

PM’s tour promotes Europe co-operation


HA NOI — Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has finished a nine-day visit to Germany, Britain and Ireland that he called an important step in developing the comprehensive partnership between Viet Nam and Europe.

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency after he and his wife returned to Ha Noi yesterday, Dung said the visit was successful as he and the leaders of the three European countries had exchanged and discussed specific measures to build the bilateral relationship in many fields and strengthen co-ordination on international and regional issues.

Dung said the government leaders of the three nations expressed their expectations to visit Viet Nam in the near future.

In Britain, the two sides agreed to boost multi-faceted co-operation to a new stage of development under a "Partnership for Progress."

In Germany, they agreed to build the relationship into a partnership for sustainable development.

In Ireland, they pledged to further develop the friendly relationship and multi-faceted co-operation between the two countries.

Dung said the visit had marked a shift in commercial, trade and investment co-operation between Viet Nam and Europe, helping ensure more effective and stable co-operation in the long term.

The leaders of the three European countries affirmed that they would encourage and actively support their enterprises to strengthen investment and business in Viet Nam, Dung said.

During Dung’s tour, Vietnamese enterprises signed agreements and memoranda of understanding worth over US$10 billion.

The leaders of the three European countries all expressed their intention to boost development co-operation with Viet Nam and committed to maintain official development assistance (ODA) levels for Viet Nam in the coming years and support the country to implement its Millennium Development Goals to eradicate hunger and reduce poverty as well as enhance environmental protection.

Britain agreed to provide ODA of US$200 million through 2011 as part of its $500 million aid commitment for 2006-11.

Germany would consider to maintain its ODA commitments at about $100 million for the 2008-09, while Ireland put Viet Nam on a list of nine priority countries to enjoy national assistance, with an aid commitment of $133.6 million.

Dung said the leaders of the three European countries had agreed to strengthen co-operation with Viet Nam in the fields of education and training, health, culture, science and technology, judicial reform, transportation, environment, energy and telecommunications, and advance co-operation between Vietnamese and European universities.

The three countries’ leaders appreciated the contributions of overseas Vietnamese and affirmed that their governments would create positive conditions for the Vietnamese community to do business under the law by stabilising their living conditions and protecting their lawful rights. — VNS



Internal strength - decisive factor behind success, says President
08:15 21/01/2008
VietNamNet Bridge - President Nguyen Minh Triet has affirmed that the important achievements made by the Vietnamese people in recent times are the result of their long struggle for national independence in the past and national construction at present.

President Triet talked about the past achievements and the prospects for Vietnam in 2008 and the coming years in an interview granted to the media on the occasion of the upcoming Lunar New Year Festival. The following are the excerpts from the interview.

In 2007 Party and State leaders made many overseas visits, expressing Vietnam’s desire for peace, friendship, cooperation and development. How was the message received?

Vietnam wants to befriend all countries on the basis of respect for independence, sovereignty and the right to self-determination of all nations. Through the visits, we received strong support from foreign leaders. Many countries and international organisations placed trust in and supported Vietnam substantially. 

Vietnam’s membership of the UN Security Council, the record high level of aid committed by donors and the high influx of foreign investment were the result of successful diplomatic activities last year. The country’s role and position were elevated in the international arena. The country was viewed as a safe and attractive destination for foreign tourists and investors who want to share experiences and cooperate with this dynamically developing economy.

These achievements were the result of the long struggle for national independence in the past and national construction at present.

Could you give your assessment of the country’s socio-economic achievements after a year of being a member of the World Trade Organisation?

The national economy has achieved a comprehensive growth in almost all areas. Notably, foreign direct investment capital and ODA committed by foreign donors reached a record high compared to 2006’s figures. The Asian Development Bank listed Vietnam among the Asian countries having a high economic growth.

Despite the impact of price hikes and natural disasters, the living conditions of the majority of people in rural areas remain stable, and the State issued policies to encourage farmers to expand production and increase their incomes.

Internal strength is the decisive factor behind the success of the nation. Global scientific and technological advances will be useful to the nation if we how to seize the opportunities and apply them, and vice versa. The fact is that we have overcome challenges after a year of joining the WTO.

However, there is no room for complacency, because there are more challenges lying ahead. The economy developed rapidly, but not steadily, the national reserves remain low, and Vietnam is vulnerable to global market fluctuations due to poor competitive capacity. These weaknesses should be overcome in the long run.

Despite a high economic growth, the development gap between urban and rural areas seems to have widened. How to address this problem?

It is a common occurrence in countries during the development process. Over the past years, the Party and State have paid special attention to hunger and poverty reduction and the development of education, healthcare, cultural and social services, particularly for social welfare beneficiaries and those in rural areas in order to narrow the gap between rich and poor. Vietnam has made tremendous achievements in poverty reduction, which has been acknowledged by the international community.

However, this activity should be carried out frequently and continuously, focusing on both quantity and quality. I believe that with the joint effort from the Party, State and society, together with assistance from domestic and foreign philanthropists and international organisations, poverty reduction programmes will make further progress.

2008 is considered an important year in the 2006-2010 socio-economic development plan. What do you think are the opportunities and challenges for Vietnam?

All the achievements made by the Vietnamese people in the past 21 years of implementing the Doi Moi (Renewal) process and in 2007 have given fresh impetus and has built up our strength and trust in fulfilling national construction and development tasks.

However, in the context of deeper international economic integration and cooperation, besides opportunities, we have still coped with challenges, including our economic weaknesses and global unexpected complications.

To this end, the entire Party, army and people should make a greater effort to seize opportunities and overcome challenges in order to meet major targets set in the 2006-2010 plan in 2008.

The immediate task is to mobilise all resources for development investment, along with increasing the competitive capacity and sustainability of the economy, striving to escape the low-income developing economy in 2008.

Other tasks are to accelerate administrative reforms and the fight against corruption and wastefulness, better solve socio-cultural issues and environmental protection and defend national sovereignty, political security and social order while integrating deeper into the world economy.

What do you think about anti-corruption work in 2007?

With the strong determination from the Party and State, the engagement of the political system and the great response from the public, the fight against corruption achieved some positive results. Many graft scandals were brought to courts, winning public confidence.  

To prevent corruption and wastefulness, the Central Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention and Control should coordinate closely with the Fatherland Front and other mass organisations and create all the conditions for the people to engage in the fight. The strict observance of law should be heightened to contribute to prevention activities. State agencies and organisations must consider the fight as one of its key tasks and devise practical and specific plans of action to implement.

Vietnamese nationals abroad have made a significant contribution to national construction and development. What is your message to them on the occasion of the New Lunar Year?

Vietnamese nationals abroad are part and parcel of the Vietnamese nation. There is no denying the fact that they have made a great contribution to the homeland’s achievements over the past decades. The Party and State encourage unity between them and their compatriots in the homeland and want them to share the country’s advantages and difficulties.

In the context of international integration, I do hope that overseas Vietnamese will join hands with their compatriots in the homeland to build a powerful Vietnam in the international arena by contributing their physical and spiritual resources back to the homeland within their capacity.

I call on their children to uphold the predecessors’ tradition, build on national pride in their resident countries and turn their hearts to the homeland. The Party and State will continue to do whatever they can to facilitate links between them and their compatriots in Vietnam.

In celebration of the upcoming traditional Lunar New Year Festival, I would like to send my greetings and best wishes to them.

Upholding the national patriotic and revolutionary tradition and the spirit of diligence and creativeness, the entire Party, army and people are determined to successfully carry out the Renewal process, as well as national industrialisation and modernisation to lift Vietnam out of the underdeveloped nation status for the sake of a rich people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilised society.

(Source: VOV)

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Le succès devra compter sur des forces intrinsèques (21/01/2008)

Les forces internes constituent le facteur décisif pour le succès du pays, a affirmé le président de la République, Nguyên Minh Triêt, lors d'une récente interview accordée à l'Agence Vietnamienne d'Information au seuil de l'Année du Rat (Têt Mâu Ty 2008).

L'écart entre la ville et la campagne constitue un des problèmes du processus de développement auquel de nombreux pays ont dû ou doivent faire face, a fait remarquer Nguyên Minh Triêt. "Nous avons obtenu de grands succès dans l'éradication de la pauvreté, succès reconnus et appréciés par la communauté internationale. Néanmoins, cette œuvre devra être poursuivie de manière continue et régulière", a-t-il affirmé. Dans l'avenir, selon le président, le pays devra accélérer le développement socio-économique, culturel et éducatif, tout en tenant compte de la qualité de ce développement.

Le chef de l'État a constaté que, dans la conjoncture où l'intégration à l'économie mondiale et la coopération internationale faisait tache d'huile, à côté de nouvelles conditions favorables, "le pays doit affronter de nombreux défis". Le plus important est de pouvoir "surmonter les inconvénients et les faiblesses de nature subjective". Selon lui, l'économie mondiale et régionale poursuit sa croissance, mais cache également en elle des facteurs susceptibles de causer des instabilités imprévisibles.

S'agissant de la récupération de terrains au service du développement industriel et de l'urbanisation, qui a fait perdre à des paysans leurs terres agricoles entraînant de longues séries de plaintes, le président a fait savoir que le processus d'industrialisation exigeait obligatoirement l'utilisation d'une partie des terres agricoles, ce qui "influence forcément la vie d'une partie des paysans". Pourtant, les activités de dédommagements dans plusieurs localités manquent encore de transparence, ce qui a causé des malentendus et des insatisfactions chez les paysans, suscitant des réclamations. "La politique du Parti et de l'État est tout d'abord de poursuivre le réaménagement du territoire de manière prudente, explicite et transparente, afin de décider quelles sont les régions convenables au développement industriel et à l'urbanisation, et celles qui doivent demeurer des exploitations agricoles", a souligné M. Triêt. Et de mettre l'accent sur la nécessité d'assurer aux paysans dont les terrains ont été repris "les mêmes conditions de vie, voire de meilleures", dans les nouveaux habitats. Sans oublier de fournir les services indispensables comme école, hôpital, formation professionnelle et création d'emplois pour les travailleurs agricoles devenus chômeurs. Les indemnisations ne sont qu'un facteur, l'important est de pouvoir créer des conditions favorables pour le logement, les emplois, les études et les services sanitaires aux personnes déplacées, selon le président.

En ce qui concerne la réforme judiciaire, le chef de l'État a affirmé que les priorités de l'actuelle période étaient de "continuer d'édifier et d'achever les institutions d'aide judiciaire, de renforcer la supervision des activités des organismes judiciaires, de valoriser le rôle des avocats dans les séances de tribunal, d'élever les compétences du contingent des cadres judiciaires". Globalement, le pays doit former un effectif judiciaire intègre, réviser les documents en la matière qu'ils s'adaptent aux demandes de la nouvelle conjoncture.

Quant aux activités d’anti-corruption, M. Triêt a souligné la nécessité de renforcer la participation des ministères et des services de tours les échelons. Les responsables devront considérer cette tâche comme capitale et permanente, en adoptant des plans d'action concrets.
Abordant la communauté des Vietnamiens d'outre-mer, le président a affirmé que la diaspora était "une partie inséparable" de la nation, un facteur contribuant aux grands succès du pays durant les décennies passées. "Les options et politiques du Parti et de l'État visent à lier fortement les Vietnamiens dans le pays avec ceux à l'étranger. Le Parti et l'État souhaitent que la diaspora vietnamienne contribue à édifier le pays et à en partager les avantages ainsi que les difficultés", a-t-il déclaré.

Selon lui, le Vietnam a de belles opportunités et il faut mobiliser toutes les forces au service de l'œuvre de développement. "Je souhaite que la diaspora vietnamienne, main dans la main avec les compatriotes dans le pays, puisse contribuer par ses connaissances et sa force à édifier un Vietnam puissant, occupant une digne position sur la scène internationale", a-t-il affirmé. Le Parti et l'État continueront de faire tout ce qui est nécessaire pour favoriser les liens entre la diaspora et le pays natal, a-t-il promis.

 Bùi Phuong/CVN

President hails overseas Vietnamese’s contribution

VietNamNet Bridge – Overseas Vietnamese communities is an inseparable part of the Vietnamese nation and an important factor to strengthen cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and other countries.


The statement was made by President Nguyen Minh Triet at a meeting with around 1,000 overseas Vietnamese and their families who return to the homeland to celebrate Tet (Lunar New Year) at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on January 31.

After implementing a visa exemption policy for overseas Vietnamese in 2007, this year, the State will continue with the Politburo’s Resolution No.36, dated March 2004, on overseas Vietnamese work, Triet said, adding that functional agencies will complete regulations on nationality and housing purchase for Vietnamese living abroad.

The President took the occasion to highlight the country’s important achievements last year, with a high economic growth and improved living standards for the people.

The bilateral and multi-lateral relations between Vietnam and other countries and international organisations have been expanded and deepened. Vietnam’s prestige has been improved in the international arena, especially after the country became a non-permanent member at the UN Security Council for the 2008-2009 term.

On behalf of all overseas Vietnamese attending the meeting, Lam Thanh My, a Vietnamese resident in France expressed his joy to welcome Tet at home. He said the 2007 visa exemption decision showed the Party and State’s care for Vietnamese who are living abroad.

The meeting, jointly held by the Viet Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the Foreign Ministry’s Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs and Viet Nam Television, concluded with a special art performance given by local and overseas Vietnamese artists.

Also the same day, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem cut the ribbon to open an exhibition, entitled “Uncle Ho with overseas Vietnamese” at the National Convention Centre.

(Source: VNA)

Bài báo trên VietNamNet Bridge:
Xuất bản lúc: 09:54 01/02/2008

@ VietNamNet

Nguyên Minh Triêt rencontre des Viêt kiêu (01/02/2008)

La communauté vietnamienne de l'étranger est une "partie intégrante" de la nation, un "facteur important" dans le développement des relations de coopération et d'amitié entre le Vietnam et le reste du monde.

Le président de la République, Nguyên Minh Triêt, a tenu ces propos lors d'une rencontre le 31 janvier à Hanoi avec un millier de Viêt kiêu revenus au pays natal à l'occasion du Têt. L'événement a été organisé par le Front de la Patrie, le Comité chargé des Vietnamiens d'outre-mer et la Télévision du Vietnam.

Le chef de l'État a fait le bilan des réalisations nationales en 2007 sur tous les plans : économie, relations extérieures... Il a souligné que, cette année, les services compétents devraient perfectionner les politiques et règlementations à l'égard des Viêt kiêu, notamment en termes de double nationalité, d'achat de logements dans le pays...

Le même jour, Nguyên Minh Triêt a visité, dans la capitale, un centre de soins pour personnes ayant rendu de grands services à la Patrie. "Le Parti, l'État et la population n'oublieront jamais le sacrifice des morts pour la Patrie et s'occuperont bien des familles des blessés de guerre, des personnes méritoires", a déclaré le président.

Le chef de l'État s'est déclaré "heureux" que des "Mères héroïnes", de vieux révolutionnaires et des personnes ayant du mérite envers la Patrie soient bien pris en charge et soignés dans ce centre. Il a exprimé sa reconnaissance envers les familles dont les enfants ont sacrifié leur vie à la Patrie. Il a demandé aux organisations du Parti et de l'État, associations de masse et localités de mettre l'accent sur les soins en faveur de ces personnes.

Actuellement, ce centre héberge 37 "Mères héroïnes" et vieux révolutionnaires.

"L'Oncle Hô avec les Viêt kiêu" est le thème d'une exposition qui a ouvert ses portes le 31 janvier à Hô Chi Minh-Ville, sous les auspices de l'antenne du Musée Hô Chi Minh dans la mégalopole du Sud, du Service municipal de la culture et de l'information. Y sont présentés 160 clichés et documents reflétant les sentiments particuliers du Président Hô Chi Minh à l'égard des Vietnamiens d'outre-mer, et vice-versa. Une exposition similaire se tient également à Hanoi.

Nguyên Anh/CVN

Nội lực quyết định thành công của đất nước

Hà Nội (TTXVN) - Trả lời phỏng vấn Thông tấn xã Việt Nam trước thềm Tết Nguyên đán Mậu Tý 2008, Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Minh Triết khẳng định trong năm qua nền kinh tế Việt Nam có sự tăng trưởng toàn diện trên hầu hết các lĩnh vực và nội lực là yếu tố quyết định những thành công này.

TTXVN trân trọng giới thiệu nội dung cuộc phỏng vấn Chủ tịch nước Nguyễn Minh Triết:

Năm qua, các đồng chí lãnh đạo Đảng và Nhà nước ta đã đi thăm nhiều nước lớn. Trên cương vị của mình, xin Chủ tịch cho biết, thông điệp “Việt Nam hòa bình, hữu nghị, hợp tác và phát triển” đã nhận được phản hồi như thế nào?

Thông điệp mà Việt Nam gửi đến toàn thế giới là: Hòa bình, hữu nghị, hợp tác và phát triển. Việt Nam mong muốn làm bạn với tất cả các nước trên cơ sở tôn trọng độc lập, chủ quyền và quyền tự quyết của các dân tộc. Sức cuốn hút từ thông điệp ấy mà chúng tôi nhận được trong các hoạt động đối ngoại là rất mạnh mẽ. Nhiều quốc gia, tổ chức quốc tế đã bày tỏ sự tín nhiệm, chia sẻ, ủng hộ và cổ vũ Việt Nam.

Việc Việt Nam trở thành Ủy viên không thường trực Hội đồng Bảo an Liên hợp quốc nhiệm kỳ 2008-2009, nhận được cam kết hỗ trợ phát triển chính thức (ODA) và dòng vốn đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài (FDI) tăng mạnh đã nói lên thắng lợi về công tác đối ngoại của chúng ta trong năm qua. Uy tín và vị thế của Việt Nam ngày càng cao trên trường quốc tế. Bạn bè thế giới nhìn nhận Việt Nam là điểm đến an toàn, hấp dẫn, một nơi có nền kinh tế phát triển năng động; họ mến mộ, khâm phục và mong được hợp tác, trao đổi, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm với Việt Nam.

Những thành công ấy là sự hội tụ kết quả của quá trình nhiều năm, trong đấu tranh giành độc lập dân tộc trước kia và trong công cuộc xây dựng đất nước ngày nay.

Chủ tịch đánh giá thế nào về những thành tựu phát triển kinh tế - xã hội của đất nước sau năm đầu tiên gia nhập WTO?

Năm qua, nền kinh tế của chúng ta có sự tăng trưởng toàn diện trong hầu hết các lĩnh vực. Ngân hàng phát triển châu Á (ADB) xếp Việt Nam ở nhóm các quốc gia có tốc độ tăng trưởng kinh tế cao trong khu vực. Vốn đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngoài và nguồn vốn các nhà tài trợ cam kết viện trợ cho Việt Nam tăng mạnh so với năm 2006, đạt mức kỷ lục so với các năm trước. Đời sống của nhân dân ổn định và tiếp tục được cải thiện. Mặc dù chịu tác động của nhiều yếu tố như giá tiêu dùng liên tục tăng, sản xuất nông nghiệp ở một số vùng chịu ảnh hưởng nặng nề của bão lũ, nhưng đời sống của đại đa số dân cư ở nông thôn vẫn giữ được mức ổn định nhờ sự chăm lo của toàn xã hội và những chính sách của Nhà nước đã khuyến khích người nông dân sản xuất hàng hóa, tăng thêm thu nhập.

Nội lực là yếu tố quyết định thành công của đất nước. Những tiến bộ công nghệ, trình độ khoa học tiên tiến từ bên ngoài là cần thiết, nhưng nếu chúng ta không có năng lực tiếp nhận, xử lý thì những điều kiện thuận lợi đó sẽ nhanh chóng qua đi, thậm chí còn gây trở ngại. Sự thật là chúng ta đã vượt qua năm đầu tiên ra nhập WTO đầy thử thách.

Vui mừng và tự hào trước những thành quả to lớn đó, nhưng chúng ta không được chủ quan, thỏa mãn. Chúng ta vẫn đang đứng trước nhiều thử thách. Nền kinh tế tăng trưởng nhanh nhưng chưa thực sự vững vàng, dự trữ quốc gia còn mỏng, sức cạnh tranh còn yếu nên dễ gặp trở ngại. Giá dầu mỏ, giá vàng trên thế giới biến động thì nền kinh tế nước ta đã bị ảnh hưởng ngay, trong khi các nước có nền kinh tế mạnh ít bị ảnh hưởng hơn. Vì vậy, chúng ta phải thấy được những mặt yếu và hạn chế để ra sức khắc phục.

GDP tăng trưởng cao nhất trong khoảng 10 năm trở lại đây, tuy nhiên khoảng cách phát triển giữa thành thị và nông thôn lại có xu hướng tăng lên. Thưa Chủ tịch, Đảng và Nhà nước sẽ có những giải pháp gì để thu hẹp khoảng cách này?

Sự chênh lệch giữa nông thôn và thành thị là những vấn đề của quá trình phát triển mà nhiều nước trên thế giới đã và đang phải trải qua. Những năm qua, Đảng và Nhà nước luôn chú trọng đến công tác xóa đói, giảm nghèo, chăm lo giáo dục, y tế, văn hóa-xã hội, phát triển nông thôn, quan tâm tới các đối tượng chính sách nhằm hạn chế tối đa sự doãng ra của khoảng cách giàu nghèo. Chúng ta đã đạt được những thành tựu to lớn trong công tác xóa đói, giảm nghèo, được quốc tế ghi nhận và đánh giá cao. Tuy nhiên, đây là việc phải làm thường xuyên và liên tục. Trong thời gian tới, chúng ta phải làm sao vừa đẩy mạnh phát triển, đồng thời phải chú ý đến chất lượng phát triển. Tôi tin rằng, với nỗ lực của Đảng, Nhà nước và của toàn xã hội, cộng với sự hỗ trợ, giúp đỡ của các nhà hảo tâm trong và ngoài nước, các tổ chức quốc tế, công tác xóa đói, giảm nghèo sẽ đạt được những tiến bộ mới, cuộc sống của nhân dân sẽ ngày càng được cải thiện.

Năm 2008 là năm bản lề của Kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế-xã hội 5 năm 2006-2010, xin Chủ tịch nhận định về những thuận lợi và khó khăn của đất nước ta trong năm nay?

Những thành tựu trên tất cả các lĩnh vực qua 20 năm đổi mới và của năm 2007 đã tạo sức mạnh mới, lòng tin, sự đoàn kết nhất trí và tinh thần phấn khởi của nhân dân ta trong công cuộc xây dựng và phát triển đất nước. Tuy nhiên, trong bối cảnh hội nhập kinh tế và hợp tác quốc tế ngày càng sâu rộng, bên cạnh những thuận lợi mới, chúng ta vẫn phải đối mặt với nhiều thách thức. Trước hết và quan trọng nhất vẫn là những bất cập, yếu kém chủ quan. Mặt khác, kinh tế thế giới và khu vực tiếp tục tăng trưởng nhưng vẫn tiềm ẩn những nhân tố gây mất ổn định rất khó lường. Trong điều kiện đó, toàn Đảng, toàn dân và toàn quân ta phải nỗ lực cao nhất để tranh thủ tối đa thời cơ thuận lợi, khắc phục khó khăn, vượt qua thách thức để phấn đấu hoàn thành và hoàn thành cơ bản nhiều chỉ tiêu quan trọng của Kế hoạch 5 năm 2006 - 2010 ngay trong năm 2008 này. Những nhiệm vụ chủ yếu trước mắt là: Huy động các nguồn lực để đầu tư phát triển gắn liền với nâng cao sức cạnh tranh và tính bền vững của nền kinh tế, phấn đấu vượt ngưỡng "nước đang phát triển có thu nhập thấp" ngay trong năm 2008; đẩy mạnh cải cách hành chính, phòng, chống tham nhũng, thực hành tiết kiệm, chống lãng phí; giải quyết tốt hơn các vấn đề văn hóa, xã hội và bảo vệ môi trường; bảo đảm vững chắc chủ quyền quốc gia, an ninh chính trị và trật tự, an toàn xã hội; tích cực, chủ động hội nhập kinh tế và hợp tác quốc tế.

Một vấn đề nổi cộm hiện nay là việc thu hồi đất để phát triển công nghiệp, đô thị hóa dẫn đến tình trạng người nông dân mất đất, rồi xảy ra khiếu kiện kéo dài. Thưa Chủ tịch, mấu chốt của vấn đề ở đây là gì, Đảng và Nhà nước sẽ có giải pháp gì trong thời gian tới?

Quá trình công nghiệp hóa tất yếu phải sử dụng đến một phần đất nông nghiệp, vì thế ảnh hưởng đến đời sống của một bộ phận người nông dân. Việc giải tỏa, đền bù ở một vài nơi còn thiếu minh bạch, gây bức xúc trong nhân dân, dẫn đến những vụ khiếu kiện.

Chủ trương của Đảng và Nhà nước trước hết là phải quy hoạch hết sức thận trọng, rõ ràng, công khai và tiết kiệm về khu vực nào có thể phát triển công nghiệp, đô thị hóa, khu vực nào phải giữ đất nông nghiệp. Mặt khác, phải bố trí cho người dân tái định cư có điều kiện tương tự, hoặc tốt hơn nơi ở cũ; chăm lo đời sống văn hóa tinh thần, trường học, bệnh viện; đào tạo nghề, tạo việc làm cho số lao động nông nghiệp không còn đất sản xuất. Giá đền bù chỉ là một yếu tố, điều quan trọng hơn là phải tạo thuận lợi về nơi ăn, chốn ở, việc làm, học hành, trị bệnh... cho người dân khi phải di chuyển. Như thế nhân dân sẽ đồng thuận.

Thưa Chủ tịch, những ưu tiên về cải cách tư pháp trong năm qua đã được thực hiện như thế nào?

Quán triệt Nghị quyết 49-NQ/TƯ của Bộ Chính trị về “Chiến lược cải cách tư pháp đến năm 2020”, công tác cải cách tư pháp được triển khai thực hiện rộng khắp. Đây là một công việc phải thực hiện trong quá trình lâu dài. Ban Chỉ đạo Cải cách tư pháp Trung ương và các địa phương đã đề ra lộ trình làm việc tương đối có bài bản và đang triển khai theo lộ trình này. Những ưu tiên trong giai đoạn hiện nay là tiếp tục xây dựng và hoàn thiện các chế định bổ trợ tư pháp; tăng cường công tác giám sát hoạt động tư pháp; đẩy mạnh hoạt động tranh tụng tại tòa, phát huy vai trò của luật sư trong các phiên tranh tụng; nâng cao năng lực đội ngũ cán bộ theo kịp yêu cầu nhiệm vụ… Về tổng thể, chúng ta phải đào tạo, xây dựng đội ngũ cán bộ tư pháp trong sạch, vững mạnh, rà soát lại các văn bản pháp luật, điều chỉnh sao cho phù hợp với yêu cầu, nhiệm vụ trong giai đoạn mới.

Chủ tịch nước có đánh giá như thế nào về công tác phòng, chống tham nhũng trong năm qua?

Với quyết tâm cao của Đảng và Nhà nước, sự tham gia của cả hệ thống chính trị và sự hưởng ứng, đồng tình của nhân dân, công tác phòng, chống tham nhũng đã có chuyển biến và đạt được một số kết quả tích cực. Nhiều vụ án tham nhũng được điều tra khẩn trương, xử lý nghiêm minh trong năm qua đã tạo niềm tin trong xã hội.

Để ngăn chặn và từng bước đẩy lùi nạn tham nhũng, lãng phí, Ban chỉ đạo Trung ương về phòng, chống tham nhũng, Mặt trận Tổ quốc cùng các ban, ngành, đoàn thể khác cần có sự phối hợp cụ thể, kịp thời và thường xuyên, tạo mọi điều kiện cho người dân tham gia vào công tác phòng, chống tham nhũng. Cần nâng cao tính nghiêm minh của pháp luật, từ đó góp phần phòng ngừa chung. Các ngành, các cấp phải đẩy mạnh thực hiện công tác này, lãnh đạo cơ quan, đơn vị phải coi đây là một trong những nhiệm vụ trọng tâm, thường xuyên của cơ quan, đơn vị mình; phải tập trung chỉ đạo và có kế hoạch hành động thiết thực, cụ thể. Cơ quan, đơn vị là một tế bào của xã hội, nếu cuộc chiến chống tham nhũng được thực hiện tốt ở từng đơn vị thì hiệu quả trên bình diện toàn xã hội sẽ tăng lên.

Cộng đồng người Việt Nam ở nước ngoài đã có những đóng góp không nhỏ vào công cuộc xây dựng và phát triển đất nước. Nhân dịp năm mới, Chủ tịch có thông điệp gì gửi đến bà con kiều bào?

gười Việt Nam ở nước ngoài là bộ phận không thể tách rời của dân tộc Việt Nam, một nhân tố góp phần vào thành công to lớn của đất nước ta trong những thập niên vừa qua. Các chủ trương, chính sách của Đảng và Nhà nước luôn gắn đồng bào trong nước với kiều bào đang sống ở nước ngoài, mong họ tham gia xây dựng, chia sẻ những thuận lợi cũng như khó khăn của đất nước.

Tổ quốc Việt Nam đang đứng trước những vận hội mới rất tươi sáng, cần huy động mọi nguồn lực cho công cuộc phát triển. Tôi mong bà con kiều bào hãy chung tay với đồng bào trong nước, đóng góp tri thức, sức lực, vật chất... phù hợp với khả năng và hoàn cảnh cụ thể của mình, vì một Việt Nam hùng cường, có vị trí xứng đáng trên trường quốc tế. Các cháu thanh, thiếu niên kiều bào hãy phát huy truyền thống cha anh, luôn nuôi dưỡng tinh thần tự hào dân tộc, hướng về cội nguồn, phấn đấu vươn tới những đỉnh cao để sau này có thể đóng góp thật nhiều cho Tổ quốc. Đảng và Nhà nước sẽ tiếp tục làm tất cả những gì cần thiết nhằm tạo điều kiện ngày càng thuận lợi hơn cho việc tăng cường mối liên hệ, sự gắn bó giữa bà con với quê hương.

Nhân dịp Xuân Mậu Tý 2008, tôi xin gửi tới toàn thể đồng bào, đồng chí cả nước và kiều bào ta ở nước ngoài lời chúc mừng tốt đẹp nhất. Phát huy truyền thống yêu nước và cách mạng kiên cường, tinh thần cần cù sáng tạo, chủ động bước vào năm 2008, toàn Đảng, toàn dân và toàn quân ta quyết tâm tạo nên những động lực mới, thành công mới, thực hiện thắng lợi sự nghiệp đổi mới, công nghiệp hóa, hiện đại hóa đất nước, sớm đưa nước ta ra khỏi tình trạng kém phát triển, vì mục tiêu "dân giàu, nước mạnh, xã hội công bằng, dân chủ và văn minh".

Xin trân trọng cảm ơn Chủ tịch./.

    Copyright Vietnam News Agency 2004



PM Dung meets with President Nicolas Sarkozy
08:47 03/10/2007
VietNamNet Bridge - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on October 1 during his current official visit to France.

PM Dung expressed his pleasure to visit France at a time when the two countries are stepping up reforms, saying that he was delighted at the positive development of Franco-Vietnamese ties in various fields. "The two countries are determined to promote traditional friendly ties, comprehensive long-lasting co-operation and mutual trust in the 21st century," he noted.

France is remaining Vietnam 's top European partner in all areas, the PM said, stressing his hope that French investors will pour more investment into Vietnam , particularly in building transport infrastructure, energy, telecoms, banking, finance and farm produce processing.

The Vietnamese leader highly appreciated France's development assistance for Vietnam, providing the country with EUR 1.4 billion from now until 2010. He expressed his wish that the President supports projects to upgrade and restore French-style architectural works in Vietnam, including the restoration of Hanoi's Long Bien bridge, the upgrade of the Hanoi Medical School and the construction of an urban railway system in capital city.

He suggested that the two countries alternately organise "Vietnam Month in France" and the "France Month in Vietnam," and increase scholarships for Vietnamese students to study in France.

PM Dung affirmed Vietnam's positive contribution to strengthen the Francophone movement and the conservation of national cultural identities and cultural diversity in the context of globalisation.

He thanked France for supporting Vietnam 's bid to become a non-permanent member of the US Security Council in the 2008-2009 term, and conveyed President Nguyen Minh Triet's invitation to President Sarkozy to visit Vietnam. The invitation was accepted with pleasure.

President Sarkozy stressed that France and Vietnam shared time-honoured historical and cultural relations. Vietnam is enjoying high economic growth, he said, affirming his belief that Vietnam will be elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in the 2008-2009 term.

The French President highly valued the results of the talks between PM Dung and PM Francois Fillon, saying that agreements signed between the two sides would bring the two countries' relations to a new height.

President Sarkozy stressed that the two countries should promote relations, especially economic co-operation.

(Source: VNA)

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PM lauds France as leading European partner
00:00 02/10/2007

VietNamNet Bridge - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed that France is a leading European partner of Vietnam during the talks with his French counterpart, Francois Fillon, in Paris on October 1st.

“The Vietnam-France relationship has seen fine development in various fields within the framework of ‘traditional friendship, comprehensive, long-term and reliable cooperation in the 21st century’,” said the Vietnamese PM.

PM Dung expressed his hope that French investors increase their business in Vietnam , especially in transport infrastructure, energy, information technology and space aviation.

He proposed France to consider putting Vietnam on a list of key nations to accelerate trade promotion activities.

The Vietnamese PM singled out France’s development assistance to Vietnam , especially its pledge of 1.4 billion euros from now until 2010, adding that he was happy at increased cultural exchange and training and education activities between the two countries.

He suggested that France can become Vietnam’s special partner in providing high-quality personnel training.

The guest informed the host of the Vietnamese Government’s decision to set up a Vietnamese Cultural Centre in Paris and proposed that both sides soon sign an agreement on the establishment of a Vietnamese Cultural Centre in Paris and a French Cultural Centre in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese government leader proposed that France, when holding the EU's Presidency in the last six months of 2008, support Vietnam in its bid to foster its relations with the European Union (EU).

PM Dung highly valued the Vietnam-France co-ordination in the Francophone Organisation and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) while suggesting that the two countries increase consultations with each other at multilateral forums.

PM Fillon expressed his wish that the visit to France by his Vietnamese counterpart would create a turning-point in the development of bilateral ties.

He affirmed that the French Government would continue to support Vietnam's efforts to strengthen ties with the EU and become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

After the talks, the two PMs witnessed the signing of a number of agreements and contracts, including a contract to buy 10 Airbus A350-900s and 20 Airbus A321-200s, a credit programme, an agreement with the French Development Agency on an aid to the Ha Noi-Nhon railway and a protocol on the upgrade of the Long Bien bridge. 


(Source: VNA)

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Belgian Week in HCM City
08:28 20/01/2008
VietNamNet Bridge -
Belgian Week is taking place at the Legend Hotel until the 21st January 2008, hosted by the Belgian Embassy in HCMC.The aim is to accelerate cultural exchange and enhance the relationship between the two countries in diversified arenas.

Patrons will be treated to traditional dishes from all over Belgium such as beer, waffles, and incomparable chocolate. “We have 400 different varieties of delicious beers, many kinds of cheeses, liqueurs and unique chocolate”, said Casier Dominique, Consult General of the Royal Belgian Consulate.

Beside four seminars on trade and economy, the event also introduces an exhibition featuring Belgian culture, society and economy; a series of great comic books during the second half of the 20th Century by Hergé, Tintin; Belgian cuisine and diamonds.

A delegation including Belgium investors and enterprises will travel to Viet Nam for a survey of the Vietnamese market in October. 

Viet Nam - Belgium friendship and cooperation have been strengthened in various fields since the two countries started a bilateral partnership in 1977.

By 2006, Belgium’s total export turnover to Viet Nam was EUR139 million and Viet Nam’s total export turnover to Belgium was EUR693 million. Viet Nam is expected to be ranked among the top 20 exporters of footwear and seafood.

Furthermore, Belgian businesses have 25 projects worth approximately USD75 million in Viet Nam, making the country the 7th largest EU investor in Viet Nam in 2006.

(Source: SGGP, NLD, CPV)

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Vietnam-China diplomatic ties marked in Beijing
07:57 20/01/2008

VietNamNet Bridge - The Embassy of Vietnam in China hosted a reception on the evening of January 18 to celebrate the 58th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei joined officials from ministries and agencies of China at the function.

Vietnamese Ambassador to China Tran Van Luat highlighted the traditional friendship between the Parties, States and people of Vietnam and China that has been nurtured by President Ho Chi Minh and President Mao Zedong and generations of leaders and people of the two countries.

The diplomat stressed that the relations have strongly grown under the motto of “friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-term stability and looking towards the future” and the spirit of “good neighbours, good friends, good comrades and good partners.”

Hosts and guests raised toasts for the further developed relationship between Vietnam and China


(Source: VNA)

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Greetings to China on diplomatic ties anniversary
10:29 19/01/2008

VietNamNet Bridge - Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, State President Nguyen Minh Triet, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong have sent greetings to Chinese General Secretary and President Hu Jintao.

The greetings are to mark the 58th anniversary of the diplomatic ties between the two countries (January 18).

The Vietnamese leaders also cabled congratulatory messages to Chairman of the Standing Committee of Chinese National People’s Congress Wu Bangguo and State Council’s Premier Wen Jiabao.

On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and Chairman of Vietnam’s bilateral cooperation steering committee Pham Gia Khiem, Chinese State Council’s member and Chairman of bilateral cooperation steering committee Tang Jiaxuan and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi exchanged greetings.

Vietnamese Ambassador to China Tran Van Luat, Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hu Qianwen, the Vietnam-China Friendship Association and the China-Vietnam Friendly Association hosted friendly meetings to celebrate the event.

(Source: VNA)

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Deputy PM meets with US officials
09:14 15/01/2008

VietNamNet Bridge – Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan on January 14 received officials from the Singapore-based US Chamber of Commerce who are on a working visit in Vietnam.

The Deputy PM told his guests that cheap labour was one of major factors that helped Vietnam over the past 20 years attract foreign investors’ attention but the advantage seems to decrease now.

“Vietnam needs to develop a high-quality workforce for its growth,” the Deputy PM said, adding that the effort must couple with administrative reform, a perfect legal system and development of infrastructure.

The Deputy PM, dubbed as Minister of Education and Training, touched upon the issue of education, highlighting the cooperation with other countries in education and training, and training on demand.

He told the US officials that Vietnam is focusing training in the fields of finance-banking, information technology, tourism, shipbuilding, and healthcare and will expand the model to the areas that see great demand from investors.

The head of the US official delegation, US Ambassador to Singapore, Patricia Herbold, told her host that she was very impressed with the achievements, especially economic gains, the country has made in the recent time.

(Source: VNA)

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Priorités de la présidence locale de l'Union européenne au Vietnam (17/01/2008)

Accord de partenariat et de coopération entre l'Union européenne (UE) et le Vietnam, investissement et échanges commerciaux, énergie et environnement, dialogue interculturel…, telles sont les priorités de la présidence locale de l'UE en 2008 au Vietnam.

Celles-ci ont été annoncées le 16 janvier à Hanoi par l'ambassadeur de France au Vietnam, Hervé Bolot, lors de la conférence de présentation de la présidence locale de l'UE, en présence, entre autres, de l'ambassadeur de la Commission européenne, Sean Doyle.

En effet, la Slovénie, qui est devenue membre de l'UE en 2004, exerce pendant le premier semestre de l'année en cours la présidence de l'UE. Ce pays n'étant pas représenté au Vietnam, c'est la France qui assurera du 1er janvier au 30 juin la présidence locale de l'UE.

Parmi les priorités locales de la présidence de l'UE, se trouve le suivi de la préparation et des négociations de l'Accord de partenariat et de coopération entre l'UE et le Vietnam. "Les ambassadeurs de l'Union européenne au Vietnam, témoins locaux de la relation entre les 2 parties et de l'évolution du Vietnam, seront amenés à émettre des initiatives ou à faire des propositions", a indiqué l'ambassadeur français Hervé Bolot. Concernant l'achèvement des négociations de ce fameux accord, l'ambassadeur de la Commission européenne au Vietnam, Sean Doyle, a affirmé que "nous sommes ambitieux quant à ce futur accord qui créera un bon fondement pour une relation plus approfondie". Et d'ajouter que les négociations concernant divers autres domaines (science, technologie et éducation) et impliquant une vingtaine de ministères vietnamiens, devraient être achevées dans 2 ans.

La croissance et l'environnement des affaires constituent également une autre des priorités de la présidence locale de l'UE au Vietnam. "En tant que la première puissance commerciale, l'UE, forte de 27 pays membres avec leurs compétences communes, souhaite aller à l'avance avec le Vietnam dans ce domaine, un partenaire important par sa population, son dynamisme et son potentiel", a indiqué Hervé Bolot.

Enfin, l'année 2008 a été désignée comme l'Année européenne du dialogue interculturel. À cette occasion, Hervé Bolot a affirmé que "l'UE souhaite souligner sa volonté d'entretenir un dialogue dans tous les domaines de l'activité humaine avec le reste du monde, sur une base pacifique et ouverte".

Mai Hoa/CVN

Plan d'action du gouvernement (16/01/2008)

Le Premier ministre Nguyên Tân Dung vient de signer une résolution sur le plan d'action du gouvernement pour le mandat 2007-2011.

Sont déterminées 5 tâches qui mettent l'accent sur le perfectionnement de l'institution d'une économie de marché à orientation socialiste.

La première tâche concerne le développement de façon synchronique et la gestion efficace des différents marchés notamment le foncier, les fonds, les services, les sciences et technologies.

La deuxième se concentre dans l'exploitation de toutes les forces matérielles et humaines pour accélérer la croissance économique... Dans 4 ans, l'objectif du pays est d'atteindre un fonds d'investissement national de 41-42% du PIB. Une série d'ouvrages et de projets de grande envergure sur les infrastructures sera bientôt déployée. Sans oublier la réalisation du processus d'unification, avant 2012, du salaire minimum de base pour les travailleurs du secteur étatique et de celui à participation étrangère.

La troisième tâche se charge du fort développement de l'éducation, des sciences et technologies, en améliorant la qualité de la main-d'œuvre et les services de soin sanitaire. La création d'emplois et le refus de la pauvreté sont également renforcés.

La réforme administrative constitue le contenu de la quatrième tâche qui met l'accent sur le renforcement de l'efficacité des activités administratives étatiques ainsi que de la lutte contre la corruption et le gaspillage. La dernière tâche : renforcer la défense nationale, assurer la stabilité politique et l'ordre public.

Afin de concrétiser la première tâche, les ministères de la Justice, du Plan et de l'Investissement, des Sciences et des Technologies, du Travail, des Invalides de guerre et des Affaires sociales doivent achever cette année l'élaboration de 5 plans de mesures. Le ministère des Finances se charge du projet sur l'impôt foncier et celui de l'Éducation et de la Formation, du projet sur les frais de scolarité.

Dans le même temps, seront mis en oeuvre les programmes de réforme administrative pour la période 2001-2010, d'application de la technologie informatique dans la de gestion étatique.

Huong Linh/CVN


People-to-people diplomacy to be further promoted
23:14 20/01/2008

VUFO organized a friendly meeting between Vietnamese and Chinese officials on Jan. 16 to celebrate the 58th anniversary of diplomatic establishment of the two countries (January 18,1950 - January 18, 2008).

VUFO organized a friendly meeting between Vietnamese and Chinese officials on Jan. 16 to celebrate the 58th anniversary of diplomatic establishment of the two countries (January 18,1950 - January 18, 2008).

VietNamNet Bridge - This year, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) will focus on promoting people-to-people diplomacy and calling for more non-governmental assistance as well as the combined strength of the whole nation.

The main tasks of VUFO were affirmed at a meeting of the Presidium of VUFO to review its work in 2007 and discuss an action plan for 2008, in Ha Noi on January 19.

VUFO will continue to accelerate the national programme on calling for from non-governmental organisations (NGOs), especially organisations in Western Europe, North America and Japan . It also plans to launch various activities and urge overseas Vietnamese to contribute to poverty alleviation, mitigation of war consequences and local sustainable development, especially for poor and remote areas.

Besides efforts to develop intensive relations with people in ASEAN countries, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and traditional friends in Europe, VUFO will actively seek for support for Vietnamese Agent Orange victims; and contribute to promoting multilateral people-to-people diplomatic activities.

Last year, Vietnam received 251 million USD in aid from NGOs, a 35 million USD increase over the previous year. Large NGOS, including AP, Bill & Melinda Foundation, Bill Clinton Fund, Plan International, Oxfam UK and Orbis International have inquired into possibilities to expand cooperation with and give aid to Vietnam .

NGOs have paid more attention to legal support for underprivileged people, including the poor and the disabled, as well as environmental protection and rural infrastructure construction. 


(Source: VNA)

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Strategic partnerships fall out of style
06:57 20/01/2008

VietNamNet Bridge – Signing strategic partnership contracts boomed in 2007. Listed, unlisted firms, newly established and senior enterprises, newly equitized, foreign-invested, State-owed and private companies, etc. all wanted a strategic partnership of their own. Now, financial gurus are saying, this trend is out this year.


Nhon Ai Commercial JS Bank in 2005 spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on three adjoining houses on Pasteur Road, District 1, HCM City, called the banking street.


That was when Nhon Ai had just upgraded from a rural to an urban bank and needed an office in HCM City. Settled in its new home, Nhon Ai changed its name to Saigon – Hanoi Bank, increased its capital and began seeking partners, which was much more difficult than buying the offices.


Finally, Nhon An signed a cooperation and investment contract with the Vietnam Rubber Corporation and the Vietnam Coal and Minerals Corporation. Nhon Ai was not alone in seeking strategic partners.


Joining hands


Saigon Thuong Tin Bank (Sacombank) and Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) were the strategic partnership pioneers when they sold shares worth tens of millions of dollars to foreign banks, ANZ and Standard Chartered, respectively, in early 2004.


After that, Saigon Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SCB) signed strategic partnership contract with the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) and the Investment and Development Bank of Vietnam (BIDV). Thanks to its cooperation with its strategic investors, the largest domestic banks, SCB has recovered from a past slump and was listed as one of the top ten joint stock banks of Vietnam in 2007.


The strategic partnership movement boomed in 2007. Every firm wanted one.


Some companies signed strategic partnership agreements with several partners. Every week, journalists received several invitations to attend strategic partnership signing ceremonies. At first, people paid attention but it has become commonplace and unexciting.


There is dense meaning and a confluence of responsibilities behind the words “strategic partnership” if cooperation is carefully and systematically developed and has a long-term vision. Let’s take a look at how foreign banks did before they signed strategic partnership agreements with local banks.


Citigroup, HSBC, etc. inspected Asia Commercial JS Bank (ACB) from the inside out, every detail, during the negotiation process. They asked to check all capital borrowing records.


A leader of the Technological and Commercial Bank of Vietnam (Techcombank), who negotiated with HSBC, said he drank vodka with an HSBC senior official and discovered that his partner drinks very well. “His paternal grandfather was a Russian,” the official revealed.


With such an intimate period of inspections and research, such negotiations often last several years; but businesses that sign strategic cooperation contracts in such a determinately professional manner are few. For example Sacombank – ANZ, ACB – Standard Chartered Bank, Techcombank – HSBC, Oriental Bank – BNP Paribas, and Eximbank – SMBC, Qantas – Pacific Airlines.


Smoke and mirrors


In many cases, strategic partnerships are merely a mask for stock trading affairs, where buyers can get stock cheap and the sellers can better advertise their name with their affiliates.


Companies take advantage of strategic cooperation as a marketing solution or to push stock prices up. Strategic partnership is the thing that listed or about-to-list firms want to do.


A nameless estate company located in a suburban District of HCM City increased its capital and sold its shares to three foreign investment funds. Rumors hit the market that this firm had foreign strategic partners and many construction projects, etc. That firm’s stock price soared. When investors knew it had sold stock to foreign investment funds for VND50,000/share, equivalent to one third of the market price, they immediately sold out, but it was too late.


Strategic partnership contracts are no longer good useful, as many companies used them to increase their stock prices – a different meaning behind strategic partnership.


Strategic partnerships are expected to be few this year while the number of listed firms is on the rise and the over-the-counter (OTC) trading floor becomes operational in March 2008.  

(Source: TBKTSG)



Agricultural sector seeks to boost FDI


Policies will attempt to lower risks for foreign investors

Workers classify flowers for export at foreign-invested Dalat Hasfarm Company. Foreign investment in farming and forestry remains low. — VNA/VNS Photo Thanh Vu

Ha Noi — The Government hoped to attract greater foreign investment in agriculture, the director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s External Affairs Department, Le Van Minh, told Viet Nam News.

Foreign investment in farming and forestry had remained low and mainly focused in key economic zones, said Phan Huu Thang from the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s Foreign Investment Agency.

Though the farming sector had attracted investors from 42 countries and territories, it had remained unattractive to investors with great potential and experience in the sector, including the US, Thang said.

Most foreign investment in the sector has come from Asia, with Taiwan taking the lead, accounting for 19 per cent of total foreign direct investment, followed by Thailand at 12 per cent, and Singapore at eight per cent.

By improving the legal system and providing more preferential conditions and greater transparency and openness in the agricultural sector, Minh said, Viet Nam would attempt to minimise risks in a sector viewed by economists as high risk due to unpredictable natural conditions, low profit margins, and seasonal production.

Minh said measures to minimise risks included foreign exchange controls, allowing investors to operate through foreign bank accounts, allowing mortgages of agricultural land use rights, and providing compensation for site clearance.

State budget and official development assistance (ODA) funds would be allocated to develop infrastructure in rural areas, train farmers, and invest in research and technology transfer, he said.

Prioritised sectors would include food and forestry products, processing industries, reforestation projects, and livestock, each aimed at boosting farm export value, reducing the export of unprocessed produce, and creating jobs for workers in Viet Nam, Minh said.

In 2007, 61 new foreign-invested projects were licensed, accounting for $180 million of new foreign investment in the sector.

Overall, about 700 foreign-invested projects were operating in agriculture at the end of 2007, channeling a total of US$3.78 billion into the farming sector. These projects, however, accounted for only 3 per cent of total foreign direct investment.

In the 1990s, most focused in timber and forestry production and processing, but cultivation, livestock, sugar, and food processing have seen substantial growth in FDI this decade.

Foreign projects employ more than 75,000 workers, not to mention those working on a seasonal basis or in support industries. — VNS

Vietnam-Belgique : la priorité à l'élaboration des plans (22/01/2008)

L'ambassadeur de Belgique au Vietnam, Hubert Cooreman, a remis le 21 janvier à Hanoi au vice-ministre du Plan et de l'Investissement, Cao Viêt Sinh, l'accord sur le projet de réforme dans l'élaboration des plans, tant au niveau central que local, signé entre les 2 gouvernements.

La signature de l'accord illustre la volonté commune des gouvernements vietnamien et belge de renforcer leur coopération dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et dans l'optique du développement durable. Ledit projet a pour objectif d'améliorer les services publics via le renforcement des compétences des autorités dans l'élaboration des plans, le suivi et l'évaluation de l'application des politiques et la mise en oeuvre des programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté.

Avec ce projet, toutes les localités du pays, les organes et services du ressort central, ainsi que les universités et les centres d'apprentissage, pourront renforcer leurs compétences en matière d'élaboration de politiques et de plans.
Sur le plan financier, l'apport de la partie belge s'élève à 3.000.000 euros (70 milliards de dôngs). Tous les bailleurs de fonds intéressés sont invités à participer au projet en fournissant soit une assistance technique, soit une assistance financière. Ledit projet sera orchestré par le ministère du Plan et de l'Investissement et l'Agence belge de coopération sur la période 2008-2011.

Nguyên Viêt/CVN

Le Mois de l'Australie au Vietnam (23/01/2008)

L'ambassadeur d'Australie au Vietnam, Bill Tweddell, a annoncé, lors d'un point de presse le 22 janvier à Hanoi, la tenue prochaine du Mois de l'Australie au Vietnam, qui débutera officiellement le 26 janvier, jour de la Fête nationale de ce pays. Objectif : marquer les 35 ans de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques entre les 2 pays (26 février).

"En février 1973, le Vietnam et l'Australie ont établi leurs relations diplomatiques. L'événement a été marqué par l'ouverture d'un bureau de représentation du gouvernement australien à Hanoi, a rappelé l'ambassadeur australien. Depuis, la coopération entre les 2 pays s'est étendue à de nombreux domaines : éducation, agronomie, droit et défense".

Le Mois de l'Australie au Vietnam sera marqué par de nombreux échanges culturels et éducatifs. Lors de la Fête nationale de l'Australie, le 26 janvier, l'Australian Education International organisera dans la capitale vietnamienne une journée d'informations à l'intention des élèves et parents. À cette occasion, ces derniers pourront se renseigner sur les États australiens accueillant des étudiants étrangers, les modalités et opportunités d'études au pays des kangourous... Le même jour, une table ronde intitulée "Fête de découverte" sera organisée en présence des représentants de l'ambassade d'Australie à Hanoi et des étudiants vietnamiens formés en Australie. On dénombre actuellement 9.000 étudiants vietnamiens dans ce pays. L'an passé, 240 d'entre eux ont reçu des bourses d'études australiennes, d'une valeur totale de 260 milliards de dôngs.

Une exposition de photographies intitulée "Australie-Vietnam : hier et aujourd'hui" se tiendra du 26 février au 6 mars à Hanoi. Y seront présentés 45 clichés retraçant les événements les plus marquants dans les relations bilatérales au cours de ces 35 années. Une exposition similaire sera organisée à Hô Chi Minh-Ville.

La cérémonie de célébration de cet anniversaire se déroulera le 26 février à Hanoi, en présence de la soprano australienne Annalisa Kerrigan, accompagnée de l'Orchestre philharmonique du Vietnam.

Bill Tweddell a annoncé le 22 janvier le nom de la gagnante du concours de création de l'emblème du 35e anniversaire de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques Australie-Vietnam. Il s'agit de Nguyên Thi Anh Tuyêt, qui s'est vu remettre 10 millions de dôngs de prime par l'ambassadeur.

Hoàng Hoa/CVN

WEF de Davos : dialogue gouvernemental avec les hommes d'affaires (25/01/2008)

Le Vietnam poursuivra les réformes approfondies et la mise en œuvre des objectifs d'un développement accéléré, stable et durable pour devenir un nouveau pôle d'opportunités dans la région d'Asie-pacifique dynamique. C'est en ces termes que le vice-Premier ministre Hoàng Trung Hai s'est adressé le 24 janvier au milieu d'affaires internationaux à Davos (Suisse).

Lors de son dialogue avec une cinquantaine de grands industriels du monde, en marge du Forum économique mondial (WEF) à Davos (Suisse), le vice-Premier ministre a rassuré les investisseurs en leur disant : "Participer à l'économie vietnamienne vous ouvrira un marché potentiel de plus de 80 millions de consommateurs, un autre plus alléchant de 600 millions de l'ASEAN, voire des marchés de libre-échange ASEAN-Chine, ASEAN-Japon, ASEAN - Corée du Sud".

À cette occasion, Hoàng Trung Hai a réaffirmé la détermination du gouvernement vietnamien d'"améliorer davantage" l'environnement d'investissement à l'aide d'un train de mesures. Le Vietnam "respectera à la lettre" ses engagements vis-à-vis de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce, "perfectionnera les institutions" de l'économie de marché en faveur des hommes d'affaires et "instaurera un environnement juridique égalitaire et une concurrence saine" pour toutes les composante économiques nationales comme étrangères, a-t-il dit. Il a promis également de "lutter résolument" contre la corruption, d'"accélérer les réformes administratives", de "dialoguer" avec les milieux d'affaires et d'"être à leur écoute".

Les investisseurs étrangers qui font du business au Vietnam "feront partie de l'économie de notre pays", a déclaré le vice-Premier ministre Hoàng Trung Hai. Les réussites des hommes d'affaires étrangers sont "également les nôtres" et le gouvernement vietnamien a "le devoir de protéger leurs intérêts légitimes", a insisté M. Hai.

Thanh Tu/CVN

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Viet Nam takes part in World Economic Forum

VNECONOMY updated: 28/01/2008



ASEAN is considered as one of most dynamic regions in the world with bright prospect of emerging economies, said Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai at the plenary session of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on January 25.

The two WEF plenary sessions focused on “discovery of emerging markets” and “the East Asian community and the role of ASEAN”.

Participants were interested in prospective emerging economies in the near future, their contributions to the world economy and the impacts of the current economic mayhem on these countries’ economic development.

Deputy PM Hai said that dynamic economic centres have shifted from developed countries to emerging markets in Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Latin America .

The concurrent emergence of a number of major economies like China , India , Russia and Brazil make a certain adjustment to the global economic balance.

Participants shared with Viet Nam the same view that basic factors to promote economic development and ensure the long-term and sustainable development of a country, are political stability, a dynamic and appropriate population structure, the level of people’s knowledge and the quality of education and training as well as a humane development strategy.

According to Deputy PM Hoang Trung Hai, in order to gain success, Viet Nam has much to be done, including developing infrastructure, training high-quality human resources and speeding up the renovation of the business system and the State administrative apparatus.

Viet Nam is trying to tackle shortcomings and tap the country’s strengths to become a bright point in the region, said the Deputy PM.

Earlier, Deputy PM Hai met with WEF President Klaus Schwab. The Deputy PM extended his thanks to the organising board of the WEF in general and the President in particular for supporting activities of the Vietnamese delegation to the WEF.

Deputy PM Hai affirmed that Viet Nam is willing to cooperate with the WEF to successfully organise the East Asian WEF Meeting in 2009 as well as other activities of the WEF in the region and in Davos.

For his part, President Schwab spoke highly of the economic development of Viet Nam and encouraged the Southeast Asian country to actively take part in activities of WEF.

He expressed his deep sentiment to the land and people of Viet Nam and said he hoped to have an opportunity to come back the country.

Source: Vietnam Agency

Deputy PM pledges to improve business climate at Davos forum

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam will further improve its business environment for investors by strictly implementing WTO commitments and completing market economy mechanism.

Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai made the pledge during his dialogue with nearly 50 leaders of world leading businesses in Davos , Switzerland , on Jan. 24 within the framework of the 38th World Economic Forum (WEF).

Vietnam , he said, is determined to create a fair and equal legal environment for healthy competition for all economic sectors both inside and outside the country, strengthen the fight against corruption, speed up administrative reform, and hold regular meetings with entrepreneurs to timely adjust its policies.

“Once foreign entrepreneurs invest in Vietnam , they become an integral part of the Vietnamese economy. Their successes are also Vietnam ’s successes, so the Government of Vietnam is responsible for protecting legitimate interests of investors,” Deputy PM Hai stressed.

The official said within one year after Vietnamese PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s dialogue with more than 40 executives in Davos , Vietnam attracted up to 20.3 billion USD in foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2007, double the previous year’s figure.

In addition, a series of large-scaled projects are awaiting licences, signalling a new wave of FDI into the Southeast Asian country, he added.

He went on to say that coming to Vietnam, investors will be able to get access to a market with more than 80 million people and through which they can approach a larger market with over 600 million consumers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

More opportunities are in store with the establishment of free trade areas between ASEAN and China , Japan and the Republic of Korea in the future.

Representatives from the participating companies all spoke highly of Vietnam ’s rapid economic growth as well as its efforts to lure investment over the past years.

They expressed interest in Vietnam ’s plans to develop infrastructure facilities and skilled human resources in the near future.  

(Source: VNA)

Bài báo trên VietNamNet Bridge:
Xuất bản lúc: 17:51 25/01/2008

@ VietNamNet



Việt Nam có triển vọng rất tươi sáng

Hà Nội (TTXVN) - Phó Thủ tướng Hoàng Trung Hải, Trưởng phái đoàn Việt Nam tham dự Diễn đàn Kinh tế thế giới (WEF) 2008 tại Đavốt, Thuỵ Sỹ, cho biết tại Diễn đàn này, chủ đề về Việt Nam rất được chú ý, lãnh đạo nhiều tập đoàn trên thế giới cho rằng Việt Nam có triển vọng rất tươi sáng.

Tại WEF đoàn Việt Nam đã đối thoại với hơn 40 lãnh đạo các tập đoàn kinh tế thế giới và tiếp lãnh đạo một số tập đoàn như Prudential, Metro, Intel, Holcim, First Eastern Investment Group, Vina Capital, Manpower... để trao đổi về các dự định, kế hoạch làm ăn ở Việt Nam của họ. Ngoài ra, đoàn Việt Nam cũng đã có các cuộc gặp với Bộ trưởng Kinh tế Thụy Sỹ Doris Leauthard, Chủ tịch WEF-Giáo sư Klaus Schwab.

Theo Phó Thủ tướng, tất cả các chính khách, doanh nghiệp tại các buổi gặp gỡ đều đánh giá cao tương lai phát triển của Việt Nam, mong muốn hợp tác làm ăn với Việt Nam. Đồng thời, họ cũng rất quan tâm đến việc Chính phủ Việt Nam sẽ xử lý các vấn đề đang gặp phải trong quá trình phát triển, đặc biệt là xây dựng hạ tầng cơ sở, đào tạo và cung cấp nguồn nhân lực,...  nhất là trong bối cảnh làn sóng đầu tư nước ngoài đang đổ vào Việt Nam ngày càng mạnh.

Khi đánh giá về các nền kinh tế có triển vọng sẽ nổi lên trong những năm tới, ai cũng nhắc đến Việt Nam như là điều tất nhiên. Họ tỏ ra tin tưởng vào quyết tâm của Chính phủ Việt Nam giải quyết các vấn đề này. Nhiều doanh nghiệp bày tỏ mong muốn mở rộng đầu tư, tăng cường cam kết làm ăn lâu dài ở Việt Nam, Phó Thủ tướng cho biết.

Đánh giá về lợi thế cạnh tranh của Việt Nam, Phó Thủ tướng nêu rõ Việt Nam là một nền kinh tế phát triển năng động và ổn định hàng đầu khu vực trong nhiều năm qua và sẽ tiếp tục tăng trưởng khá trong những năm tới. Bên cạnh đó, Việt Nam có thị trường nội địa giàu tiềm năng với dân số hơn 80 triệu người và mức sống ngày càng được nâng cao; có lực lượng lao động trẻ, năng động, có trí tuệ. Môi trường chính sách của Việt Nam ngày càng thuận lợi và cởi mở đối với đầu tư nước ngoài; lãnh lãnh đạo Việt Nam có tầm nhìn và chính sách nhất quán của về con đường phát triển lâu dài của đất nước.

Phó Thủ tướng chỉ rõ những thách thức mà đất nước phải vượt qua trong thời gian tới như sức ép cạnh tranh ngày càng lớn khi Việt Nam đã là thành viên của WTO, đặc biệt là trong việc thu hút đầu tư nước ngoài. Một thách thức không nhỏ nữa là khả năng bị tụt hậu về trình độ khoa học công nghệ.

Tuy nhiên, Phó Thủ tướng tin tưởng rằng kinh tế Việt Nam sẽ tiếp tục phát triển nhanh, với tốc độ tăng GDP cao và bền vững, trên 8%/năm từ nay cho đến năm 2017 và Việt Nam sẽ trở thành một nước cơ bản công nghiệp hoá trong vòng 10 năm tới./.

    Copyright Vietnam News Agency 2004

Việt Nam đánh giá cao hỗ trợ của Thụy Sĩ
Đa vốt (TTXVN) - Phó Thủ tướng Hoàng Trung Hải đánh giá cao việc Thụy Sĩ tiếp tục duy trì Việt Nam trong danh sách các nước ưu tiên trong hợp tác phát triển.

Trong buổi tiếp Bộ trưởng Kinh tế Thụy Sĩ Doris Leauthard trong khuôn khổ Diễn đàn Kinh tế Thế giới Đavốt 2008, ngày 25/1 tại Thụy Sĩ, Phó Thủ tướng khẳng định các dự án hợp tác phát triển đã và đang phục vụ thiết thực công cuộc xóa đói, giảm nghèo tại các vùng khó khăn, đáp ứng nhu cầu thiết yếu của người dân Việt Nam cũng như cho quá trình hội nhập của Việt Nam vào kinh tế thế giới.

Phó Thủ tướng Hoàng Trung Hải đề nghị Thụy Sĩ tăng cường hợp tác song phương, đặc biệt trong các lĩnh vực mà Việt Nam đang có nhu cầu rất lớn trong quá trình hội nhập và với tư cách là thành viên Tổ chức Thương mại Thế giới (WTO) như ngân hàng, tài chính, cải thiện môi trường pháp lý trong lĩnh vực đầu tư, bảo vệ môi trường, phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng và đào tạo nguồn nhân lực chất lượng cao.

Phó Thủ tướng bày tỏ mong muốn hợp tác với Thụy Sĩ trong lĩnh vực thế mạnh của nước này là khai thác và quản lý du lịch, đồng thời đề nghị Chính phủ Thụy Sĩ khuyến khích các nhà đầu tư nước này vào thị trường Việt Nam, đặc biệt trong lĩnh vực ngân hàng, tài chính.

Bộ trưởng Leauthard khẳng định Thụy Sĩ mong muốn hợp tác với Việt Nam trong những lĩnh vực thế mạnh như giáo dục, du lịch, tài chính, ngân hàng, năng lượng và hàng không.

Bộ trưởng Kinh tế Thụy Sĩ cũng đề cập đến khả năng mở đường bay nối Thụy Sĩ với Việt Nam, tạo điều kiện  phát triển du lịch và trao đổi thương mại giữa hai nước. Bộ trưởng hy vọng chuyến thăm chính thức của Tổng thống Thụy Sĩ tới Việt Nam, dự kiến trong năm nay, sẽ góp phần đưa quan hệ song phương lên một tầm cao mới.

Hiện Thụy Sĩ có 42 dự án với tổng vốn đầu tư hơn 744 triệu USD tại Việt Nam, đứng thứ năm trong số các nước châu Âu đầu tư vào Việt Nam./.

    Copyright Vietnam News Agency 2004



VN tiếp tục tạo thuận lợi cho đầu tư nước ngoài

24/01/2008 -- 10:42 PM

Các đại biểu tham dự WEF trong phiên thảo luận bàn tròn.
Hà Nội (TTXVN)
- Ngày 24/1, trong khuôn khổ Diễn đàn Kinh tế Thế giới (WEF) lần thứ 38 tại Đavốt, Thụy Sĩ, Phó Thủ tướng Việt Nam Hoàng Trung Hải đã có buổi đối thoại trực tiếp với gần 50 nhà lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp hàng đầu thế giới.

Phó Thủ tướng Hoàng Trung Hải khẳng định Việt Nam sẽ tiếp tục những cải cách sâu rộng, thực hiện mục tiêu phát triển nhanh, ổn định và bền vững, trở thành một trung tâm mới cho các cơ hội ở khu vực châu Á-Thái Bình Dương năng động.

Phó Thủ tướng nhắc lại quyết tâm của Chính phủ Việt Nam cải thiện mạnh mẽ hơn nữa môi trường kinh doanh, tạo thuận lợi và bảo vệ quyền lợi các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài.

"Một khi các doanh nhân nước ngoài đến đầu tư, làm ăn ở Việt Nam, thì họ đã trở thành một bộ phận của nền kinh tế Việt Nam, thành công của họ cũng là thành công của Việt Nam, và do đó, Chính phủ Việt Nam có trách nhiệm bảo vệ các lợi ích chính đáng của các nhà đầu tư", Phó thủ tướng nhấn mạnh.

Cuộc đối thoại thu hút sự có mặt của đông đảo các lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp tham gia diễn đàn Đavốt, cho thấy sự quan tâm đặc biệt của cộng đồng doanh nghiệp quốc tế đối với Việt Nam, thành viên mới của Tổ chức Thương mại Thế giới (WTO).

Đại diện nhiều công ty nước ngoài bày tỏ sự quan tâm đến kế hoạch của Việt Nam trong quy hoạch, cải tạo, nâng cấp và phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng và đào tạo nhân lực./.

PM urges closer coordination with Fatherland Front

VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has applauded the Viet Nam Fatherland Front (VFF) for its close coordination of action with the Government in 2007 as a key factor to boost democracy.

Dung, who was flanked by his two deputies, Nguyen Sinh Hung and Truong Vinh Trong at a working session with the VFF Standing Committee on January 22, hailed its cooperation in launching patriotic movements, preparing for the recent general legislative elections, the policy-making process and solving public petitions and complaints.

“Such good-will efforts have contributed to promoting democracy, strengthening the national unity and fulfilling 2007 socio-economic targets,” emphasised the Government leader.

He also recognised the largest national mass organisation’s help to the Government’s success in implementing its tasks.

PM Dung called on the VFF Standing Committee to work out a practical programme of action for 2008, focusing on the role of intellectuals, both at home and abroad, in the national development as a measure to gearing the national unity to a larger dimension.

He also emphasised the importance of the public role in the fight against corruption as well as in the law-making process.

He assigned the Minister cum Director of the Governmental Office to keep contact with the VFF’s General Secretary to boost bilateral cooperation.

The Central Government and local administrations will extend regular support to the VFF in boosting a new cultural lifestyle in residential quarters and campaigning for the “Day for the Poor” movement, the Prime Minister explicated.

On the other hand, the VFF should help the Government in implementing national programmes, improving the petition settlement quality, and speeding up the law-making process, he concluded.

(Source: VNA)


Education sector announces top ten events in 2007


VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) announced its top ten events in 2007 at a press briefing in Hanoi on January 23.

The followings are the top ten events

1. The sector implemented the campaign “Say ‘No’ to negative phenomena in education and exams, which received positive response from teachers, students and their parents.

2. The campaign “Study and follow late President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example’ was carried out from the primary to tertiary levels with different activities and in different forms, such as launching the role-model movement for teaching and studying well, and telling stories about President Ho.

3. The education sector undertook many programmes to increase the quality of its educators and managers. One of those programmes was to train 20,000 PhDs from 2008 to 2020.

4. The MoET signed more than 150 cooperation agreements on personnel training with businesses, banks and universities.

5. It set a goal of increasing the efficiency of education and training activities and reducing the cost of modernising the education system to a lower level until 2020.

6. It formulated a new financial mechanism, including a school fee scheme, which was approved by the Prime Minister. Accordingly, poor students are permitted to access preferential bank loans to study at universities and vocational training centres. Since September 2007, more than 630,000 students have been provided with loans worth over VND2 trillion.

7. The MoET launched a programme to promote the diversity of education and training activities by encouraging all economic sectors and individuals to invest in education.

8. It issued documents regulating the management of the overtime teaching, and making clear the criteria for standard schools and teachers.

9. The MoET signed contracts with the Post and Telecommunications Group and the Vietnam Informatics Association to develop Internet services at schools, particularly those in far-flung areas.

10. It successfully organised international events, including the 48th International maths Olympiad and the ASEAN education forum, while expanding international cooperation with foreign countries.  

(Source: VOV)

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Xuất bản lúc: 04:35 25/01/2008

@ VietNamNet

State Agencies don’t get it, lose employees
12:56' 23/01/2008 (GMT+7)


Mr. Luong Van Ly

VietNamNet Bridge – Last year three Deputy Directors of State management agencies in HCM City and 20 experts from the HCM City Economics Institute resigned their posts. Many other HCM City State agency employees have also quit their jobs and a severe shortage of qualified and capable workers is hitting the Government hard.


State Bank loses employees


In early 2007, Luong Van Ly, Deputy Director of the HCM City Department of Planning and Investment, in charge of foreign investment, quit his job and opened his own company. Ly’s resignation stirred the public because this was the first time a high-level official had resigned their post.


Ly, 56, is recognized for his expertise and experience. He is an authority on international public law who graduated from a Swiss University. He is one of only a handful of HCM City leader fluent in two foreign languages, English and French.


Before being appointed Deputy Director of the HCM City Department of Planning and Investment, in charge of foreign investment, in 2001, he was Deputy Director of the HCM City Department of Foreign Affairs, with 24 years of experience.


Low income was the reason Ly’s resigned. “My salary was VND2 million, plus a VND500,000 allowance. This was not enough for my family, I don’t want to work two jobs at once,” Ly explained.


Two other officials were faced with the same predicament. Deputy Director of the HCM City Department of Tourism Le Nhut Tan and Deputy Director of the HCM City Trade Department also resigned.


The three deputy directors were just the beginning, after, two PhD holding Deputy Heads of divisions of the HCM City Department of Planning and Investment also quit. Many lower ranked qualified staffers followed suit and also left other state agencies in HCM City to seek new jobs and higher incomes.


Notably, at the HCM City Economics Institute, the think-tank and advisor to the local People’s Committee on economic development policies lost 20 experts last year.


At the HCM City Department of Transport and Public Works’, Urban Transport Control Division No. 1, up to 33 employees, including 27 experienced engineers resigned, mainly because of low income and high pressure.


Most of these people open their own companies or work for private or foreign companies.


Trinh Ngoc Bao, the first laureate of the Geology and Oil-gas Faculty of the HCM City University of Technology from 1996-2001, was kept by the university as a lecturer. After three months, he quit to work for the Japan-Vietnam Oil and Gas Company in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, earning $2,000 a month. Bao said, a young lecturer only earns just over VND1 million.


Give a little to get a little


Low pay, poor working environment and personnel policies at State agencies discourages high quality employees.


“I like this new working environment because I can bring into full play my expertise, though the pressure is higher. I don’t like just going to the office in the morning and returning in the afternoon,” said Thanh T, a former expert at the HCM City Economics Institute, who is now an expert for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).


Nguyen Ha Trang, honored for her work at the HCM City Transport University from 1997-2001, quit her job at a State-owned consulting company, she said: “The State sector, perhaps because it doesn’t suffer from competitive pressure, doesn’t pay attention to promoting and rewarding qualified individuals. Promotions are often based on working time, not qualifications.”


“At State agencies, strong relationships with senior officials are the key to promotion. I can’t live on such a low salary, so I quit,” Trang explained.


Vo Nhat Vinh, recognized for his work at the HCM City University of Technology and who holds a masters degree from the French National Mining University, turned down a job as a lecturer for the HCM City University of Technology to work for HCM City Open University, a private institution. He said young lecturers at public universities are paid very low.


Dr. Nguyen Minh Hoa, Director of the Urban and Community Research Center said HCM City’s policy on recruitment and use of talent is not good. Some State agencies only enroll people who have permanent residence status, while talent comes from everywhere. For some positions, for example head of faculty at universities, nominees must be a Communist Party member.


Pham Cuong

50 richest women in 2007
16:57' 25/01/2008 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet Bridge – The total assets held by the 50 richest women in 2007 reached VND22.6tril, double that of 2006.


50 richest women in Vietnam


As the stock market exploded in early 2007, the total assets of stock market millionaires have increased correspondingly.

Dang Ngoc Lan, wife of ACB Deputy Chairman Nguyen Duc Kien, has become the richest female stockholder of 2007, with total assets in shares worth VND1.7tril. Mrs. Lan’s assets, who is just a vessel for ownership, are much higher than the assets of many women managing businesses themselves. 


Mrs. Lan ranked ninth of the top 100 stock market millionaires in 2007, while her positions were 4th of 50 for females and 15th of the 100 overall, respectively.


As the stock market exploded in early 2007, the total assets of stock market millionaires have increased correspondingly. Among the 2,900 individuals listed in the prospectuses of 240 listing companies, female shareholders account for one third (930), who hold total capital of VND25.71tril.


The 50 richest women of 2007 hold total shares worth VND22.6tril (the 50 richest women of 2006 held VND10.6tril). In to eligible for the top 50 women, you need to have at least VND83bil in assets, while the level was VND24.7bil in 2006.


The ‘trillion VND club’ now has six female members, who hold VND7.9tril in shares. Meanwhile, in 2006, the club had only one female member, Chu Thi Binh, Deputy General Director of Minh Phu Seafood Company, who had VND1.14tril.


The list has many new additions.


Three female relatives of the owner of the Saigon Investment Group are among the top 50. Dang Thi Hoang Phuong jumped from 18th in 2006 to second in 2007. As for the top 100, she has also made a strong jump from 52nd to the 11th.


The richest woman in 2006, Deputy General Director of Minh Phu Seafood Company Chu Thi Binh, has fallen to 7th due to the sharp decreases in MPC shares in 2007. Mrs. Binh’s assets decreased from VND1.1tril in 2006 to VND925.7bil in 2007.


15 ladies said goodbye to the top 50 this year, while 26 other women are still among those listed but fell the rankings. Six of them, including Mrs. Binh saw an asset value decrease.


Among the 15 new faces, 13 are from five newly listed companies, including Hoa Phat, Vincom; Vinh Hoang, Cuu Long An Giang Seafood and Alphanam.


10 richest women in stock market 2007


Grades among top 50



Stock code

Total assets (VNDbil)



2007 (***)

2006 (**)

Dang Ngoc Lan – 100e of Nguyen Duc Kien, Deputy Chairman

Asia Commercial Bank





Dang Thi Hoang Phuong – Member of Management Boards, KBC, ITA, sister of Dang Thanh Tam






Nguyen Phuong Anh – daughter of Chairwoman Dang Thi Hoang Yen





Dang Thi Hoang Yen- Chairwoman






Truong Thi Le Khanh – Chairwoman, General Director

Vinh Hoan Co






Vu Thi Hien – wife of Tran Dinh Long, Chairman

Hoa Phat Group




Chu Thi Binh – Deputy General Director, wife of Le Van Quang

Minh Phu Seafood Processing Company





Vu Thi Nga – Founding Shareholder






Tran Dang Thu Thao – daughter of Tran Mong Hung, Chairman







Tran Thi Thu Diep – Founding shareholder

Hoa Phat Group





 (Source: VNE)


Celebrating 20 years of economic integration
22:55' 23/01/2008 (GMT+7)


The factory of Japanese Nidec group in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge – In the 20th year since implementing the Foreign Investment Law (1998), Vietnam saw record FDI of US$20.3 billion in 2007.


In the first three years (1998-2000), Vietnam welcomed 70 projects, which were directly licensed by the Ministry of Foreign Economics.


Hoang Van Thuan, Director of the Northern Investment Promotion Center under the Foreign Investment Agency, said in this period, the world didn’t know much about Vietnam. Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Heineken went through Thailand to reach Vietnam. In 1991, Thuan worked for two months with the Investment Cooperation Committee of the South Korean Private Economic Council. There he met the Director of Orion Daewoo Group, who expressed his wish to seek business opportunities in Vietnam, particularly HCM City. When Thuan introduced Hanoi, the Korean investor hesitated.


Thuan sent two letters to two top electronics companies in Hanoi at that time, Hanel and Dong Da, to recommend the Korean investors. One week later, the Director of Orion Daewoo told Thuan “Hanoi is very good. We will invest US$170 million,” and he invested in two electronics projects in Hanoi.


No red tape


In a meeting with foreign investors, Chairman of Japan’s Canon group told Tran Xuan Gia, the Minister of Planning and Investment at the time, that Canon wanted to invest in Vietnam because the political situation in Indonesia, where most of Canon’s factories are located, was unstable. But he wondered whether he could quickly process investment formalities, because at that time the licensing process took several years for big projects and 5-6 months for smaller ones.


Gia promised to license Canon’s $80 million project within ten days. Having no time to translate Canon’s documents into Vietnamese, Gia asked related agencies to consider the documents and send feedback to him within one day. Just five days after the meeting, the license was granted. Canon officials were very surprised. After that, Canon introduced 12 other investors to Vietnam.


Employers and Trade Unions


In the past, one of the reasons that foreign investors were concerned about entering Vietnam is the Trade Union and Party Cell. Thuan many times explained to investors that the Trade Union is the force that protects the interest of workers, but it supports employers in developing production and raising productivity to ensure the interests of both employers and employees.


Many investors initially kept a close eye on the activities of Trade Unions but soon after realized the positive aspects and financially assisted them with organizing off-duty activities for workers. Orion and Chinfon are typical examples.


As for Party Cells, foreign employers even sent flower baskets to their meetings.


Environmental lesson


Commenting on 20 years since implementing the Foreign Investment Law in Vietnam, former Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Xuan Gia said the principle of cooperation is mutual benefit, but sometimes Vietnam’s win is foreign investors’ loss, and vice versa.


The goal of Vietnam in attracting foreign investment is capital, technology and market and management experience. Besides economic benefits, investment cooperation has good impacts on bilateral political and diplomatic relations. However, Vietnam has suffered environmental losses. The country welcomed many foreign-invested projects without paying attention to the environment and only now is setting standards on safe technologies, scale, etc.


The Foreign Investment Law was issued in 1987 and took effect in 1988. However, the law was really effective in 1991. The law is the result of the 6th Party Congress’s Resolution, which initiated three big changes in the Vietnamese economy: transforming the planned, centralized, and subsidized economy into a market-based economy; transforming the State economy into a multi-sector economy, including private businesses; and opening the national economy to the outside world.


(Source: NLD)

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Vietnam’s goal is US$6bil FDI disbursement in 2008

VNECONOMY updated: 25/01/2008



Minister of Planning and Investment Vo Hong Phuc talks about notable aspects of foreign investment in 2007 and plans for 2008.

Why was registered FDI in 2007 over US$20.3 billion but only US$4 billion disbursed?

US$20.3 billion is committed capital only. After that investors need around 3 years to prepare for project implementation, site clearance, designs, etc. and at that time they inject the actual funds. It is similar in other countries and we don’t lose a dime of that registered capital.

There is another reason. Many investors registered their capital at the end of the year. I personally think that the gap between registered and disbursed capital is no problem.

However, this has been the situation for a long time and the gap between registered and disbursed capital is different each year, why?

Since Vietnam began attracting FDI, around 50% of the total committed capital of US$80 billion has been disbursed. That result is okay. However, we should take into account that some investors registered but then withdrew.

That’s their right. For example, investors registered to invest US$1 billion in a tourism project in Da Lat City several years ago but when they saw that the air route from Singapore to Da Lat had not opened, they backed out.

Investor commitments are not as strict as ODA commitments. Other countries never calculate their FDI based on committed FDI. This category is only used to evaluate investor interests, capital absorption and investment environment.

However, many are concerned about Vietnam’s lacking FDI absorption capability; they argue that investors are ready to realize their commitments but infrastructure and other conditions don’t meet their requirements. Is that the case?

That’s true. Many say that Vietnam must first develop its infrastructure facilities, land, human resources, etc. to welcome new waves of FDI into the country.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment will cooperate with provinces and cities to check projects, especially bigger ones, continue administrative reforms, work towards transparency of investment-related formalities and help investors solve their problems to quickly implement their projects.

The advantage of our workforce is we have numbers but only small minorities are trained and capable. Moreover, FDI projects are not equal dispersed throughout the country, but instead are concentrated in certain provinces and cities like HCM City, Dong Nai and Binh Duong, so the human resource shortage is particularly in these areas.

This year, the key mission will be distributing $6 billion of FDI, and policy makers are facing many challenges.

What is the specific mission of FDI attraction in 2008?

We have defined that disbursement will be the major mission of 2008. This year, the Ministry of Planning and Investment plans to draw US$15 billion of FDI, less than years before. We will center on selecting the best FDI projects for the country’s economic development.

At the same time, we will try to solve problems with solutions that better prepare our infrastructure for investors. The Government will organize special meetings to develop measures to speed up major infrastructure projects.

ODA donors also realized that to facilitate investors, they should focus their assistance into infrastructure development, especially bigger projects. For example, they pay special attention to infrastructure projects in Hanoi and HCM City, like the underground metro project.

Will FDI disbursement take precedence over other sources of capital?

The problem in 2007 was the slow disbursement of some kinds of capital, especially capital raised through Government bonds with high interest rates. The more time it takes to utilize this capital and make money back, the more waste the country suffers. I think we should only raise capital through Government bonds when we really need it.

Source: Thời báo Kinh tế Việt Nam



FDI a major part of economy: minister


Viet Nam attracted around $98 billion in FDI since 1988.

Welders at work on the Golden Lion petroleum project in southern Binh Thuan Province. Viet Nam has attracted 9,500 foreign-invested projects with a total registered capital of US$98 billion. — VNA/VNS Photo Ha Thai

HA NOI — Foreign-invested sector has constantly expanded, becoming an important part of the national economy and making active contributions to the national renewal process despite the many ups and downs over the past 20 years, affirmed Minister of Planning and Investment Vo Hong Phuc.

Addressing a conference held in Ha Noi yesterday to review foreign investment in Viet Nam over the last two decades, Minister Phuc said that the Foreign Investment Law issued in Viet Nam in 1987 laid the foundations for the formation and development of the country’s foreign-invested economic sector.

Since 1988, Viet Nam has attracted 9,500 foreign-invested projects with a combined registered capital of around US$98 billion.

After the country’s foreign investment decline following Asian financial crisis in 1997, the foreign investment flow to Viet Nam has recovered and increased in recent years.

Viet Nam lured $20.3 billion in foreign investment in 2007, an increase of 70 per cent against 2006 and approximately equal to the total foreign investment for the 5 years from 2001-2005. There are now 82 countries and territories that have made an investment in the country.

The foreign-invested sector has not only facilitated the economic restructuring in localities across the nation but also created many new industries and enhanced the development of other industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, steel and cement, and information technology.

"This economic sector’s industrial production and export value are currently making up 37 per cent and 55 per cent, respectively, of the country’s totals for those figures," the minister said.

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Truong Van Doan took the floor, pointing out shortcomings in attracting foreign investment, including slow disbursement rate, small investment amounts in the agro-forestry and fisheries sectors, and the limited supply of materials to foreign-invested businesses.

"Viet Nam needs around $140 billion for investment development during the 2006-2010 period, at least between $24-25 billion of which must come from foreign investment," he said.

A senior economist, Tran Dinh Thien, said FDI played an important part in the country to take full use of domestic resources. FDI has helped to spur the country economy by using capital, advanced technology and managerial skills. It was a bridge to make the country’s economic integration deeper and faster.

But despite remarkable results, FDI data revealed shortcomings needed to be improved so as to reach higher target, said Phan Huu Thang, general director of the Foreign Investment Agency.

Ex-vice chairman of the State Committee on Co-operation and Investment Nguyen Mai said the provincial authorities must concentrate on preparing for investment projects, including site clearance and compensation, electricity and water supply, transportation, telecommunication system, internet, human resources and the capacity to develop the spare parts industry, finance and banking, and insurance services. — VNS

L'IDE accompagne bien le Renouveau du pays

Après 20 ans, le secteur des entreprises à capital étranger occupe maintenant 16% du produit intérieur brut national. Il verse au budget d'État 1,5 milliard de dollars et crée 1,2 million d'emplois direct et des millions indirects.

Investissement étranger : le pays recense aujourd'hui 9.500 projets (25/01/2008)

La Loi sur l'investissement étranger a vu le jour il y a 20 ans. Amendée à plusieurs reprises, elle répond de plus en plus à la pratique internationale.

La Loi sur l'investissement étranger est l'une des premières lois économiques promulguées après le lancement du Dôi moi (Renouveau). Depuis son entrée en vigueur en 1987, elle a été amendée à 4 reprises, en faveur d'un couloir juridique complet qui favorise les projets d'investissement étranger au Vietnam. Grâce à quoi, "bien que le pays ne soit pas officiellement reconnu comme une économie de marché, il y a un afflux d'investissement étranger au Vietnam", estime Vo Hông Phuc, ministre du Plan et de l'Investissement (MPI).

Le perfectionnement de cette loi est une priorité du Parti et de l'État, qui considèrent les entreprises à capital étranger comme un facteur important du processus d'industrialisation et de modernisation du pays. Ce texte joue un "rôle de levier pour la croissance de l'investissement direct étranger (IDE)", selon Vo Hông Phuc.

Jusqu'à la fin 2007, environ 9.500 projets étrangers ont reçu la licence d'investissement, ce qui représente un fonds global de 98 milliards de dollars (en comptant la hausse des fonds de projets en activité). Le pays recense à l'heure actuelle 8.590 projets en vigueur, d'un fonds total enregistré de 83,1 milliards de dollars. Ce qui est notable, c'est que le volume des fonds enregistrés a tendance à augmenter depuis 2003. L'envergure des projets s'élargit aussi. Ainsi, le capital social moyen d'un projet est porté de 13 millions de dollars entre 1991 et 1995 à 14,8 millions sur la période 1996-2000, puis 15,2 millions entre 2001 et 2005.

Les investisseurs étrangers sont de plus en plus nombreux dans l'industrie lourde et le secteur tertiaire. Précisément, les secteurs de l'industrie et de la construction représentent 66,8% du nombre total de projets et 60,2% du fonds global. Celui des services prestataires occupe 22,2% en nombre et 34,4% en fonds. Les investisseurs qui choisissent la forme de coentreprise représentent 41,3% du total.

À ce jour, les entreprises de 82 pays et territoires ont investi au Vietnam. Les investisseurs asiatiques restent les plus nombreux (68%), suivis de ceux des pays européens (16,2%) et ceux d'Amérique (11%). Dix plus importants investisseurs étrangers : Corée du Sud, Singapour, Taïwan, Japon, Grande-Bretagne, Hongkong, Malaisie, États-Unis, Pays-Bas et France.

Les projets d'investissement étranger sont recensés dans toutes les 64 villes et provinces du pays, a déclaré le ministre Vo Hông Phuc. En l'espace de 20 ans, les provinces du Nord ont attiré 2.220 projets étrangers, d'un fonds total de 24 milliards de dollars, ce qui équivaut à 26% du nombre de projets et 19% des fonds inscrits. Hanoi arrive en tête, absorbant la moitié des projets et de l'IDE de la région, suivie de la ville de Hai Phong et des provinces de Hai Duong et Quang Ninh.

Les provinces du Sud totalisent 5.452 projets, avec un fonds réuni de 46,8 milliards de dollars, occupant ainsi 68% du nombre de projets et 56% des fonds inscrits. Le delta du Mékong obtient un résultat encore modeste : 3,6% des projets et 4,4% des fonds. Tandis que les potentialités des provinces du Centre ne sont pas bien exploitées.

Faiblesses et défis
Sur les 8.590 projets en vigueur, seule la moitié sont réalisés. Parallèlement, sur les 83,1 milliards de dollars inscrits, seuls 52,2% ont été décaissés. Ces chiffres dénotent une faible capacité d'absorption de l'IDE du pays.

"Le retard dans le développement des infrastructures entrave le déploiement des projets", explique le président de la Chambre de Commerce de l'Europe, Alain Cany. Selon des investisseurs étrangers, les axes urbains encombrés, le manque de ports en eau profonde et la capacité électrique trop faible sont les problèmes cruciaux à résoudre. De plus, la formation de main-d'œuvre qualifiée ne rattrape pas les besoins des entreprises. "On manque de techniciens professionnels et managers", déplore Paul Fairhead, président de la Chambre de Commerce d'Australie à Hanoi. Ainsi, plusieurs entreprises australiennes ont par défaut fait appel à une main-d'œuvre étrangère. Par ailleurs, nombre de Vietnamiens ne sont pas prêts, juste après leurs études universitaires, à intégrer le monde du travail. Par conséquent, ils doivent suivre une formation continue, notamment dans les secteurs de la haute technologie, des finances et de la banque. Ce qui implique des frais importants, souligne Paul Fairhead.

Enfin, les formalités administratives découragent certains investisseurs étrangers, même si la réforme administrative et l'application du "guichet unique" ont été largement appréciées. Des inquiétudes subsistent toutefois : attribution des licences de commerce, de travail et du certificat d'investissement, formalités fiscales et douanières, accès au parc foncier...

Nguyên Ngân Huong/CVN

Afflux d'investissements indirects étrangers

Les investissements indirects étrangers au Vietnam s'élevaient à 6 milliards de dollars l'an passé, soit le quadruple de 2006. Ce montant est pour l'essentiel destiné à la bourse, à l'immobilier et aux infrastructures.

Le Groupe de gestion de caisses d'investissement Indochina Capital a investi 400 millions de dollars au Vietnam, sur le total de 600 millions de dollars mobilisé par sa caisse Indochina Capital Vietnam Holdings Limited.

Ce groupe cherche des opportunités pour injecter 200 millions restants dans les entreprises exportatrices et dans le secteur tertiaire.

Ces derniers temps, Indochina Capital a racheté des actions, à titre de partenaire stratégique, à plusieurs entreprises domestiques. Il a dépensé 100 millions de dollars pour racheter 20% des actions de la Compagnie immobilière Hoàng Quân. Ce groupe a également décaissé 60 millions de dollars pour acquérir des actions d'une entreprise membre de Hoàng Quân, implantée dans le delta du Mékong.

"Indochina Capital s'intéresse aux entreprises qui sont dotées de bonnes expériences et prennent des parts importantes du marché", a fait savoir Thomas J. Ngô, directeur chargé de l'investissement du groupe. Concernant l'envergure de l'investissement, une somme moyenne de 15 millions de dollars est prévue pour chaque projet, la valeur minimale est de 5 millions et la valeur maximale, de 65 millions. "Notre groupe accorde une large attention au marché boursier et nos placements pourraient atteindre un milliard de dollars cette année", a déclaré Thomas J. Ngô. "Si le marché boursier absorbe la totalité de ce montant, une autre mobilisation de fonds sera immédiatement lancée", a-t-il ajouté.

Présente au Vietnam depuis plusieurs années, la caisse VinaCapital se concentre sur l'immobilier et la bourse. Elle gère aujourd'hui 4 caisses : Vietnam Opportunity Fund (VOF), VinaLand, Vietnam Infrastructure Limited et DJF Capital L.P. Dotée d'un fonds de 1,1 milliard de dollars, la caisse VOF se spécialise dans les secteurs des services financiers, de la grande distribution, de la production d'articles de consommation, du tourisme, de l'immobilier, des infrastructures et des technologies d'information. Elle a investi 900 millions de dollars dans ces secteurs, a fait savoir Don Lam, directeur général de VinaCapital. La moitié de cette somme est destinée à la bourse. Tous les 9 mois ou 12 mois, VOF lance une campagne de mobilisation de fonds.

Pour Mekong Capital, elle préfère investir dans les entreprises privées, à travers ses 3 caisses : Mekong Entreprise Fund I (avec 18,5 millions de dollars décaissés) ; Mekong Entreprise Fund II (50 millions) et Vietnam Aleza (mobilisation prévue de 100 millions).

L'immobilier et les infrastructures ont la cote
À la fin de novembre 2007, la caisse Blackhorse Enhanced Vietnam Inc (BEVI) a été créée au Vietnam par le groupe Blackhorse Asset Management Pte Ltd de Singapour. Dotée d'un fonds initial de 110 millions de dollars, elle est spécialisée dans la bourse, la construction d'hôtels et de buildings, la production d'articles ménagers. À l'heure actuelle, un quart de son fonds a été décaissé.

La caisse Dragon Capital gère 2 milliards de dollars de biens au Vietnam. Pour l'instant, elle mène pour l'essentiel des opérations dans la bourse. Elle est sur le point de créer des caisses spécialisées dans l'immobilier et les infrastructures. Début 2008, Indochina Capital inaugurerait 2 nouvelles caisses, spécialisées dans les 2 secteurs précités, d'un fonds total d'un milliard de dollars.

La caisse d'investissement dans les infrastructures d'Indochina Capital (Indochina Capital Land Holdings Fund 3), d'un fonds de 500 millions de dollars, accorde une priorité aux entreprises de développement des infrastructures, à celles opérant dans les études pour une utilisation énergique efficace...

Indochina Capital possède aujourd'hui 2 caisses d'investissement dans l'immobilier : Indochina Land Holdings et IndoChina Land Holdings Fund 2 qui ont injecté 500 millions de dollars au Vietnam. "Nous trouvons de larges opportunités pour Indochina Capital Land Holdings Fund 3 grâce à la croissance élevée de l'économie vietnamienne ces dernières années", a affirmé Peter Ryder, directeur exécutif d'Indochina Land.

De son côté, VinaCapital possède 2 caisses spécialisées dans l'immobilier (VinaLand, 680 millions de dollars) et les infrastructures (Vietnam Infrastructures Limited, 402 millions de dollars).

Ngân Huong/CVN

Comment le pays gère-t-il l'afflux d'investissements ? (25/01/2008)
Vo Hông Phuc, ministre du Plan et de l'Investissement, a accordé au quotidien Tuôi Tre (La jeunesse) un entretien sur l'absorption efficace des fonds d'investissements.
Selon lui, il existe 3 grands problèmes qui empêchent l'accueil des investissements. Premièrement, la surcharge des infrastructures. La circulation routière vers le port de Thi Vai (Hô Chi Minh-Ville), par exemple, est de plus en plus dense. Plusieurs ouvrages comme route 51, route Hô Chi Minh-Ville-Biên Hoà et pont de Dông Nai ont besoin actuellement de réfection. Deuxièmement, les ressources humaines ne répondent pas encore aux exigences des investisseurs, notamment dans les secteurs de hautes technologies. Troisièmement, les formalités administratives encore compliquées.

Monsieur le ministre, y a-t-il eu des erreurs dans le plan d'investissements des localités ?
Les provinces et villes ont des régulations actives et synchrones en la matière. Dans la mégapole du Sud, les brasseries nécessitant un grand nombre de travailleurs ont été délocalisées dans le district suburbain de Cu Chi. Le choix d'implantation devient nécessaire pour économiser les frais et avoir les conditions les plus favorables. Un projet intra-muros engloutira de gros frais pour location de terrains, de locaux et main-d'œuvre. Les localités et les investisseurs ont fait de nets changements dans ce domaine. Peu ou pas de projets de production et zones industrielles se situent à l'heure actuelle au cœur de la capitale. La zone Bac Thang Long-Nôi Bai proche de la ville accueille seulement les projets de hautes technologies.

Quelles mesures sur la spéculation foncière des investisseurs étrangers ?
Le ministère du Plan et de l'Investissement en coordination avec les organismes compétents et les localités mènent à bien l'évaluation et l'examen des projets d'investissements. Si ces derniers ne démarrent pas après 2 ans d'enregistrement, ils subiront des sanctions.

Pour cette année, comment faire pour éviter une "indigestion" de fonds d'investissements ?
En ce qui concerne les infrastructures, une série de projets sera mise en chantier dans l'ensemble du pays. On peut noter le pont de Nhât Tân à Hanoi à la direction de l'aéroport international de Nôi Bài, la réfection de la nationale 5, l'élargissement du port maritime de Nghi Son (province de Thanh Hoa, Nord), la construction de l'axe routière allant de Hai Phong à Kunming (Chine). Pour résoudre les problèmes de communications urbaines, le pays développera les moyens de transport public comme bus, métro et tramway.

Quelles sont les meilleures mesures pour gérer efficacement ces fonds ?
Le pays encourage la participation de toutes les composantes économiques en termes d'investissement dans les infrastructures. Un mécanisme d'accueil des fonds privés en la matière sera élaboré et pratiqué à titre d'essai dans la construction des autoroutes Ninh Binh-Thanh Hoa (Nord), Dâu Giây-Binh Thuân-Nha Trang (Centre). Sans oublier l'appel d'investissement pour la formation professionnelle. L'État aidera financièrement à l'apprentissage dans les régions éloignées.

Et votre avis sur la situation socio-économique du pays en 2008 ?
Pour ma part, je pense que le pays maintiendra une bonne croissance économique cette année. Le gouvernement est déterminé à atteindre une croissance de plus de 9% contre 8,5-9% selon les prévisions de l'Assemblée nationale. Sans omettre l'objectif de lutter contre la pauvreté et de réduire les écarts sociaux. Le niveau de vie des habitants s'améliorera nettement. Le taux de pauvreté chutera à 12%, contre 14,87% l'an dernier. Les charges et les assurances sociales sont de plus en plus utilisées. Le revenu moyen par habitant sera de 960 dollars par an. Croissance économique, réduction de la pauvreté et développement durable constituent 3 objectifs majeurs de notre pays.

Quê Anh/CVN

Bà Ria-Vung Tàu, coup de canon pour l'investissement
Dès le début de l'année, la province de Bà Ria-Vung Tàu (Sud) s'avère dynamique en matière d'investissement étranger. La sarl Good Choice USA-Vietnam ouvre le feu en mettant en route son projet intitulé Vung Tàu Wonderful World Theme Park, d'un coût de près de 1,3 milliard de dollars. Sur une superficie de 155 ha, seront construits un complexe d'hôtel 5 étoiles de 6.500 chambres et des sites de distraction. Comme d'autres investisseurs, Good Choice USA-Vietnam bénéficie de nombreux privilèges, notamment en termes de fiscalité d'entreprise. Second coup de feu, le groupe Hoa Sen et la compagnie par actions Gemadept qui viennent de signer leur accord de coopération. Objectif : construire le port maritime international Hoa Sen-Gemadept, au niveau du groupe portuaire de Cai Mep-Thi Vai. La sarl de construction et de développement de logements Vina Byzantine a reçu sa licence d'investissement pour un projet d'habitations d'une surface de 9.000 m². Sans oublier le projet d'élevage d'huîtres perlières sur 130 ha des eaux de Côn Dao par la sarl Galatea Vietnam. Cette année, la province de Bà Ria-Vung Tàu entend accorder une licence à 22 nouveaux projets étrangers, en espérant mobiliser plus de 2,8 milliards de dollars de capitaux.

Advertisement on CNN: Vietnam should learn the lesson

VietNamNet Bridge – Commenting about the 30-second video clip broadcasted on the US CNN channel, Patrick Gaveau, Marketing Director of Focus Asia, a travel firm, said that the message of the clip cannot go to where it needs to go.


Shooting at Ha Long Bay
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has listed the advertisement about Vietnam’s tourism on CNN channel as one of the most 10 outstanding events of Vietnam’s tourism industry in 2007. However, travel firms seem to disagree with that viewpoint. 


In fact, Vietnamese tourism officials have every reason to feel happy when the 30-second clip about Vietnam’s tourism can be broadcasted on such a popular channel in the world. They had to work hard in the last four years to prepare for the event.


Travel firms could not believe that the Government would spend nearly $275,000 on advertising for Vietnam’s tourism.


“It was the right time for Vietnam to introduce its tourism to the world. The advertisements will help engrave the word ‘Vietnam’ in the minds of foreign tourists,” said Nguyen Huyen, Deputy General Director of Saigontourism.


The clip provides the typical images of the land, people and culture of Vietnam. Ha Long Bay, Hue city, Da Nang city, Hanoi and HCM City, and many other landscapes are introduced to the world.


When asked why the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) decided to advertise on CNN, not any other channels, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh said: “CNN is the most popular television channel in the world so the advertising impacts will be stronger. Firstly we advertise Vietnam tourism on CNN and then others”.


However, other travel firms do not think that the advertisement on CNN would bring the expected effects. They said that VNAT should have made a thorough survey to find out where it should place advertisements.


Vietnam wants to introduce Vietnam’s tourism to the Asian market. However, Vietnam’s potential clients in South Korea, Japan and China do not watch the English-speaking channel when they look for the information on regional tourism.


Meanwhile, European tourists do not think of accessing the information about Vietnam’s tourism in English in CNN for Asia.


Mr Gaveau from Focus Asia said that the advertisement programme cannot reach the targeted goal, adding that it is very good to advertise on an international channel like CNN, but it is too expensive when Vietnam has little money.


Noel Irwin Hentschel, Chairwoman of the US-based AmericanTours International LLC also shares the same view with Mr Gaveau. She said that she heard about the advertisement programme, but she could not see in the US.


Advertising in the US proves to be very costly, therefore, Vietnam should understand well who is the target client to decide where to place advertisements.


Mr Gaveau said that his company and many other companies can contribute money and give suggestions about the content of advertisements, but VNAT has never consulted with the companies. He said that tourism promotion is the worst problem of Vietnam, not because of money, but because of the lack of the vision and strategy.


Than Hai Thanh, General Director of Ben Thanh Tourist, also said that his company can contribute money to the tourism promotion. However, it will do this only when it can see the benefit the promotion programmes can bring to it.


(Source: TBKTSG)

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Xuất bản lúc: 12:39 22/01/2008

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