belgique (Belgium) recounted Former President Bill Clinton’s visit to Vietnam five years ago and President Bush’s current reception of Vietnamese PM, saying both prove that the countries want to turn to a new chapter in relations.


Japan Times The article “Putting the Vietnam War to rest” had it that “the opportunity for genuine reconciliation between the two former adversaries has never been better”, and “the US appears ready to reciprocate” Mr Khai’s willingness "to put aside the past and look to the future."


Chicago Tribune, reporting on American Vietnamese protests, quoted Jeffrey Brody, a professor at California State University: "For those refugees who still cling to the values of the homeland, the war was the most monumental event in their life, and it still is. This group tends to be very anti-communist and has a very conservative outlook. But a new generation has grown up in this country and has moved on, so their views are very different."


FRI (France) portrayed Vietnam as “a small dragon that is growing up”. It said Vietnam is one of the most active markets in South East Asia, which is undergoing vigorous reforms focusing on banking system and legal development. Ringing the NYSE opening bell in Wall Street, PM Khai would like to inform the world of Vietnam’s economic achievements since the initiation of Doi moi (Economic reforms).


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Other reports point out problems left for the two countries to resolve such as Vietnam’s request for America to compensate for the thousands of Agent Orange victims, and US investors complaining about the underdeveloped financial system and breaches of intellectual property and copyright in Vietnam.


However, the two countries managed to agree on several issues, including MIAs, Vietnam’s WTO accession and defense. The developments are considered evidence of tighter relations, which will help the two countries gel in years to come.



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Breakthrough in relations: a historian’s thoughts
16:27' 24/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet - "I witnessed both positive and negative sides. Vietnamese American were seen in demonstration … but I could see the mark of the past in all that,” Historian Duong Trung Quoc said.


As a historian, you are likely to see much significance in this meeting between Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and President Bush?


Speaking as a historian, I think that the meeting between President Bush and the Prime Minister Phan Van Khai bears a historical mark. Nevertheless, after 30 years since the war stopped, this is a very important step.


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Duong Trung Quoc (left) being in Washington DC. (Photo: Nguyen Anh Tuan)

After a long road, 30 years, there is consensus and the seeking of mutual benefits. I look back, not 30 years, but 60 years ago when Vietnamese and Americans found common cause in fighting Nazism in the context of the World War II.


As a participant in the delegation to the US , you have witnessed many important events. Does it help you to forecast the future of relations between the two countries?


I don’t think that the relation between the two countries would develop as an advancing step but as the start of a breakthrough, a new perspective on relations that will benefit both countries.


I think that now there are no other reasons blocking Vietnam and the US from finding common interests for the progress of mankind. That is the process of convergence, healing the wounds of the past. And the important point is the position of the US in the region.


I arrived here and I witnessed the positive and the negative sides. The US citizens of Vietnamese origin were seen in demonstration … but I could see the mark of the past in all that. It’s the future that counts. I met senators who have drafted bills related to human right issues in Vietnam . However, they also have a belief that if the two sides have further dialogue, many problems left by the past will be solved.


Thank you very much


(Following are excerpts from further interviews between Duong Trung Quoc and reporter Nguyen Anh Tuan, on the historian’s talks with viet kieu demonstrators. All parties spoke cordially about the situation in the country, the demonstrators wearing overcoats to hide their slogans and speaking on many issues, some not connected to the protest.)


You have had an interesting talk with demonstrators. What are your thoughts?


I was very astonished that among those people on site and people in the hotel, those people were wearing pullovers with unacceptable provocative material. But when the demonstration was over, they put on overcoats covering their slogans. When I sat down to talk to them they said that it was the issue of the past.


Did they say any extra things?


They talked about their displeasure and acute concerns. They said that the future was inevitable, irresistible.


Nguyen Anh Tuan (from Washington DC )

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Photos of the PM at Harvard University
10:11' 27/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – On June 25, PM Phan Van Khai visited Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). View VietNamNet’s select photos of the event.



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Harvard President Lawrence Summers welcomes PM Khai.

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Harvard President Lawrence Summers welcomes Vietnam’s ministers.

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PM chatting with Summers at Harvard

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The PM thanks the audience after his speech.

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The PM speaks at a luncheon in Boston.

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Harvard President Lawrence Summers welcomes Vietnam’s ministers.




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Speech by Vice PM Vu Khoan at the signing of economic agreements
10:48' 23/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – VietNamNet provides full coverage of the speech by Vice Prime Minister Vu Khoan at the signing of groundbreaking economic agreements between Vietnam and the US .


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PM Phan Van Khai and Department of Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez attending the signing ceremony between Vietnam Airlines and Boeing.

On its second working day in the US , the Vietnamese delegation met with officials at the US Department of Commerce to sign a series of important agreements between Vietnamese and US business and organizations. US Secretary of Commerce Carlos M Gutierrez and Vice Prime Minister of Vietnam Vu Khoan spoke on the historic agreements.


Text of Speech Vice Prime Minister Vu Khoan:


Dear Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, Dear Secretary of Commerce, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very honored to be authorized by Prime Minister Phan Van Khai to speak at this ceremonial signing on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Vietnamese Delegation.


In our whole lives, we seldom have opportunities to witness historical events. But today we all here have an opportunity to witness a series of significant historical events between two countries. That is: the first ever visit of the leader of a united Vietnam to the United States of America ; that is a very constructive, very open dialogue between the two leaders, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and President Bush in the White House; that is the signing ceremony of many important agreements today in the American Department of Commerce.


As the Prime Minister has shared his personal feelings, may I also share my own personal feelings?


I am very honored to sign the Bilateral Trade Agreement and as the Prime Minister has said, we have seen the vigorous growth of two-way trade. And I also witnessed the contract signing to buy the first Boeing 787. I would like to share a secret: we flew over here in a smooth Boeing 777, which made a very smooth landing. The next official Vietnamese delegation will come to visit in a Boeing 787.


After this trip, many Vietnamese will benefit from insurance available from New York Life and ACE. Telephone service in Vietnam will develop with equipment from Motorola. Possibly, our Prime Minister will wear Nike shoes to play badminton, and I personally will use the Clubs produced by Nike to play golf.


With all those events, the Bilateral Trade Agreement has brought us great benefits. This July, the USA completes WTO negotiation with Vietnam and there will be twice the number of contracts to sign.


May I finish with an appeal to the US business community to come to Vietnam for business and continue to support trade relations with us. Thank you.


Note: The translation is for reference only


Nguyen Anh Tuan (from Washington DC )

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Washington visit will deepen ties, says PM
10:08' 18/06/2005 (GMT+7)

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai has told both The Washington Post and the Associated Press that his forthcoming visit to Washington is intended to deepen the bilateral relations between Vietnam and the United States.



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Prime Minister Phan Van Khai.

There was great potential for them to develop ties in all fields despite past difficulties and present differences, he said.


Mr Khai is the first prime minister of a unified Vietnam to visit the US and his journey will coincide with the 10th anniversary of the normalisation of diplomatic ties between the two countries.


He told reporters that the Vietnam-US relationship had developed rapidly, especially since their Bilateral Trade Agreement became effective.


Two-way trade between the two countries had increased from US$1.5bil in 2001 to $6.4bil in 2004, up 20 fold from 1995. In addition, bilateral relations had been developed in science, health and education.


There was also co-operation in thwarting terrorism and the settling of global problems. Vietnam had co-operated with the US in finding American soldiers missing in the American War and the US has helped Vietnam remove unexploded ordnance, provided information about missing Vietnamese soldiers; helped people with disabilities and built schools in war-ravaged regions.


Vietnam had agreed to work with the US to implement an international military-education training programme and Vietnam wanted to begin with health care for soldiers.


Vietnam had recorded great achievements during the past 20 years through its process of doi moi, or renewal, the prime minister told the reporters.


The country had won important results with its external relations strategy and wasted to be a friend and trusted partner within the international community.


Vietnam was now a country of peace, stability, safety and renewal. Renewal was aimed at developing Vietnam's integration with the region and the world. The country was putting aside the past and looking to the future in its relations with the US.


The two countries has both common and corresponding interests.


Vietnam wanted to promote relations with the US by building friendship; fostering a constructive partnership; multi-faceted co-operation; stable stability and respect for each other's interests.


The prime minister said that Vietnam thinks of its people living abroad as integrated with the country. They were its human resources, he said.


All could contribute to the building of the country regardless of their past views provided they were not against the nation's interests.


Overseas Vietnamese were seturning home to invest trade and co-operate in teaching and healthcare. The numbers opposing Vietnam among the overseas Vietnamese community were few, he said.


WTO the focus


Vietnam's admission to the World Trade Organisation would be a crucial focus of the Washington talks, the prime minister said.


Vietnam wanted to successfully conclude its bilateral negotiations with the US as soon as possible and join the world body.


A negotiation team led by Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan had been sent to Washington for this purpose.


But if his own visit did not conclude the bilateral negotiations, Vietnam would still expect President George W.Bush and his Administration to support the country's admission to the World Organisation as soon as possible, he said.


Vietnam's admission to the WTO would have benefits for both it and the United Sates. It would create opportunities for American business in Vietnam. "We are brimful of hope that Vietnam will join WTO by the end of this year," he said.


"But it's not a last chance for Vietnam. The WTO Council meets to each year to admit new members," he said.


Vietnam wanted normal trading relations with the US; it also wanted the US to recognise Vietnam as a market economy by removing the Jackson- Vanick amendment.


The prime minister said Vietnam was willing to co-operate with the US in addressing the aftermath of war, including the clearing of land mines and dealing with the consequences of Agent Orange.


Vietnam was pleased with the co-operation between Vietnam and the US in finding the remains of both American and Vietnamese soldiers still missing.


Vietnam wanted the US to help Agent Orange victims and in so doing address the concerns of many people throughout the world.


Vietnam recognised the help given by the US, especially the country's non-government organisations, to help the victims of Agent Orange and build schools in war-devastated regions.


The prime minister is expected to have talks with US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld while in Washington.


The two countries had an agreement for the Vietnam embassy in Washington and the US Embassy in Hanoi to co-operate in intelligence, he said.


There is a staff post to share this intelligence, especially about terrorism, transnational crimes and money-laundering."


The prime minister said Vietnam was willing to discuss democracy, religion, nationality and human rights with the US. This was an opportunity to explain Vietnam's great achievements of the past few years, he said.


In Vietnam, the decisive rights to the country's destiny belonged to the people.


The National Assembly was their representative for supreme decision making by the people. All laws passed by the assembly resulted from opinions gathered from the people.


The Vietnam Communist Party had been the guardian of the people's interests and Vietnam did not need more political parties. People still trust in the Party, he said.


"We know that the both Party and State must deliver benefits to the people and if they were not of benefit people would not accept them".


(Source: Viet Nam News)

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Photos of the PM on Wall Street
09:40' 24/06/2005 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet – Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai rang the bell at the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, opening the day’s activity.


PM Phan Van Khai, Deputy PM VU Khoan and NYSE Chief Executive Officer John Thain shook hands and chatted in the company of NYSE staff.


The Vietnamese delegation hoped to bring luck to the day’s trading as they met with staff and posed for photos.


VietNamNet selects the moment.



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NYSE CEO John Thain (left) chatting with the PM, who rang the opening bell.



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Historic moments.

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John Thain shows the PM the NYSE’s systems.

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People applaud the meeting.

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Touring the NYSE.

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Historic moments.

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John Thain and PM Khai exchange gifts.







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PM receives US trade official
14:27' 08/06/2005 (GMT+7)

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai received Vice President for Asia of the US Chamber of Commerce Myron Brilliant in Hanoi on June 7.

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The visiting vice president affirmed that the US Chamber of Commerce supports Vietnam's bid to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

He also said that Vietnam's accession to the WTO will benefit Vietnam-US economic ties, that his chamber will spare no effort to help US businessmen, politicians and people better understand Vietnam and that his office and its counterpart, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), will act as a bridge to bring more US entrepreneurs to Vietnam.

Brilliant also expressed his desire to help Vietnam successfully organise the APEC summit in 2006.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai spoke highly of Brilliant's working visit to Vietnam. He thanked the US Chamber of Commerce for its support for Vietnam's accession to the world's biggest trade body.

PM Khai stressed that in the spirit of shelving the past, Vietnam wants to develop multifaceted, stable and long-term co-operation with the US.

He added that the US Chamber of Commerce and the VCCI should strengthen their co-operation to help businessmen of the two countries better understand each other's market.

(Source: VNA)

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US still hard in negotiations
16:51' 23/06/2005 (GMT+7)

At a news conference in Hanoi June 21, former Deputy US Trade Representative Michael B. Smith warned that the US is still hard in trade negotiations despite support for Vietnam’s WTO bid.


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Former Deputy USTR Michael B. Smith

During its accession process to WTO, Vietnam has reached bilateral agreements with many other countries but not yet with the US . Former Deputy US Trade Representative Michael B. Smith insisted that there is no political reason for the US to intentionally add more pressure to the negotiations with Vietnam . “The US business community does not like to get involved politics and economic negotiations. The requirements being negotiated are not stricter for Vietnam than for other countries,” he stressed.


Smith admitted that the US is a difficult negotiator and will rarely give in on a point, especially in trade negotiations, except if economic agreements are well established that will benefit both sides and facilitate political stability. The US is also always open and candid about its opinions and demands.


Smith especially assured Vietnamese farmers not to worry about WTO accession. Taking the example of US farmers, he expects Vietnam ’s agriculture will benefit from the reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers. He said agricultural subsidies are not only harmful to producers in other countries but also to domestic consumers.  


Regarding the increasing number of anti-dumping cases filed in the US recently, Smith explained that it is not the US Government that initiated the legal proceedings, but that certain companies initiated each dumping action. “The US government supports trade freedom, not trade limitation,” reaffirmed Smith.


Having contact with a large number of US business operators in Vietnam , Smith reflected that they had been attracted by great opportunities in the country, but it would be better if the investment environment in Vietnam was more flexible and transparent. Complaints about the tangled and cumbersome system are common. 


As Chairman and CEO of Cantabs Inc., which provides international trade and investment consulting services, Smith has introduced several US businesses to the great potential in Vietnam .


(Source: VNE)

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