----- Original Message -----
From: ntrung
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 11:30 PM
Subject: >to deepen and consolidate Exchanges & Cooperation Ideas ... the the context of Vietnam

Dear Prof. Yves Flückiger
Département d'économie politique
Université de Genève, UNI MAIL
40 bd du Pont d'Arve, 1211 Genève 4
My friend, Mr. Nguyen van KHAI
 - Deputy Director, HES-Genève,
 - Head of Education & Academic Affairs, Ecovietnam
      & his STAKE-VN project  www.ecovietnam.org/stake_vn/
 would like to meet you too and so, will join to our meeting on
     Monday, February 23, at 11h30.
IINTERNET TOUR SUMMARY (# 15-30 minutes)
1>** Concrete projects **
GENEVA-HANOI Friendship & Cooperation MEMORANDUM signed 17.2.04 in Hanoi
  50 years of Geneva Agreements (1954-2004)/provisional Program, 26-27.April.2004 
  Hanoi economic & cultural Week in Geneva, MEMORANDUM / 21-29.may.2004
  Ideas launched in Hanoi by Guy Mettan, oct.2002
   - during our trip with Guy Mettan www.ecovietnam.org/hanoi/oct2002/hanoi2.html
   - 1st concrete realization www.ecovietnam.org/emainvest/2003/hanoi_geneva.html
   - SwissPressClub & Ecovietnam,2002 www.ecovietnam.org/g11/g11souvenir.html
   - Ema & Ecovietnam, 2001  www.vn.to/emainvest/uk/index_uk.html

2>ECOVIETNAM  <&Echanges & Cooperation with Vietnam Ideas

Part I:
 1) -Moving North to South in 1953
     -Sink(black/sombre) country, family & personnal situation in 1954
         ( 1954 Geneva Agreement )
     -Happy ideas discovered in 1956
      and experiences exercised/acquired for a particular (NTT)

        " With what which are under our disposition
          if know how to exchange and co-operate with,
          we should receive back all what we need
          to equalize and then
          EVENTUALLY pass over other persons in a very short time
! "

      >> a relationship network to be developped
           based on some key principles:
                  . adaptation capacity,
                  . transparency
                  . all or nothing, pin & face  ...
 2a) after two final TEST trips around Europe (2months) & Usa,Canada (4 months)
      IdeasFormulated in 1971 www.ecovietnam.org/working/ifm/ideasformulated.html
      for a country (VIETNAM):     

        " With what which are under our disposition (VN)
          if know how to exchange and co-operate with,
          we should receive back all what we need
          to equalize and then
          EVENTUALLY pass over other countries in a very short time
 2b) . some long pauses after 1974
         . then 5 years, 90-95, to find out some good & direct contacts with Hanoi authorities... !
      ACTIVE relationship NETWORK building [ ...... 1995-2001] via
 . about 40 informal and friendly meetings,expl: www.ecovietnam.org/working/ifm/ifm_1995june22.html
 . [Jobs: in schools, multi national companies, banks, public administrations ]....
 2c) ECOVIETNAM  created on 2.9.2002 at SwissPressClub, Geneva
      = an Association
          & International Exchanges-Cooperation Center
         Teams:   www.ecovietnam.org  /  www.ecovietnam.org/ga2k3/+1st_team2.html 
                         Honnor Committe (under construction)
         STATUS: www.ecovietnam.org/v01/fr/statuts_ecovietnam.html
         ONG:       www.ecovietnam.org/working/ong/ong_ecovietnam.html  ONG

Part II.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
How you should ASSIST to develop some theorical Bases 
of Exchanges & Cooperation in the context of Vietnam.
... while trying to build up Concrete Projects ...
The works achieved, activities & organizations to be developped ... should be resumed, consolidated under the form of a "doctorate thesis" ?
In the frame-work of your  "laboratoire d'economie appliqué, www.unige.ch/ses/lea/oue
. & eventually, with Hanoi National Economic University
Naturally, your precious presence
in our HONNOR COMMITTEE or ....www.ecovietnam.org/v01/fr/respond_coupon.html
to make grow up the 'BABY Ecovietnam,
should be appreciated by ALL !
With my Best Regards and looking forward to meet you, tomorrow morning

Nguyen thanh Trung
Coordinator,General Secretary
CP 760, CH-1212 Grand-Lancy/Ge
Tél:  +41 76 3780385 - Fax: +41-22-7940439
info@ecovietnam.org  / ntrung@ecovietnam.org

----- Original Message -----
From: ntrung
Cc: info
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 11:35 PM
Subject: approfondir et consolider l'idées d'échanges et de coopération ... dans le contexte du Vietnam

Dear Prof. Yves Flückiger
Many thanks for your sympathy and availability.
Here below, the subject I will try to review and to imagine with you about
in next 'rendez-vous' (for about 15 to 30 minutes), if possible, near a PC connected to the Internet
"How you should ASSIST to consolidate and clarify the EXCHANGES & COOPERATION ideas in the context of VIETNAM ... while trying to develop Concrete Projects ... "
Part I. An idea, since 1956  then experiences acquired / exercised with some main events in 1971, 1995 then 2002...
1) Exchanges & Cooperation: Why & How / Starting with an idea in 1956
    and experiences applied for a particular ... until 1968/1900 ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2a) Exchanges & Cooperation PROGRAMS to be applied for a countryVietnam & the world wide.
2b) Exchanges & Cooperation, period 1995-2001:  Informal & Friendly meetings.
2c) Exchanges & Cooperation: From 2002 and so on ... 
    Ecovietnam Association & International Exchanges Center
     ** 1st meeting, Creation meeting, 1st General Assembly ... **
    Joining_Ecovietnam www.ecovietnam.org   
Part II: In the frame-work of your " laboratoire d'economie appliqué,  www.unige.ch/ses/lea/oue
The works achieved, activities & organizations to be developped ... should be resumed, consolidated under the form of a "doctorate thesis" ?
Looking forward to meet you
I will call you thi week.
Best Regards.
Nguyen thanh Trung
CP 760, CH-1212 Grand-Lancy/Ge
Tél:  +41 76 3780385 - Fax: +41-22-7940439
info@ecovietnam.org  / ntrung@ecovietnam.org
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2004 6:26 PM

Cher Monsieur

je vous remercie de votre message et de vos voeux pour la nouvelle année. A mon tour je vous adresse mes voeux les plus cordiaux pour une excellente année 2004.
J'attends votre téléphone pour que nous puissions fixer un rendez-vous au courant du mois de janvier


Yves Flückiger
Prof. Yves Flückiger
Département d'économie politique
Université de Genève
40 bd du Pont d'Arve
1211 Genève 4
Tél: 022/379.82.80 Fax: 022/379.82.93
Secrétariat: 022/705.82.63
e-mail: yves.flueckiger@ecopo.unige.ch


Bonjour Professeur Yves Flucliger
Avec mes meilleurs Voeux pour la nouvelle année 2004.
Je pense bien à vous et souhaite vivement de pouvoir vous rencontrer 
si possible pendant le mois de janvier !
Je souhaite que vous puissiez nous aider à développer et à approfondir l'idéé d'échanges et de coopération
qui va nous guider pour développer et organiser des projets concrêts de développement dans le contexte du Vietnam ...
Nguyen thanh Trung, Ecovietnam
PS: E= echanges, CO= Coopération
       Ecovietnam= Echanges & Coopération avec le Vietnam
----- Original Message -----
From: ntrung
To: Jaquier Pierre (DEEE) ; François Brulhart ; Gilbert.Meillaz ; Robert Pattaroni ; Pierre de Grimm ; Boris Siegentaller ; Fabian Lucchi ; Jean-Jacques Borgstedt ; Richard Yen ; Anton Huber ; JeanMarc AUSSOLEIL ; cher ; Elisabeth Kemf-Khing ; Anjuska Weil ; Leon S. Tedjosas ; Rudiger A Hoeren ; Michel Nievergelt ; Patrice Mariet ; Patrick T. Fischer ; Joseph Nzay ; Mr Frank_Huppertberg ; M Kappenberger ; Hans.Kristersson ; Stefan Hatt ; Martin Hajnoczky ; Catherine Brassaud ; Catherine_Brassaud ; Barbara-Meckli-Schneider ; Ulrich u Birch ; Thomas Sporrer ; Fuchs Myrijam ; Markus Stern ; Lopez Isabel ; Daniel Gorostidi ; Andreas Kühnis ; Didier Braissant ; Alain Saracchi ; Patricia AMARU ; Jean-Yves Gabbud ; Daniel Rochat ; Boris.Dudukovic ; Hunzike ; Patrick Lehner ; Anne Frei ; Jacques Thiebaut ; Ivan Schick ; Ivan.Schick ; Schick Ivan ; Giuditta Schera ; Gregoire Rey ; Chiarolini Gianni ; Dinh Trung ; NgocHa Tran ; Vu duc Trinh ; Chau thiYenCHAU ; Lu Can Lien ; Bui viet Cuong ; Bui Ngoc CHAU ; BUI Ngoc-Chau ; Louise Pittet ; Alberich Altermatt ; Diebel Michael ; Thomas Welsch
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 1:10 AM
Subject: ECOVIETNAM FLASH ** some quick informations from General Assembly as of 18 December-2003

CC: Ecovietnam Committee
      Ecovietnam Honnor Committee
      Ecovietnam Official Links at Vn Embassy in Bern & Vn Mission in Geneva
      Heads of Active Projects
Attached, some quick informations from our General Assemly as of Dec 18, 2003 in Geneva.
Best regards
Nguyen thanh Trung
General Secretary
CP 760, CH-1212 Grand-Lancy/Ge
Tél:  +41 76 3780385 - Fax: +41-22-7940439
info@ecovietnam.org  / ntrung@ecovietnam.org