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Defence Minister furthers friendship with Australia
Thursday, April 1, 2004

SYDNEY — The relations between Viet Nam and Australia, especially that of respective militaries, would be expanded following the five-day visit to Australia by Viet Nam’s National Defence Minister Gen Pham Van Tra.

While warmly welcoming the delegation, Prime Minister John Howard highly valued the visit, saying it helped promote friendship between the two peoples and armies.

Tra and his entourage held talks with a delegation of the Australian Defense Ministry led by Minister Robert Hill, who had invited Tra to visit Australia.

They discussed measures to promote and develop friendship and increase the effectiveness of the two countries’ defence co-operation.

Their working session with a delegation of the Australian special military commission, led by Gen Peter Cosgrove, commander of the Australian defense forces, took place in an open and mutually-understanding atmosphere, ushering in a new stage of development in the two countries’ defense relations.

Gen Tra also visited the Australian national defense institute and met with its students, including Vietnamese and other foreigners. The visit wrapped up on Tuesday. —VNS

Viet Nam, Australia ties boosted by five-day visit
Tuesday, February 17, 2004

HA NOI — Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien ended a five-day official visit to Australia intended to further expand comprehensive co-operation between the two countries on Sunday.

During his visit, Nien conveyed regards from Prime Minister Phan Van Khai to Australian Prime Minister John Howard and thanked the Australian Government and people for their valuable help to Viet Nam in its efforts to industrialise and modernise.

Howard praised Viet Nam’s success in economic development and said he was pleased to see relations between the two countries expand.

He said he wanted to visit Viet Nam at an appropriate time in the near future.

The Vietnamese foreign minister also held talks with his Australian counterpart Alexander Downer and made a courtesy visit to former Australian prime minister Gough Whitlam.

The Australian minister assured Nien of his country’s Official Development Assitance worth A$ 70 million for education and training, potable water, environmental protection, agriculture and rural development.

Nien briefed his host about Viet Nam’s efforts to defeat avian flu and address the consequences of the influenza.

Downer said his government was considering some help to Viet Nam in its fight against the bird flu.

It also supported Ha Noi’s bid to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO), host the APEC summit in 2006, and candidacy as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the 2008-2009 tenure.

He said he appreciated Viet Nam’s active participation in the anti-terrorism and trans-national crimes conference initiated by Australia and Indonesia, saying that he hoped Viet Nam, an ASEAN member country and an ASEAN-Australia co-ordinator, would help Australia further broaden its links with Southeast Asian nations.

The two foreign ministers briefed each other about the latest situation in their respective countries and exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Both said they were pleased with the two-way trade between their countries.

It reached US$1.6 billion last year and Australia is a major investor in Viet Nam.

The two ministers highlighted the need to further strengthen co-operation by promoting exchange visits between members of parliament and maintaining deputy foreign ministerial dialogue about political and security issues.

They said also that they were committed to pooling their efforts to promote co-operation in tourism, drug prevention, and illegal migration as well as the settlement of problems arising from trade transactions.

The foreign minister also met with Immigration, Multi-cultural and Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone, members of federal parliament’s joint commissions for foreign affairs, trade and military affairs.

He attended gatherings with representatives of the Australia-Viet Nam friendship parliamentary group, the Australian Centre of the Asia Association, Australia-Viet Nam Businessmen’s Council, and Australian Viet Kieu or overseas Vietnamese. — VNS

Australia charity to fund more surgeries
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

HCM CITY—Viet Nam Outreach, an Australian-based charity, has pledged to fund free surgeries for 4,000 children with facial deformities through 2007.

The non-governmental organisation and the Australian Consulate have also donated a blood analyser to HCM City’s National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology (NHOS), where most of the plastic surgeries are performed.

Thanh Nga, chief representative of Viet Nam Outreach, said the NGO set up a fund to support children at the HCM City Cancer Hospital in September.

"We will soon run a training course at NHOS for nurses at dental clinics and departments in HCM City and other southern areas," Nga said.

Formed by Vietnamese Australian businesswoman Tuyet Parker and her husband during her return to Viet Nam in 1987, the NGO runs three main charity programmes, with top priority given to helping poor deformed children and improving the capability of local medical staff.

It has helped 6,000 needy children suffering from severe burns, harelips, cleft palates, cancer and orthopaedic disorders. Some 5,000 of those children were from the south, most from HCM City.

Viet Nam Outreach has also donated medical equipment to local hospitals and provided local and overseas training for key medical staff at central and local medical centres.

In line with an agreement signed with the Ministry of Health in 2002, Viet Nam Outreach has expanded its activities by providing additional training in hi-tech dentistry, anaesthetics, research, physical rehabilitation, nursing and English training for health workers. — VNS