GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2003 & LUNCH Thursday, December 18th, 2003 from 11:00 to 14:00 At the Swiss Press Club, La Pastorale, Rte de Ferney 106, CH-1202 Geneva
Mr. Nguyen Ba THAN Mr. Ngo Quang XUAN |
VN Embassy in Bern Ambassador, VN Mission in Geneva |
Mrs. Patricia AMARÜ * | Présidente, PME et Createurs des Entreprises, Genève |
Mr. Jean-Jacques BORGSTEDT * | President, PELICHET SA |
Mr. Aldo BRUNELLA * | Vice President, BIPIELLE Bank (Suisse) |
Mr. Bui Ngoc CHAU | Director, MICROCID |
Mr. Bui Viet CUONG | Consultant, WorldWide Program, UNCTAD/UNDP-Geneva |
Mr. M.Akol DERMANCI | Pharma Industry Consultant, Consultancy Services |
Mr. Boris DUDUKOVIC * | President, DP MEDICAL SA |
Mrs. Anne FREI | Director, EDICS SA |
Mr. Dominique FLAUX * |
General Secretary,EMA Foundation;
President,MadaSwiss; Deputy Director, Quorum Communication Group |
Mr. Dao Huy GIAM * | Head of VN Trade & Investment Office in Geneva |
Mrs. Francesca GIANNOTTI * | Director, DIAMINDS SA |
Mr. Jean-Yves GABBUD * |
President, PME & Createurs d'entreprises,Tessin Journalist, GAZETTE des REINES |
Mr. Daniel GOROSTIDI | General Director, ELCA Informatique SA |
Mr. Rüdiger A HOEREN | Director, AGEM - NET |
Mrs. Tran Ngoc HA | Lic. ès Lettre |
Mr. ---- ----- * | Director, CREDIT SUISSE/First Boston |
Mr. Wilhelm.KRAKOWITZER | Sales Project Manager, ALSTOM SA |
Mr. Nguyen van KHAI | Deputy Director, HES-Ge |
Mr. Patrick LEHNER | Manager, Fédération d'Informatique F@I |
Mr. Guy METTAN | President, Swiss Press Club; President, EMA Foundation |
Mr. Patrice MARIET * | Tele Communication Specialist, SASE SA |
Mrs. Tran kim chi NGOC | Lic. of Pedagogy |
Mr. Robert PATTARONI | MIAMSI Representant/ ONG at ECOSOC |
Mr. René RUCHAT | Expert Comptable, Fiduciaire RUCHAT |
Mr. Thomas SPORRER | Manager, SIPPO |
Mr. Ivan SCHICK | Director, Espèrance Aiuto Indocina |
Mr. Giuditta SCHERA | Director, Immodomus SA (School technology) |
Mr. G. Federico JAUCH * | Head of politico-culturel Activities, TS |
Mr. Jacques THIEBAUT * | General Director, HES-GE |
Mr. Vu Huy TAN | Counsellor, VN Mission in Geneva |
Mr. Nguyen Thanh TRUNG | Economist & Computer Specialist, NTT Consultants |
Mr. Leon S. TEDJOSASMITO | Director,Consultant & Partners(Project-Fundings&Direct Investment/FDI) |
Mr. Richard Liem YEN * | Director, AIR VIETAM, London Office |
notes: Absences List, not included ; (*) last minute excused | |